There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 2367: Dealing with smelly monks

The smelly monk was also very anxious at this time, and then said directly: "I won't tell you! If you want to search for the soul, search for the soul, I will not tell you when I die!"

Lin Nan thought that the fat man would tell him soon, but what he didn't expect was that the fat man was so awesome that he didn't tell him anything.

"It seems that I have to search for my soul. What do you guys think? Aren't you afraid of becoming a fool?"

"I'm not afraid of becoming a fool! You can search for my soul if you have the ability!"

At this time, Lin Nan suddenly discovered that this monk had some backbone.

"Are you so spineless? Then I have to use Soul Searching Dafa!"

After Lin Nan said this, he immediately began searching for the soul.

Immediately afterwards, all the memories of the smelly monk were searched out.

"No wonder this smelly monk didn't tell him when he died. It turned out that he was sworn by the Heavenly Dao. If he tells the secret of the Netherworld, he will be broken by the Heavenly Dao, so that he won't even have the chance to reincarnate! "

After Lin Nan said this, the little girl also felt that this guy was very pitiful.

"Unexpectedly, this stinky monk was so pitiful, and was actually given such a vicious oath of heaven. Did we blame him? He is now like a fool and poses no threat to us, or we will take him to a mortal. In the town, let him live as a lunatic, right?"

The little girl's mind was still very kind, and she said something like this directly.

"Let him live as a mortal? He has been searched by me now, so his mind has begun to lose consciousness. If it is a mortal town to live, it may not be a good thing, silly girl, since you have such a kind heart , After we settle this matter, we will send him to a mortal town."

After Lin Nan said this, he was particularly speechless.

I didn't expect the little girl to be so kind in heart. It seems that she still has a lot to learn in this world in the future, although her cultivation level can already go sideways.

However, there are many people in this world who are very evil, and they do everything for their own benefit, so the mood of the little girl is really not suitable for fighting with these people.

Lin Nan naturally understood this truth at this time.

"Little girl, this Bodhi child in our hands seems to be a nether and scattered thing. It is a bodhi child that he had when he was born. If I am not mistaken, this nether and scattered man should be the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, but He cultivated the evil way, so he left this Bodhi child."

The little girl heard Lin Nan's words. I was shocked immediately.

"Unexpectedly, this heinous villain was actually the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama of Buddha cultivation? Isn't this a bit too speechless? Is this all Buddhist cultivation? Do so many bad things?"

"Little girl, don't think so. Most Buddhist cultivators are still very kind, because they are kind. But the problem is that some Panchen Lama has no memory of his previous life, so he sometimes goes astray."

When Lin Nan said this, the little girl nodded immediately, and then replied: "Then what this means is that you can actually practice Buddha cultivation, but because of some things, you have become a heinous villain?"

"That's right, in this case, we will return this bodhi child to those Buddhas for cultivating, and it will be considered a good relationship with these people."

After Lin Nan said this, he took the smelly monk and the little girl directly to a mortal town.

"Let's throw this smelly monk into this town, right? This town is full of simple mortals, so this smelly monk should be able to enjoy his old age in it."

After Lin Nan said this, he directly threw the smelly monk to this mortal town.

As soon as the smelly monk arrived in a mortal town, he stupidly began to ask passers-by for buns.

A few passers-by saw the pitiful silly monk, and then directly stuffed him a few buns.

"It seems that this smelly monk is quite powerful. Even if he is crazy, he can still get a bite of food."

After Lin Nan saw this situation, he was still very speechless.

"If you have hands and feet, you can't survive. Even if you are a fool, you will beg for food."

After Lin Nan said this, the little girl directly replied: "You are right. Dad is still smarter. Knowing that this monk can survive, I thought this fool could not survive."

Lin Nan heard the words of the silly girl, still felt that the silly girl was too naive.

"Little girl, let's go back. We have to give this relic to the Buddha to repair them. We don't have time. We stay in this mortal town for a long time."

After Lin Nan's urging, I saw that the smelly monk had reached a few steamed buns, and then quickly ate them.

The little girl was obedient at this time, and then followed Lin Nan and went straight back.

After they returned to their residence, the little girl immediately said, "Who are we going to give this relic to? If we want to give this relic to the Buddha cultivation, we should find a more powerful Buddha cultivation. He sent it over."

After Lin Nan heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. He didn't expect this little girl to know that to please some buddhists with a high level of cultivation, so that he could form a good relationship.

"It seems that in this situation, we are really looking for a slightly higher Buddha cultivator. After all, things like relics are still very important to those Buddha cultivators."

After Lin Nan said this, after thinking about it, he decided to give this relic to the host of the Great Guangming Temple.

"Daguangming Temple? Isn't it the first temple? There are Buddhas with very high cultivation levels, especially the abbots. It is said that they have cultivated to the realm of Daluo King Kong. They are very powerful!"

The little girl is naturally proficient in these gossips, so she directly told the background of the Daguangming Temple.

"Then let's go directly to this Daguangming Temple? Dad, do we want to buy some souvenirs made by the Buddha? It should still be possible to buy some souvenirs!"

After Lin Nan heard this, he directly replied: "There are a lot of Buddhist incense and some famous local products at Daguangming Temple. Those things are very helpful for cultivation, and there is also the Bodhi tree. The tea leaves in China are something that improves enlightenment, something that you can't find."

When the little girl heard Lin Nan say this, she became excited immediately.

"Then we give this bodhi seed to the host, and he will definitely give us some gifts in return. I hope there are things like bodhi tree tea, that would be great."

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