There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 264: Lin Momo's baby dinosaur! (Fourth)

On Lin Nan's deck.

"Too strong! Mr. Lin, the Japanese swordsman, is it the legendary earth fairy?" Li Zaixi was amazed.

Leng Yan rolled her eyes, she is an earth fairy, can't you see it?

As for the Japanese swordsman, at least the highest-ranking earth fairy, half of his body may have stepped into the realm of heavenly immortals, only the last step!

Once the opportunity is ripe, you can probably move in!

"That's it!"

Lin Nan spoke casually, instead of looking at the direction of the Japanese fleet, but at the Penglai Fairy Island a dozen kilometers away in the mist!

See Lin Nan's performance!

Li Zaixi thought that it was Lin Nan who was afraid of the Japanese swordsman, and his awe of the Japanese swordsman added a little bit!

After calming down her inner shock, Yang Xueqi suddenly asked:

"By the way, since you can't get across the water, are you not going to fly over by plane?"

Before Li Zaixi spoke, Leng Yan shook his head and said, "I can feel that there is a strong magnetic field around this sea area. I am afraid that there is no way to fly in for transportation like airplanes!"

"This is like a small Bermuda Delta. Any sophisticated instrument entering it will be disturbed by a strong magnetic field!"

"Ms. Leng Yan is right!" Li Zaixi nodded.

"Baba, where is the baby dinosaur?"

Lin Momo was in Lin Nan's arms and waited for a long time, but he didn't see the plesiosaur reappearing, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed!

"The baby dinosaur is home!" Lin Nan explained with a smile.

"Then it will come out?"

"Of course it will!"


Although a plesiosaur was repelled, the people of the Samsung and Mitsubishi consortium still did not dare to rush into the sea ahead!

They believe that it is impossible to have only one plesiosaur, otherwise, how can they continue their offspring?

In the evening, an American aircraft carrier landed on this sea area, and the entire sea area shook!

"What? The United States has brought all the aircraft carriers in the Hawaiian Islands?"

After hearing the news, Lee Jae-hee almost sat on the ground in shock!

"This time we don't have a chance to land on the island!"

After hearing the news, Kazuo Senbon muttered to himself.

That's an aircraft carrier. Few countries in the world have it!

Even if there is such a thing, it is definitely not easy to use. After the United States learned the news of plesiosaurs, it turned all the aircraft carriers over!

After hearing the news, Touwufu frowned!

In the evening.

Lin Nan accompanied Lin Momo, standing on the deck watching the sunset, blowing the salty sea breeze!

For the aircraft carrier in the distance, Lin Nan didn't seem to have seen it!

Yang Xueqi was taking pictures, and Leng Yan stood in the distance with a solemn expression, looking at the aircraft carrier in the distance!

At this moment, Lee Jae Hee came over!

"Mr. Lin, the United States has stepped in. They came to a five-star general. They opened a cocktail party on the aircraft carrier tonight and invited me to discuss things about Penglai Fairy Island. Are you going?" Li Zaixi asked.

"Not interested, go ahead!"

Lin Nan shook his head gently.

‘Are you really afraid of the Americans? Forget it, it's okay to go alone, if Mr. Lin goes there and there is a conflict, it will be bad for me! Lee Jae Hee thought to himself, turned and left.

Lee Jae-hee just left.

"Baba, shall we go find a baby dinosaur to play with?" Lin Momo waved her little hand and pinched Lin Nan's nose.

"Does Mo'er want to see baby dinosaurs?"

"Yes, Aunt Xue said that the baby dinosaur was injured today, shall we go help it? These people are bad guys, and they all come to bully the baby dinosaur!"

Lin Momo said, wrinkling her little nose.

The little guy is not old, but he can tell right from wrong!

"Okay, Baba will take you to see the baby dinosaur!" Lin Nan smiled freely.

My daughter has a small request, so she naturally wants to meet it!

"Okay, Baba took Mo'er to see the baby dinosaur!" Lin Momo laughed happily.


"Master, are you going to see a plesiosaur?" Leng Yan looked over in astonishment.

"Mo'er's care is all, let's go!"

Lin Nan raised his hand and wrapped Yang Xueqi and Leng Yan in a curtain of light, then stepped out and disappeared on the deck, directly over ten kilometers of mist, and landed on Penglai Fairy Island!

The island is lush and green, with towering ancient trees everywhere, and the aura is very strong, almost comparable to the Yin Ruins!

It's just that this island is on the earth, not in another space, surrounded by magic circles, isolated from the outside world!


Seeing Lin Nan stepping out, he landed on this island, his eyes widened with surprise, his mouth opened wide, and he didn't know what to say!

The group of people from the outside world desperately wanted to go to the island, but they couldn't find a way!

But Lin Nan only needed one step before he came to the island!

"Lin Nan, how did you do it?" Yang Xueqi was equally shocked.

Although she knew that Lin Nan had a lot of skills, it was a bit shocking!

"Mo'er is coming, so come!"

Lin Nan casually said something.

Swept away the senses, the entire fairy island, with a radius of less than 100 kilometers, is not very big!

In the northwest corner of this island, where two plesiosaurs live!

The side that was injured by Doerwufu during the day was obviously male. His body was one hundred and sixty meters long, which was bigger than everyone expected!

Another plesiosaur, only about 100 meters long, is a female plesiosaur!

"Come on, Mo'er, Baba found a plesiosaur!"

Lin Nan led everyone to the plesiosaur's lair.


The two plesiosaurs were already psychic. Seeing an intruder landed on the island, the female plesiosaur immediately became vigilant, with a fierce light in her eyes, staring at Lin Nan and the others!

That male plesiosaur was dying, and the breath of life was very weak!

Although the sword used to cross Ewufu did not cut off its head, it also severely injured it!

If you don't get treatment in time, you will definitely not survive tonight!

Once tomorrow, the male plesiosaur dies, leaving only a female plesiosaur. I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the American aircraft carrier!

Yang Xueqi and Leng Yan stood far away, not daring to approach, they were extremely nervous!

It's horrible, two prehistoric behemoths just appeared in front of you. If the concentration is a little bit weak, I am afraid it will be scared to pee!

"Baba, the baby dinosaur is injured, will he die?" Lin Momo was a little worried.

"Don't worry, baby dinosaurs will not die!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, then he flicked his finger at the void!


A brilliant glow shot into the injured plesiosaur body, and the terrifying wound on its head was slowly healing!


There was a sound of bone growth. In less than ten seconds, the male plesiosaur had recovered as before, and became alive and kicking again, as if not injured at all!

Seeing this scene, Yang Xueqi was dumbfounded!

Leng Yan was stiff. Although Lin Nan healed her serious injury in this way last time, she still couldn't calm down after seeing it again!

‘The master’s strength is really terrifying! He must have entered the realm of heavenly immortals! ’

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