There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2308: You didn't look away

Lin Nan and his party stayed by a lake, lined with willow trees, and they walked slowly on a quiet path, just like the monks in front or behind who came here to relax, as if there was nothing. the difference.

Looking at the front slowly walking, you can see from the expression that the middle-aged beautiful woman is not in a very good mood. Lin Nan understands that this beautiful woman is the holy lord of Wansheng Holy Land, closely following the beautiful woman. The Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong also confirmed Lin Nan's idea.

The Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land did not bring anyone else, behind her was only a Qianshan Immortal Sect Sect Master who was no longer guilty and looked like everything.

"You killed my little disciple who entered the sky, and refused the invitation of the Holy Master of Canglong Holy Land?"

Arriving nearby, after stopping, just glance at it, the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land has already seen that Lin Nan is the leader of the group.

Without the slightest politeness, Mei's eyes narrowed slightly, and after looking at Lin Nan's eyes, the beautiful woman spoke lightly.

"If I said, if you leave, I will not anger at Wansheng Holy Land. I just need to kill the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong behind you, and then leave. I can even give you a good magic weapon. I wonder if you will Believe?"

Lin Nan smiled, did not answer the question of the beautiful woman, but asked with a smile.

"It seems that you are not simple, and you are indeed as good as the Sect Master Qianshan Xianzong said. If I don't use the treasure of Zhenzong, it seems that I can't help you."

The beautiful woman pondered for a moment. Now her attitude towards Lin Nan has changed. It only takes a few seconds to outsiders. No matter who comes, she feels that she has changed her attitude in such a short period of time. , There is no doubt that the beautiful woman is an extremely fickle person.

But the beautiful woman is not an ordinary monk, but an immortal saint supreme, and is an extremely special existence in the immortal saint peak level, even if she does not use that ancestral tool, she can also suppress or kill other immortals The existence of the Saint Pinnacle level is why she was able to become the Saint Lord of the Wansheng Holy Land, and no one can replace her for endless years, because her talent is indeed high, which is rare in ancient times.

If it weren’t for a stunning talent like the Sacred Lord of the Blue Dragon Holy Land, in the surrounding stars, the most amazing and stunning existence in ancient times must be her, and it can only be her. This should be why she is so tolerant. The reason for the Saint Lord of Canglong Holy Land, even if there is a big contradiction between the holy land controlled by the two sides, there is a feeling of sympathy that only genius can appreciate genius.

"Holy Lord... this servant is simply knowing how to live and die, dare to threaten the Holy Lord, and to say that Wansheng Sheng is so unworthy, it is really a wicked barrier who knows nothing about life and death. I implore the Lord to take action and kill this wicked barrier. !"

Hearing Lin Nan’s dialogue with the American woman, the Sect Master Qianshan Immortal suddenly panicked, because from the dialogue between the two, especially the tone change of the two sentences before and after the beautiful woman, he felt that he really seemed to have something. May be thrown out, let Lin Nan kill the possibility, so he panicked, and he couldn't help but not panic.

After all, the reason why he came to the Wansheng Star Territory was to seek refuge in the Wansheng Holy Land. Now the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land seems to have to make peace with his opponents. That’s why his mother’s big business is not good. Maybe the two sides have not yet played against each other, and they have already been sacrificed. If this is the case, then they really are digging holes and burying themselves!

"A fairy saint late stage, who can be regarded as a genius in front of him, dares to give orders to a half-step Saint Ancestral Realm, who is truly regarded as the child of heaven. It is really a long time to see."

Lan Qin looked at the beautiful woman and the Sect Master Qianshan with interest. For her quasi-emperor's later existence, everything about the beautiful woman had nowhere to hide in front of her. As long as she was willing, she was completely Can know everything about the beautiful woman, even if the beautiful woman can already forget the things, she can also know clearly.

"Ah you are……"

Hearing Lan Qin's words, the Sect Master Qianshan Immortal Sect hadn't reacted yet, and the beautiful woman was stunned and looked at Lan Qin in a daze.

At this moment, she felt that she had just looked away, and the leader among the people in front of her might not be Lin Nan, but Lan Qin, who spoke now and pointed out her true realm.

This discovery surprised her. At the same time, she was also very puzzled. How did Lan Qin see her realm clearly?

Even if Lan Qin was the same as her, he was at the same half-step Saint Ancestral level, there was no reason to be able to see her true level clearly!

But soon, the beautiful woman was relieved. When she went to the banquet when the current Lord of Canglong Holy Land took the throne more than a million years ago, she also directly saw that the Lord of Canglong Holy Land had already entered After half a step in the Saint Ancestral Realm, although I didn't directly see the opponent's realm, as long as I couldn't see the opponent's realm at all, I could conclude that the opponent was in the same realm as my own.

But now, Lan Qin in front of her should have guessed her realm in this way, not to mention that she is the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land, even if she has not reached the half-step Saint Ancestral realm, as long as her cultivation is not too low, her status will not be too low. Low, the existence of the same experience is not low, you can infer her current realm through her deeds.

"Don’t think about it, I'm really just a follower of my Patriarch, and my Patriarch is indeed our leader. You didn’t look away just now. As for the major injuries on your body, I can heal them, but... Lord If I didn’t say anything, I didn’t dare to treat you. In fact,...I didn’t bother to treat you.

Seeing the beautiful woman's reaction, Lan Qin spoke again.

"Lan Qin is good or bad!"

She was flashing a pair of Shui Ling's big eyes, watching Ling'er of the beautiful woman. After hearing these two words spoken by Lan Qin one after another, she couldn't help but sigh, shaking her little head to say such a thing.

Lin Momo, who was also watching the beautiful woman with some curiosity on the side, heard the words of Ling'er, and she rarely agreed with her little head.

On the other side, the Holy Master of Wansheng Holy Land, that is, the beautiful woman, was completely stunned now.

She originally thought that even if Lin Nan and his party were very powerful, she could completely suppress it. After meeting, she also felt that as long as the low-grade ancestor weapon was dispatched, Lin Nan and the others could be easily solved.

But now... she found out that she was wrong, and it was extremely wrong!

Those with high cultivation base, high status, and high experience can indeed infer that she is a half-step holy ancestor realm.

But... in any case, no one would know that she was seriously injured!

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