There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2334: Taiyue Xianzong Genius

Linger couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

In the eyes of the little girl, in the Feixian City Competition held in the Heavenly Fire Holy Land, she was able to win the first prize. After all, there are only three Immortal Sage Supremes in the entire Feixian City. It is impossible for Xiansheng Zhizun to participate, so she will never lose.

But the little girl soon stopped smiling, and looked at Lin Momo aside with some guilty conscience. Seeing that Lin Momo ignored her and was still looking at the arrogances not far away, she breathed a sigh of relief. If Momo doesn't deal with her, then she is absolutely invincible in the competition.

"Bai Qing, if you can recover from your injury tomorrow, you might as well compare it."

Seeing the little girl smile, Jin Fengyue's smile became brighter, and she looked at Bai Qing and said.

Although she said that it was the Grand Competition held by the Heavenly Fire Holy Land, in fact, this is not just a matter for the Heavenly Fire Holy Land family, but for the entire Feixian City. It is held every five thousand years, and the three holy places take turns to host it. Yes, it's just this year's turn to host the Heavenly Fire Holy Land.

Da Bi’s rewards are very generous, and Da Bi is all cultivators of the same realm and level. As long as you get the top ten in the same level, you can get a lot of rewards.

Of course, it’s not that simple if you want to win the top prize. You must win a cross-border or cross-level challenge to win the top prize. The top ten rewards of all levels are added together. It is completely incomparable.

Jin Fengyue did not know the specific realm of the little sisters, but she was sure that the little sisters must not be opponents in the later stage of the fairy state. The monks in the later stage of the fairy state, as long as they don't fight all the way until they defeat the existence of the later stage of the fairy state. , It was impossible to win the first prize. This was also why Jin Fengyue dared to allow Ling'er to take the little sisters to the forbidden area once they won the first prize. After all, the little sisters could never win the first prize.

Of course, if the little sisters really won the first prize, then even if they took the little sisters to the forbidden land of the Heavenly Fire Holy Land, the strong men of the sect would not say anything. In short, there is no loss for Jin Fengyue. After all, she couldn't win the first prize in her current realm, and no matter whether the little sisters could win the first prize, there was no loss to her.

"it is good."

Bai Qing nodded.

Bai Qing knows the rules of the competition hosted by the Heavenly Fire Holy Land. Although this world competition has collided with the sect of Taiyue Immortal Sect, the geniuses of Taiyue Immortal Sect will still make time to participate in this competition. Yes, she also participated in a flying fairy competition five thousand years ago, so she knew the rules very well, so after seeing Ling'er smile so brilliantly, she couldn't bear it, but she didn't tell Ling'er.

She felt that she seemed a little bit nasty, and she wanted to see Ling'er's depressed appearance after encountering setbacks in the Grand Competition, but she felt that this mood should be understandable, after all, the methods revealed by the little sisters were too rebellious. God, she didn't think she could beat the little sisters.

Seeing a true genius who is deflated should be something that everyone is looking forward to. Bai Qing, who is a genius who is a genius, has this kind of deflation after seeing someone more genius than himself. The mind is justified.

"It's so boring, let's go back."

After staying for about half an hour, Ling'er finally felt completely boring. After all, the geniuses in Fei Xiancheng didn't make any hilarious things, they were just talking to each other to increase their feelings. I didn't care about things very much, and felt so boring, so I completely lost the mind to continue.


Taiyue Immortal Sect, on the Unknown Peak, Lin Nan and Liu Liu Ruqing were sitting in a pavilion halfway up the mountain, looking at the scenery below the mountain and the distant peaks, they were in a very good mood.

"It's been a long time since I calmed down to take a good look at the scenery in this world. Now that I suddenly calm down and take a good look, it feels like a world away."

Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

Lin Nan, who was sitting aside making tea, did not speak, but just nodded slightly.

Liu Ruqing was unable to calm down and watch the scenery of the world because of frequent migration, while Lin Nan had no feeling for stopping the scenery because of standing too high.

But there is no doubt that for Lin Nan, as long as he can look at Liu Ruqing quietly, he has already seen the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Just when Lin Nan poured two cups of tea and handed one of them to Liu Ruqing, a man walked down the mountain. It was a man in a blue shirt. He seemed to be in a bad mood and he was full of murderous aura.

"Who are you? Why are you on this nameless peak?"

After seeing Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, the man came to the outside of the pavilion in an instant, staring at Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing for an instant, with a cold expression on his face and a cold tone.

"Bai Qing invited us, are you here for anything?"

Lin Nan took a sip of tea and savored it carefully before he looked at the green shirt man and said.

"I'll find Bai Qing to settle the account."

The green shirt man still said coldly.

"Since you can walk here safe and sound, you are also a cultivator of the Taiyue Immortal Sect. What kind of hatred do you have with Bai Qing that makes your heart so heavy? You might as well let me hear it, if I can't solve it for you, It also prevents you from hurting your friendship with Bai Qing."

Lin Nan looked at the man in the green shirt, and then said that the temperature became milder.

After all, he was here as a guest. If it weren't really impossible, he didn't want to cause anything here, and Bai Qing was a good person. If he could solve a problem for her, it would be a good thing.

"Huh, what are you? Don't say you are such a **** from nowhere. Even if Bai Qing's master comes, I will understand with Bai Qing today."

The green shirt man snorted coldly, and then ignored Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, and wanted to walk up the mountain.

"Bai Qing has gone out."

Lin Nan said lightly.

The green shirt man ignored Lin Nan. For him, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were just monks in the early days of the Immortal King Realm. He could easily kill these two unknown pawns with just one small trick. After all, he was The power of a mid-level fairyland is far beyond the reach of two young cultivators in the early-level fairyland.

He is indeed extremely angry now. As the Taiyue Immortal Sect and a mid-term existence of the Immortal Venerable Realm, he was severely injured by Bai Qing last month. Now he has finally managed to recover and he has a newfound knowledge of kendo. Naturally, he wanted to find his face back, so that the entire Taiyue Immortal Sect cultivator knew that he was still the undefeated genius!

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