There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2337: I really want to slap you

Hearing Lin Momo's words, Bai Qing couldn't help but stunned.

"Can Senior Lin really heal Senior Sister's injury?"

Wang Ming and Liangxiu asked excitedly after hearing Lin Momo's words.

"That's natural. There are no things in this world that my father can't solve. If there are, let alone your masters, even if the spirit of heaven comes, my father is invincible."

This time, it was not Lin Momo who responded, but Ling'er with a small and arrogant face.

Bai Qing couldn’t help laughing when she heard this. As expected, her father is always the strongest in the heart of the child. She understands this. After all, she often feels that her master is the strongest, even if she understands that the master is only None of this Feixian City is the strongest.

But there is no doubt that Lin Nan must be stronger than the master if he can teach the little sisters to be such a little girl who is against the sky. It should be a real fairy sage supreme, and not an ordinary fairy sage supreme, so he heals himself. The injury should be no problem.

Wang Ming and Liangxiu were already so happy that they couldn’t speak. The two brothers and sisters were just giggling. Bai Qing was injured to protect them, and if they hadn’t had to follow Bai Qing into the mountains, neither These things will happen, and because of this, they are naturally extremely happy after learning that Lin Nan can heal Bai Qing's injury.

"Bai girl, you are here, it really made me easy to find Master Uncle!"

Just as the group was about to arrive at Taiyue City, the Great Elder of Taiyue Xianzong was in a hurry and ran over with excitement.

He had just returned to the shop to check, and he had confirmed that the fourteen Daojing pieces were genuine. This sudden surprise made him want to beat the drums and gongs to tell everyone the news, but he finally resisted it.

No, I took out more than one million immortal crystals to reward those sect disciples who were in the shop at the time, and told them not to talk about this matter, so they ran out in a hurry to find the little sisters and others, and they just came out. Taiyuecheng saw the little sister and others.

"Old man, what's the matter with you? How come you feel more excited than the young man who married his sweetheart?"

The great elder stopped before, and Linger looked at the great elder suspiciously and asked.

"I... you two little things just dropped 14 Dao Jing and left, can you keep the old man from getting excited?"

Hearing Ling'er's words, the elder couldn't help being stunned. At this moment, he was very curious about what the giant whale was in the little girl's head, but soon he calmed down and said to Ling'er with a smile.

"Look at what you are like, you are still the elder of the Taiyue Immortal Sect, it really makes me feel that Taiyue Immortal Sect is extremely poor."

Linger said with a smile.

She is not running against the elder. Although the little girl has a sharp mouth, she still has a good impression of the elder. After all, the little old man in front of her, after persuading her and her sister to no avail, directly puts on the sentence, "choose whatever you want." "No need to pay" and then left the shop. It was the first time she saw such a good old man.

"You little thing, don't want to make fun of my old man, the old man wants to ask you, if your parents know that your little sisters have given so many crystals to others, would you be upset?"

The great elder directly ignored Ling'er's words, because he had already discovered that if he continued, this obviously restless little girl would definitely go on with him endlessly.

"My mother might dislike my sister and me for spending money indiscriminately, but my father will only look helplessly at me and my sister, so that he won't be upset. Besides, my sister and I didn't give it to you for nothing, not from your shop. Is it a treasure and magic weapon worth 13 billion immortal crystals?"

Hearing the words of the great elder, Ling'er said nonchalantly. When she talked about it, she couldn't help but look at the great elder with her little head tilted.

After all, she and her sister were shopping in the store before, and they didn't give it away for no reason. How could it be that they gave 14 fairy crystals to the old man's mouth for nothing?

"This... After you are sure that your mother is angry, your father won't ask us to settle the account?"

The more the elder listened to Yueshi, he was frightened. Although he had not seen the parents of the little sisters yet, the existence of so many fairy crystals and Dao Jing for the two children was definitely not something they could provoke, so He completely ignored Ling'er's foolish eyes and confirmed it again.

After all, although one billion immortal crystals can be exchanged for a Dao crystal in the world, no one will believe that. If someone really believes it, it will only be believed by those little monks who don’t know the role of Dao crystal. It’s no exaggeration. It is said that if someone sells Dao Jing publicly, let alone one billion immortal crystals buying one Dao Jing, that is, 10 billion immortal crystals buying one Dao Jing, they will do everything possible to buy as many as possible.

In the face of this kind of treasure, he really didn't dare to keep a fluke, otherwise he wouldn't know how the sect was destroyed!

"Hey, I said, are you annoying old man? I said that it is an exchange bargaining chip to buy things in your shop. Why are you asking here? I really want to slap you."

Linger, who had a temperament, was a little irritable. After being asked the same thing over and over again, she suddenly became unhappy, frowning Xiaoxiu's eyebrows and said displeased.

"Okay, okay, don't ask, don't ask, the old man disappeared in front of the little fairy."

Seeing that Ling'er was already angry, Lin Momo's expression on the side was not very good, the elder stopped immediately, and at the same time he had already seen that the little sisters really didn't take the fourteen Dao Jing seriously, and they had already arrived. At this level, if the parents of the little sisters find it, they will have something to say.

Now, it’s not too late to use the fourteen Dao Jing until it’s confirmed that the little sisters’ parents already know about it and don’t plan to take it back. After all, the little sisters’ parents are in the sect. It's easy if you want to meet, and you don't need to wait too long, at this point they can still afford to wait.

Seeing the disgusted elder leave with a smile, Bai Qing, Wang Ming, and Liangxiu looked at each other, but they were not angry. They did not feel that Ling'er offended his uncle. After all, none of his uncles was angry. , And still happily, these three younger generations of them naturally have no reason to find a little girl to settle accounts.

"Wang Ming, don't learn from that old man in the future. Just ask the same thing twice at most. It's really annoying to ask too many questions."

Ling'er turned around and watched Wang Ming teach seriously.

Wang Ming couldn't help but was stunned, and after a while he nodded in response.

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