There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2366: The monk's murderous heart

At this time, Lin Nan did not answer the little girl's question, but directly put the relic into the storage space. This relic may be able to open the way for him to cultivate Buddha.

After all, it is very useful to use this relic to make good friends with those Buddha cultivators.

After Lin Nan collected the relics, he immediately began to say: "There seems to be a coffin in the middle of the tomb. This coffin seems to be very powerful. It is actually made of dragon blood wood."

Lin Nan came directly to the coffin at this time, and he knew that Nether scattered people were lying in it.

"Daddy, let's open this coffin and take a look?"

When the little girl said so, Lin Nan replied: "We can't open it yet. After all, this dragon blood coffin is usually the raw material that is needed only when a certain formation is used."

"Dad, what do you mean, what formation might this Nether Loose Man be planning?"

Seeing this situation, Lin Nan threw a fireball directly, and then directly wanted to burn the coffin.

After all, he didn't want to cause such trouble, so he had to burn the coffin.

"Dad, why did you burn this coffin? There must be some treasure in it."

"This is an evil coffin. Burning it is good for us. We don't lack that treasure. Don't let our greediness hurt ourselves."

After Lin Nan said this, the fat-eared monk finally rushed to the tomb.

It seemed that he was hiding from those institutions and was very embarrassed.

"You two have actually arrived in the tomb? Did you find anything in the tomb? For example, something that is useless in your hands?"

When the monk said this, Lin Nan knew that the fat-eared monk had already had a murderous intention.

"Dad, he is just a fat-eared monk who dares to talk to us like this? How does this princess teach him?"

After the little girl finished speaking, she wanted to rush forward, and then directly beat the smelly monk madly.

Lin Nan directly stopped the little girl, and then said, "You are just a monk with a low-level cultivation. I advise you not to go against us. If you stay in the green hills, there will still be firewood."

After hearing this, the smelly monk said directly: "Hurry up and hand over the relics to me, or I want you to look good!"

"Why monk smelly, your mouth is so cheap? With such a low level of cultivation, how can you still want to fail?"

The little girl is also a hot temper, so she directly fought with the smelly monk.

The smelly monk directly took out his weapon, a golden Zen stick.

Although this monk has a low level of cultivation, the methods of the Buddha's cultivation are really not bad.

Especially the golden bell, it can actually resist the little girl's whip, which seems quite interesting.

After Lin Nan saw this situation, he wanted to go up and help the little girl, but then thought of the little girl's arrogant character, so he thought it would be better to stand aside and watch.

If this little girl can't hold it anymore, he is helping.

This **** smelly monk found that Lin Nan Ju had not joined the little girl to attack him, and his heart was very angry.

"What the **** is going on with you guy? Actually let a little girl liar fight with me? Are you looking down on me?"

Lin Nan saw this monk saying this, and then directly replied: "Actually, let me tell you that, my little girl is enough to defeat you."

"Don't be too arrogant! The rabbit bites people in a hurry, how dare you treat me like this? I will show you today what it means, a monk who is not easy to mess with!

After the smelly monk said this sentence, he immediately began to cast magical powers.

I saw that the monk's body began to glow with golden light, and then a phantom of Luo Jingang appeared directly behind him.

"I killed you, stinky girl film! Do you think you can beat me with a little girl? I have a monk possessed by Daluo King Kong! Maybe I have to cultivate to the right result!"

After the little girl heard this, she immediately slammed the stinky monk with a whip.

"It's just a bad-mouthed monk who dares to say that to me? Let you see how this princess is so powerful today! If I don't fight today, you call your father and mother, I won't believe it!"

After the little girl finished speaking, she directly used her own cultivation base to suppress it.

The cultivation base of the little girl can be regarded as a cultivation base that can walk sideways here.

So the little girl directly pressed the stinky monk possessed by Da Luo Jingang onto the ground.

"Damn it! Why is the cultivation base of this stinky girl higher than mine? I'm not convinced! What do you want? A stinky girl!"

While cursing, the monk wanted to struggle desperately to get himself up again.

But the coercion of the little girl, is it so easy to struggle? Soon the monk began to bleed from his nose and mouth, and he was about to be pressed out of his internal injuries.

"Little girl, let this monk go, I still have something to ask him, don't you kill him yet."

"Daddy, how did you stop me from killing him? I didn't plan to kill him. Killing him still dirty my hands."

After the little girl finished speaking, she let the monk go.

"Smelly monk, what do you want the relics to do? How did you know that there are relics in this place? You lied to us in the first place, right? You'd better recruit them from the ground up."

After Lin Nan said this, the monk immediately broke into a cold sweat.

"I tell you, I won't tell you the truth, you don't want to hear anything from me."

"Don't force me to use soul search. After all, this spell still hurts you. I don't want to search you into a fool. You should know this spell, right?"

After Lin Nan frightened the monk for a while, the smelly monk immediately persuaded him.

"I know, then I will tell you exactly the reason, but you can't kill me. You must let me go back to be safe."

"We are not evil people, as long as you don't threaten us, I can promise you this condition."

After Lin Nan said this, the smelly monk began to talk about the whole story.

"It's like this. I knew from the beginning that there were relics in this tomb, because my master told me that his old man was dead. Those words before were all deceiving you."

After the smelly monk said that, Lin Nan didn't believe it at all.

"You monk should explain it honestly, otherwise I won't let you go. Do you think you can deceive me with such a clumsy excuse? You simply don't treat me as a fool?"

Lin Nan was already a little angry at this time, and then he wanted to be tortured to extract a confession.

The smelly monk was also a little scared at this time.

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