There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 263: Crossing Owufu! (Third more)


After sinking three whaling ships, the plesiosaur became fierce, spotted the whaling fleet, rolled up huge waves, and swam in the direction of the whaling fleet!

"not good!"

"Quickly evacuate!"

On the Japanese fleet, everyone panicked. Such a big plesiosaur was almost the same size as their cruise ship. If it swims over, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for these fleets!

On the deck of a certain cruise ship, there were a few kimono men standing, their expressions changed slightly!

They are all from the Mitsubishi consortium of the country of Japan. After hearing about the plesiosaur, they put aside their work in the country of Japan, and they all came here!


"Master Doer, let's leave the deck first, it is too dangerous here!"

A middle-aged Japanese man whispered. His name was Kazuo Senbon. He was one of the executive directors of the Mitsubishi Consortium. Among the Japanese, he had great power!

The old man, who is called ‘Master Du’er’, stood still!

His name is Touwufu, he is dressed in plain clothes and has wooden clogs under his feet, just like the dress of the Dongying Langren in the Warring States Period of the Japanese Kingdom!

At the side of Touwufu, stood a beautiful and cold-looking Japanese woman!

She has a pretty face and a tender face, she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. She is wearing a kimono with a fan-shaped hair accessory on her head. She lowered her head slightly, holding a Japanese sword in her arms!

Seeing Duer Wufu not answering himself, Senbon Kazuo was a little panicked, lowered his throat, and said to the Japanese girl: "Sakurako! Quickly persuade Master Duer, let's go!"

"Father! The teacher is brewing sword intent and preparing to cut off this plesiosaur. You should wait quietly!"

Senbon Sakura said coldly, without any emotion.


Senbon stayed, and said unbelievably, "Sakurako, what are you kidding? This plesiosaur is bigger than Godzilla. The whaling guns on the three whaling ships just now can shoot through 15 cm thick. Unless the army comes, we can’t help this monster!"

"Father, you never know what the teacher is capable of! Watch it, it will be unforgettable for you!"

Qianbon Sakura's expression remained unchanged, even though the plesiosaur in front of her was getting closer and closer, her face remained unchanged!

On the contrary, it was the bodyguards around Chiku Senbon, whose faces had turned pale, relying on strong beliefs to support themselves and not escape!

"Yingzi, your father is not a warrior, but a businessman. Don't blame him if you don't understand this!"

Suddenly, Duerwufu, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, his voice a little hoarse, full of vicissitudes of life!

"is teacher!"

Senbonzakura nodded.

"Master Duer, are you really not leaving?"

Kazuo Senbon took a few steps back subconsciously!

The plesiosaur in the distance swam quickly, five hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters—

He decided that once the plesiosaur was within 50 meters of the deck, he would evacuate immediately!

As for whether or not Touwufu can leave, it doesn't matter to him!

Fifty meters!

When the plesiosaur was only 50 meters away from the cruise ship, Kazuo Senbon just prepared to evacuate!

Suddenly, a foot of Doerwufu slammed on the ground, and then the whole person flew towards the plesiosaur!

At the same time, he made a big move, as if it had suction power, the treasure sword in Qianben Ying's arms uttered a dragon chant, took the initiative to unscrew it, and fell into the hands of Master Du'er!

Du'erwufu stepped on the void, held a knife in both hands, facing the head of the plesiosaur, slashed it down!

The whole process was done in one go, without any muddling!


A silver-white sword aura appeared, almost splitting the void and slashing on the head of the plesiosaur!


The sword gas sank into the head of the plesiosaur!


The plesiosaur was in pain and roared up to the sky before turning around and plunged into the depths of the sea, rolling up the stormy sea!

Everyone's hearts, followed by the surging waves, beating wildly!

Seeing this scene, the entire sea area is dead silent!

All those who were about to flee for their lives were stunned, stopped, and petrified in place!

With the power of a sword crossing Erwufu, he actually repelled a plesiosaur?

Everyone was blushing, panting heavily, Kazuo Senbon still maintained the posture of evacuation, but the whole person was already stunned!

His eyes are staring out, and the strength of a person is so strong?

Only Chibon Sakura was alone, a little calm, but the pink face was still flushed!

‘The teacher is so amazing! I don't know when will I be like a teacher? ’

Secretly dreaming in the girl's heart, the delicate little hand holding the scabbard couldn't help but clenched a bit!

On Lin Nan's side, everyone from the Samsung Consortium looked at each other, speechless for a long time!

It was so shocking that the skin of a plesiosaur, harder than steel, was cut in by a sword!

A monster comparable to Godzilla, repelled by this sword!

Although the head of the plesiosaur was not cut off, it was shocking enough!

Yang Xueqi was completely stunned!

Leng Yan secretly pinched a cold sweat!

Lin Nan alone, calm as usual.

"Goodbye baby dinosaur!"

Lin Momo waved her little hand. The little girl didn't even know what happened. All she knew was that the baby dinosaur was gone!

On the cruise of Kazuo Senbon!

Duerwufu stepped on the void and slowly landed on the deck, like a man!

He sighed, shook his head and said:

"Oh, what a pity!"

"My strength is still not enough! I can't cut off its head with a single sword. I don't know if the Lonely Sword Saint of China is here, can I cut it off?"

"Teacher, you are already very good! Even if you are here alone, you may not be able to do it like you!" Chibon Sakura said with some excitement.

"Ha ha!"

Duerwufu gently waved his hand, shook his head and said: "The swordsman of China is the first, and it is the Dugu Swordsman! And the first strength, it should be the master of thunder! It is rumored that Zeus and the Phoenix girl entered Yanjing half a month ago. Suburbs, prepare to fight the Thunder masters, I don’t know what the final result will be!"

After logging off the underground forum, the news of the underground world has been blocked!

And seeing Lin Nan beheading Zeus and Phoenix Girl, just a few dark giants!

The rich people in the Yanjing villa area were all required by the Dragon Team after that night and signed a confidentiality agreement. No word was allowed to be revealed that night!

Otherwise, the news of the killing of Zeus and the Phoenix girl should have been spread long ago!

"Teacher, neither the Dugu Swordmaster nor the Thunder Master is your opponent! If you weren't in the country last time, how could you let the Thunder Master enter the capital like no one?" His little face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Haha! That's not necessarily true. Before I confront him, I can't guarantee which one is stronger and weaker!"

Touwufu smiled.

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