There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2335: Thank you... Senior!

Seeing that the man in the green shirt ignored him and walked straight up the mountain, Lin Nan also lost patience. He waved his hand and arrested the man in the green shirt.

The cultivation base of the middle stage of the fairyland is indeed very good. After all, there are not too many strong people in this flying fairy city. The strongest is only the existence of the early stage of the fairy sage, although there are some half-step fairy sage levels. The existence of, but those who existed in Feixian City are already older generations, they can't be easily shot, so the cultivation base of the middle stage of Xianzun realm is indeed a master.

What's more, this green shirt man is still a genius-level character. Although he cannot be compared with Bai Qing, he is not comparable to ordinary monks anyway.

However, in any case, he is only the power of the Immortal Venerable Realm. Compared with Lin Nan, the fourth-class emperor, he is weak to the extreme after all. Now Lin Nan is just a movement of his heart, and he has already turned the unbelievable youth. The man in shirt easily detained in front of the pavilion.

"You...who are you? How dare you...make a shot at me!"

Realizing that he was detained back to the pavilion, the man in the blue shirt could not help but stunned, because he did not notice the slightest. After being detained in front of the pavilion, he walked two steps before realizing that he was detained. This made him suddenly Then I understood that Lin Nan was not a monk in the early stage of the fairy king realm, it was definitely a very powerful existence, the kind of horrible existence that could kill him with a few fingers!

At this moment, the man in the green shirt was in a state of confusion. Although he was extremely arrogant before, he had to settle the account with Bai Qing even if Bai Qing’s master came, but if Bai Qing’s master really When he came, he definitely did not dare to be presumptuous, and now Lin Nan seemed to be at the level of Bai Qing’s master, and this immediately gave him an unspeakable sense of panic, and in a faint feeling that he seemed to have already Falling into a desperate situation, he may die at any time.

"I just said that Bai Qing has already gone out and is not on the mountain. Do you not hear it or think you are invincible?"

Lin Nan asked calmly.


The man in the green shirt looked at Lin Nan, he wanted to say something, he had a lot to say, but when the words came to his lips, he realized that he couldn't say anything anymore.

He didn’t know Lin Nan, and he knew that there was absolutely no Supreme Elder like Lin Nan in the sect. In addition to the Sect Master and those Supreme Elders, the most powerful of the Taiyue Xianzong was the Supreme Elder, but the Supreme Elder should not have Lin. Nan's strength, not to mention that he has seen the Great Elder many times.

It was precisely because of this that he understood that Lin Nan was not a strong man in the sect, but Bai Qing invited to be a guest in the sect after getting acquainted with him outside.

Although he is arrogant, he knows that outsiders will never really take his genius seriously. If Lin Nan is really offended, then he will definitely be killed here, even if the sect will ask him for an explanation, but By that time, everything had nothing to do with him, after all, he was already a dead person.

A disciple who did not die for the benefit of the sect, and was killed by a strong outsider in the sect. This kind of thing has never happened before, at least in the Taiyue Immortal Sect. He knew very well that if he really died in Lin Nan's hands, he would definitely become the negative teaching material when Taiyue Xianzong warned his disciples.

Thinking of this, he was so arrogant that he immediately struck a spirit. He had a good face, so he would never allow this to happen.

But unfortunately, he didn’t know how to explain to Lin Nan, nor how to make Lin Nan dissatisfied with him. After all, he was an arrogant genius. He had never thought about how to deal with others. I have never delved into flattering skills when dealing with it.

"Now I will give you two paths, either leave or die."

Seeing the appearance of the man in the green shirt hesitating to say something, Lin Nan felt that the other party should know that he was great, so he spoke lightly again.

"Thanks... Senior!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, the man in the green shirt was stunned for a while, but when he saw Lin Nan he seemed to have gradually become dissatisfied, and when he bowed to Lin Nan and thanked him, he quickly walked down the mountain.

He couldn't help taking a fluke in his heart. Fortunately, the existence he met was not the kind of guy who would be repaid. If he didn't use the few words he said before, he would definitely die here.

"The man has gone."

After the Qingshan secretly left his sight, Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan who was still standing in place and said.

Lin Nan nodded slightly, sat back on the stone bench, picked up the teacup and continued tasting tea with Liu Ruqing, as if nothing had happened before.

The words of the man in the green shirt were a bit ugly, but this was after all the sect where the three Bai Qing belonged. Their family is now a guest among the Taiyue Immortal Sect. After all, it is not easy to kill the Taiyue Immortal Sect disciples. Otherwise, Lin Nan would have slapped the man in the green shirt to death just by saying, "What are you?"


In the palace where the Sect Master Taiyue Immortal Sect is, the Great Elder is talking with the Sect Master and several Supreme Elders.

"Huh, those little things..."

The elder didn’t want to talk anymore, because he really had nothing to say now. Before, he was still talking about the little sisters spending money randomly. Although they were not disciples of Taiyue Immortal Sect, anyway, since they came to Taiyue Immortal Sect as a guest, they These old guys still need to teach the two little girls.

But he had just received a subpoena. Half an hour ago, those two little girls had already packed almost everything in his shop and dropped 14 Dao Jing directly. This damn...too His mother is rich!

"What? Fourteen Dao Jing? This... how is this possible?!"

"Hi... Junior Brother, you have to figure it out. Since our Taiyue Immortal Sect opened endless years, we have only accumulated seven Dao Crystals. The rest of the Immortal Sects are only three or four yuan good, and the poor ones are even all. No, now the two little girls actually took out fourteen Dao Jing, which...I don't think it can be trusted!"

"Yeah, what is Dao Jing? That is the treasure that can make people understand the Dao. Why do we have more half-step immortal sages of Taiyue Immortal Sect than other immortal sages? Isn't it because our Dao Jing is better than them Are there many? Fourteen Dao Crystals’s crazy to think about it. As far as I know, even if it’s the Heavenly Fire Holy Land, there are only eleven Dao Crystals!"

After listening to the great elder talked about the specific situation, all the powerful Taiyue Immortal Sect experts were dumbfounded, and it took a while before they gradually recovered.

They are not unwilling to believe it, they can't believe it at all, after all, they know how precious Dao Jing is!

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