After Lin Nan said this, the two soldiers directly replied: "Do you want to exchange gold for an official position? Yes, yes, we just need someone like you!"

Then the soldiers made of these two pieces of paper directly opened the gate of this castle.

After Lin Nan saw that the door was opened, he walked in directly.

Lin Nan was also very happy after entering the castle.

Unexpectedly, these paper people also like gold. A gold bar can let them put me in.

"Now I'm going to see the king, I want to see who this king is."

After Lin Nan said this, he went directly to see the king, but this king was really amazing.

He is not a paper man, but a very big fat mouse.

"I heard that you want to buy an official position with gold bars. Let me see how many gold bars you have?"

Lin Nan directly took out at this time, a box of gold bars, there are probably 20 or 30 in it.

"With so much gold, I will give you the official position of a baron. You can live in this castle in the future."

"Thank you for the king's reward, then I would be more respectful than obedient."

After Lin Nan said this, he immediately lived in the castle, and the king arranged a room for him.

"It seems that this castle can hide for another two days. Two days later, I am one step closer to the ten-day date."

Lin Nan was also very happy thinking of this, after all, this king also provided him with a safe haven.

As long as they successfully survive for ten days, then he can go out directly, get the seven-star snow lotus, and then destroy the reincarnation tower by the way.

In this way, all the imprisoned souls can be released here, and this can also save the life of the little girl.

Lin Nan thought very well at this time, but things won't let him succeed so easily.

Sure enough, that mouse has raised a lot of women, and there are all kinds of them. Among them, one of them, a very beautiful female mouse, directly fell in love with Lin Nan.

"The queen asked you to come over, saying that there is something to tell you."

After the paper soldier said this, Lin Nan suddenly felt that this queen must be a little abnormal.

"Then I will go over, and ask the soldiers to lead the way."

After Lin Nan said this, he went straight to the palace called the Queen's Mouse.

"You are the newly appointed baron? You look handsome. Would you like to consider being my servant? I will give you supreme glory."

Lin Nan looked at this fat and big female mouse and directly rejected his kindness.

"I won't do this. Since your majesty has given me an official position, I will treat your majesty well."

Lin Nan rejected the mother mouse in a disguised form, but she didn't expect the mother mouse to be furious.

"You dare to refuse me, who is the queen, come here, and put this guy who doesn't know good or bad and put me in a cell."

When the mother mouse became so angry, Lin Nan was immediately locked up in the cell.

But it’s nice to stay here, at least it’s not life-threatening.

Lin Nan looked at this cell and found that there were still quite a few residents in the cell.

Soon, Lin Nan saw a girl who looked like him.

"What's your name? Little girl?"

"My name is Alice, what is your name?"

Lin Nan just remembered at this time, this copy is a bit similar to Alice in Wonderland.

The little girl in front of me came from the modern world, but I don't know if that modern world is true or not.

"My name is Lin Nan, how long have you been locked up here? Do you want to find a way home?"

Lin Nan asked so tentatively, Alice immediately said: "Are you also from the real world? I suddenly fell into this world, and then became so small, the mouse king arrested me and wanted me When his woman, I disagree, he put me in this cell."

After Lin Nan heard this routine, he also knew that it shouldn't be a routine in a fairy tale. There must be something in it that is quietly changing.

"What do you guys think? Why don't you agree to the Mouse King? You are now locked up here, and there is no way to go out, and no way to go home."

After Lin Nan said this deliberately, Alice immediately began to cry.

"I want to go home too. I have been detained for two or three days. I don't know if my family misses me? I was wrong. I don't dare to run around anymore."

After Lin Nan saw this Alice, he naturally saw the soul of this Alice.

It's a female monk with a very high level of cultivation. How could she be trapped here with such a high level of cultivation?

And also became the protagonist Alice? This is simply incredible.

He came in for the Seven-Star Snow Lotus. Is it possible that such a powerful woman also came in for a certain kind of treasure?

But he didn't escape this, the trial of the Samsara Tower, so he was imprisoned by the Samsara Tower, and then became an Alice whose memory was washed away?

This is too terrible. How could such a terrible thing happen to these poor souls?

"Alice, what are your parents' names?" Lin Nan asked directly.

But at this time, Alice suddenly had a headache.

"I don't remember my parents and their names! My head hurts. As long as I think about those memories, I get a headache!"

Lin Nan also knew Alice at this time, and he was about to see through the world.

After all, in this world, he still couldn't completely wash away all the memories of cultivators with a higher cultivation level.

"Alice, don't think about it. This world is fake at all, so you can't know the names of your parents."

After Lin Nan said this, Alice did not recall her previous memories for the time being, and then listened to Lin Nan's words in a ignorant way.

"You mean, this fairy tale kingdom is fake? Where is the real world?"

"The real world is outside of this world. Your current memories are all false and implanted."

After Lin Nan said this, Alice still couldn't believe Lin Nan. After all, she grew up here since she was a child. How could this world be fake?

"It looks like this, will you believe me, but when you die, you will definitely be suspicious, and then all your memories will come back."

Lin Nan said that, as soon as the word death was mentioned, Alice immediately had an incomparable fear.

"Death? I seem to have experienced it, and I don't seem to have experienced it. Are you saying true or not?"

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