After Lin Nan approached the cabin, he immediately felt that the cabin was very powerful.

"In this wooden house, everything is actually an enlarged version, just like the bread on the table. A bread of this size, I am afraid I will have to eat it for a lifetime. Judging by my current appetite. "

Lin Nan gave a wry smile, knowing that this small wooden house belongs to a giant, and the person living in this wooden house must be a super giant.

However, there are many places to hide in this small wooden house. As long as he successfully enters this wooden house, there are real objects and a safe haven, it shouldn't be a problem to successfully escape for ten days.

After Lin Nan thought about it this way, he saw an extra-large woman appearing inside.

This woman has a long hooked nose and pale hair. She looks like an older witch.

"It looks like this place is the residence of this witch. I wonder if this witch found me?"

Lin Nan had sneaked into the room secretly from the crack of the door at this time.

At this time, the witch was already making tea, but the witch actually made two cups of black tea.

"My lovely guest, come directly to the table. I knew it when you entered this room."

Lin Nan saw this situation and knew that the witch was not simple at all, and he could actually know that he had entered the house.

At this time, Lin Nan also jumped directly onto the table, and then said to the witch: "I wonder if you can let me stay for a while?"

"I don’t have the habit of inviting you guys from the Lilliputian Country to live together. Did you lose yourself from the Lilliputian Country? Or did someone use magic to make you so small? I have a potion here. , You can return to your normal height."

After Lin Nan heard this, he naturally knew that the potion would not be a good thing.

After all, he is a man who has experienced many battles, and there will never be a witch who would give him a potion so kindly.

After all, witches are very evil in the world of fairy tales. How can they drink their potions indiscriminately?

"Excuse me, I don't really want to drink that kind of potion. I wonder if you can send me back to Lilliputian Country?"

"Since you are lost, I don't want to waste my magic and send a stranger. Since you don't want to drink my potion, then go out."

The witch's attitude changed abruptly, and Lin Nan immediately knew that everyone in this world was not easy to mess with.

To let her know that he was an outsider from the Samsara Tower, the witch had to take his skin off.

After all, these people don't seem to know that they are living in a virtual illusion.

However, Lin Nan could easily see that, after all, Lin Nan saw the soul of this witch, who was actually a teenage girl wearing ancient costumes.

Reincarnation Tower? Is it possible that this tower is to shut down these souls that cannot be reincarnated? Then, let them live a fantasy life in it?

It would be too scary to think this way, and then let some foreign cultivators enter this reincarnation tower to complete those so-called tasks.

If the mission is successful, you can get a certain treasure, but what if the mission fails?

I'm afraid it will become the food of this reincarnation tower, right? The memory is washed away, the cultivation base is sealed, the ability is seized, and then it becomes the soul working in this reincarnation tower.

And this reincarnation tower will give them a virtual body, making them think that they really are living in a fairy tale world?

This reincarnation tower is really terrible, it looks like it is really a monster.

It seems that the King Kong Arhat next to the Samsara Tower is to guard the Samsara Tower, so he guards the Samsara Tower at the bottom of the lake.

At that time, it was definitely not the King Kong Arhat who spoke, but the spirit of this reincarnation tower. This is really terrifying, this reincarnation tower. I want to swallow his soul directly!

After Lin Nan thought of this, he didn't say anything in silence, and then left the cabin directly.

Before leaving, he glanced at the witch, and suddenly felt that the witch was very pitiful.

After all, in this reincarnation tower, all souls are not free, and after they provide enough energy, all souls will die.

In this way, even the chance of reincarnation is gone, and it looks really terrible.

Lin Nan left the cabin at this time, and then started directly around the cabin, looking for a safe place.

He had better find a stronghold first, otherwise, if this reincarnation tower makes trouble for him, he will be easily killed if he doesn't even have a stronghold.

If his physical body dies, the Reincarnation Tower will have a reason. It can directly imprison his soul, cleanse his memory, and then make it a member of these thousands of souls.

Lin Nan thought of this and felt that this evil tower was really terrifying.

"It seems that I have to save the thousands of souls in this tower. In this way, these souls can directly return to where they should go. In this case, it is also a great merit. This merit is beyond expectation. Naturally, the more merits, the better."

After Lin Nan said this sentence, he went straight to the so-called safe haven.

However, after Lin Nan searched for a long time, because there was no means of transportation, he did not go very far.

"It seems that this place is really a bit big. After all, my body is too small now, and I can't get out too far."

After Lin Nan thought of this, he directly found a relatively high tree hole. Then, he picked up a stone and made the door of the tree hole. It seemed that he could be a stronghold.

Lin Nan saw this tree hole that sheltered from wind and rain, and then directly got a bit of the pine nuts under the tree, and then returned to the tree hole.

Lin Nan directly pried the outer shell of the pine nut, and then ate the flesh inside.

Not to mention, such a big pine nut is enough for him to eat for a long time.

"Such a large pine nut, I guess I can't finish it for ten days, and this kind of thing will not deteriorate, so I should be able to eat it back."

After Lin Nan said this, he put the remaining pine nuts directly into the tree hole, and then began to meditate instead of sleeping.

After all, in such a dangerous world, he didn't dare to fall asleep, as soon as he fell asleep, he would be finished.

"If I fall asleep, this reincarnation tower will definitely find a way to kill me, so I can only meditate, but this place does not have the slightest spiritual power."

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