After Lin Nan stayed in this tree hole for a day, his mood was still very speechless.

After all, it was really cold inside this tree hole, and it looked very dirty.

"Why is this place so dirty? It looks really dirty. It seems that I was negligent just now. There are still some rotten wood chips in this place. It seems that I can't hide in this place, it looks like this tree There are bugs."

After Lin Nan said these words, he felt that he really couldn't find a place to hide.

So he left the tree hole directly, but the task of the Samsara Tower was to live here for ten days.

But now it's only the first day, and there are nine days left, and I don't know what to do.

Lin Nan was a little trapped at this time, after all, this reincarnation tower didn't look like a kind person, he would definitely find a way to stop him from living.

"Damn it! If it were not for the Seven Star Snow Lotus, I wouldn't have come to this broken tower and accept this kind of trial! When I find it, whoever poisoned my little girl, I have to take his skin off. ."

After Lin Nan said this, he immediately began to find a place nearby that could shelter from the wind and rain.

However, there are huge mushrooms and huge grass nearby, and there is no place to shelter from the wind and rain.

No place is very safe. After all, there are some animals bigger than him nearby. If he is careless, he will probably be eaten.

Lin Nan also knew that the situation was very bad, so he said directly: "I have to find a way to impress the witch and let her take me in temporarily, otherwise, I'm really dangerous in this place."

But this witch, with a stomach of bad water, would not take in others without absolute interest.

After Lin Nan thought of this, he also felt that he had to take out absolute benefits before the witch could take him in.

So, after thinking twice, I still feel like I should go to hide in the ant hole, right?

Lin Nan came directly to the entrance of the ant hole at this time, and after communicating with the few ants in front of him, he handed over a relatively large piece of pine nuts and successfully entered.

After Lin Nan entered, he was not too far from the entrance of the cave.

He came to a nest near the entrance of the cave and stayed with most of the ants.

Just spent the day peacefully. Of course, after he spent a day like this, the Samsara Tower would not let him live so comfortably through these few days.

Lin Nan quickly saw the ant hole and began to vibrate everywhere. Lin Nan quickly ran out of the ant hole, only to find that it was a huge rabbit that had stepped on the ant hole.

"This rabbit looks very powerful. I am afraid I can't beat it. After all, I only have a cultivation base that has not yet reached the foundation stage. I can't beat such a huge rabbit. It seems that this fairy tale The world is really not suitable for me."

Lin Nan muttered to himself like this, there was still a trace of speechlessness in his heart.

It seems that he has been involved in the conspiracy of the Samsara Tower, he must find a way, otherwise, he will really be killed by the Samsara Tower.

After Lin Nan thought about it this way, there was still a trace of anger in his mood.

This reincarnation tower, when I go out, there is no need for it to exist, it is simply a curse to the common people.

I don’t know what exactly this Samsara Tower wants to do with so much energy from the soul?

Is it possible that he wants this energy to do some earth-shattering, weeping things?

After Lin Nan considered this matter, his mood gradually began to become complicated.

It seems that there must be a conspiracy behind this. I have to think carefully about what I should do.

After Lin Nan thought about it, he continued to walk forward, ready to see where the ant hole was gone and where else he could go.

But after the ant hole here was gone, Lin Nan couldn't find a place to cherish his life at all.

After all, this place is full of grass, where can I hide?

Lin Nan didn't dare to support it at this time, and continued to stay in the grass.

After all, there were so many bugs and monsters in the grass that he was going to die, he didn't want to be eaten by these bugs.

Now even a beetle can eat it, and there is more than one beetle in this bush.

At this time, Lin Nan suddenly thought of a way, the ladybug seems to be able to fly.

Since he can't fly, he can use the power of Ladybug and fly up to see this vast world.

After Lin Nan thought of this, he picked two vines directly, and quickly tied them to his body, and then he found another ladybug.

The ladybug was much bigger than it, and then quickly turned over to the back of the ladybug, and then tied the vine to the ladybug.

Although the process was not smooth, it was finally completed.

Immediately after this seven-star ladybug flew up, flew over the river, and flew over the mountains and rivers.

Finally, the seven-star ladybug stopped near a castle, and Lin Nan was very surprised to find that there was such a big castle here.

So he jumped directly off the ladybug, and then jumped near the castle.

He looked at the huge castle and suddenly discovered that the castle was actually made of cards.

This is a paper castle! Is it so awesome?

Generally speaking, humans burn paper money to use this kind of paper castle. Now Lin Nan has such a big paper castle.

Lin Nan felt that this thing was really terrifying. If he didn't know that it was an illusion copy, he would really feel that this thing made him chill behind his back.

"Since it's all like this, I must find a way to enter this castle. There must be secrets in this castle. If there are no secrets, there will definitely be some people in this castle, who can just learn about the world from them. Case."

After Lin Nan glanced at the castle, he walked to the gate of the castle in time.

Unexpectedly, the soldiers here are also soldiers made of paper. They said directly: "You can't go in! This is the castle of the fairy king. You can't go in without identity."

After Lin Nan saw these two paper soldiers saying this, he also found that these two soldiers were the same size as him. Could it be that the king is about the same size as him?

So Lin Nan directly took out a gold bar and showed it to the two soldiers.

"I'm here to offer treasures to the king, so I asked two soldiers to let me in. I want to use the treasures I offered in exchange for a better official position, and ask the two soldiers to accompany them.

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