There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2338: Only to die!

Wang Ming didn't know why Ling'er suddenly said this to him. After all, he never asked the same thing again and again like the elder, but after seeing him nodding, she no longer looked at him, he She also understood a little bit, this little girl seemed to just say something casually, and she didn't know what he really did wrong.

Thinking of this, Wang Ming couldn't help but laugh, and felt that Ling'er this little girl was really interesting but somewhat helpless. Even though she was already at the level of the fairy king, it still made him feel a little hard to keep up with the little girl's thinking. , It is really because the little girl's thinking is too jumpy.

The group did not delay any longer. They went into the city and watched it for a while. There was indeed no excitement to see. Wang Ming and Liangxiu were also thinking about making Bai Qing heal from his injuries as soon as possible. Lin Momo had no opinion. , Linger, who was already satisfied, also agreed to return to Wuming Peak.

"Father, mother, Ling'er is very well-behaved. They didn't take the initiative to argue with anyone this time when they went out. Even if there were two people who provoke Ling'er and her elder sister in an unfamiliar way, Ling'er and her elder sister were not reluctant. "

When I walked halfway up the mountain, I saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing sitting in the pavilion tasting tea. Ling'er ran over and sat on a vacant stone bench. Before Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing could ask anything, they had a brainstorm. Said it.

Lin Nan just smiled when he heard the words, and didn't say anything. After the little sisters went out, he did not check the situation of the little sisters at all times, and there was no Immortal Saint Supreme in the city to take action, and at the same time even half-step immortal Saint level. Existence didn't take any action. Beyond this, no matter what things the little sisters had tossed about, it seemed to Lin Nan to be nothing more than a small thing.

At the same time, he knew that his two baby girls weren't the kind of guys who would bully the weak at will, so he was quite satisfied with the results of the little sisters' outing this time.

As for the fact that the little sisters sent out 14 Dao Jing directly, he already knew it. After all, this incident happened within this small cave. It was impossible to hide it from him, but he didn't care about it. I don’t want to preach anything on this matter. After all, the two little sisters’ fairy and Dao Jing were given by themselves. The moment they passed them to the little sisters, they had already decided to let the little sisters take care of themselves, and now they interfere. What, it seems that he can't be a father.

And Liu Ruqing on the side only slightly squinted her beautiful eyes and glanced at Ling'er. Seeing Ling'er averted her eyes and dared not look at her, she also smiled.

For Liu Ruqing, after entering nine days, she has gradually become accustomed to the profligacy of the little sisters, and because Lin Nan doesn’t care about the indiscriminate spending by the little sisters, she naturally doesn’t have much to say, and it’s already I don't care too much, as long as the little sisters don't do anything irritating, they will be acceptable to her.

"Father, can you heal Bai Qing's injury?"

Lin Momo and Bai Qing came over together. Compared with Linger's eagerness to declare that there was no mischief outside, Lin Momo didn't care much about it. After all, if he was a mischief, his father would naturally know the first time. , I don’t need to explain what hasn’t happened, it’s better to confirm what has already been promised.

"Yeah, yeah, but my sister and I have already patted our chests at the foot of the mountain to make sure that my father will be able to heal Bai Qing's injury. If my father doesn't help, then it will appear that Ling'er and my sister are talking big, and the words are not counted. Up."

Hearing Lin Momo's words, Ling'er immediately remembered the business, nodded and said, after finishing speaking, afraid that Lin Nan would not agree, she looked at Liu Ruqing eagerly, as long as Lin Nan didn't agree, she would be there. Liu Ruqing kept crying in front of her.

"Aren't you begging your father? Why are you selling me the pitiful thing?"

Liu Ruqing gave Ling'er a white look, stretched out her hand to tap Ling'er's clean forehead, and joked with a smile.

"If my father doesn't agree, then only when my mother feels distressed can we make a difference."

Linger's milk was milky and said naturally.

Liu Ruqing smiled without saying a word, but her smile became sweeter.

Lin Nan didn't say anything more when he saw this, and never stopped again. He reached out his hand and pointed a gentle streamer, which went straight to the center of Bai Qing's eyebrows. In an instant, Bai Qing's injuries were healed, and by the way, Bai Qing was cured. Qing washed the muscles and cut the marrow, which can be said to be for Bai Qing to thoroughly strengthen the foundation that had not been laid in the previous practice, so that Bai Qing's foundation was flawless.

"This...the younger generations don't pay for the grace of the seniors, but if the seniors have orders, Bai Qing will definitely pay for death!"

Bai Qing was still stunned when he saw Lin Nan raised his hand and pointed out a finger, but when the gentle streamer fell into the center of her eyebrows, her heart directly changed upside down, because at the point where the warm streamer did not enter the center of her eyebrows. In an instant, she knew that her injury had been healed directly, which made her extremely happy.

But after healed her injury, Wenrun Liuguang did not stop because of this. Instead, he dredged her meridians and laid the foundation for her. It was also in the process. She originally felt extremely stable on weekdays. The blemish Daoji constantly showed unusually obvious blemishes. When she saw these blemishes, she already knew that they were all left over from her previous practice. At this moment, she was extremely panicked. of.

Just before she panicked completely, she discovered that the gentle streamer had actually repaired the flaws she had left over time in a short period of time. When the gentle streamer dissipated, her Dao foundation would be true. It is extremely stable and flawless!

This can definitely be regarded as a gift of Taoism, just because of this, she, who was already destined to become a half-step immortal saint, directly confirmed that she could rely on her own path and deeds to directly cultivate into an immortal saint step by step. At fruition, this is by no means as simple as helping to heal the injury.

In Bai Qing’s view, this kind of grace can only be repaid by retribution to death, just as in her heart, she has been unable to repay the kindness to her master for the preaching in her life, only when she needs it. , Her ability to repay her death is barely repaying Shien, and now her feelings for Lin Nan are also the same.

"Retribution to death is forgive. Not to mention that in this flying fairy city, even in this whole nine heavens and ten places, you have no chance to repay my kindness with death. In fact, I am nothing more than a simple effort. Let’s give you a small chance, you don’t need to be too serious."

Lin Nan shook his head slightly and said calmly.

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