There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 283: If I want to kill you, I don't need a reason! (Fifth more)

After about half an hour, a group of people rushed into the Triumph Hotel!

The head is a middle-aged man with a scar at the corner of his eye, a face full of flesh, fierce gaze, and a group of younger brothers behind him, quite a bit aura!

A group of hotel guests, seeing this scene, all evaded and hid away!

"San Ye Huang? Why are you here?"

The manager of the lobby of the Triumph Hotel came up quickly with a look of shock!

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to the'Swallow's Return' box! I just got the news, shit! There was a liar who lied to me for millions of dollars, and now he is in that box!"

Huang Laosan scolded angrily.

The lobby manager was taken aback and wondered: "Sanye Huang, is there any misunderstanding? In the Yangui box, they are all from the Liu family! Are you—?"

"Fuck you! I ask you to lead the way and lead the way, where is so much nonsense?"

Huang Laosan kicked it up.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The lobby manager did not dare to neglect, and led Huang Laosan and others, and walked towards the box of "Swallow Return"!

Huang Laosan led a group of people, aggressively, and rushed into the Yanguilai box. Everyone in the Liu family was stunned!

"Huang Lao San? What are you doing here!"

Liu Xiujie's face sank, he stood up and questioned.

"Huang Lao San, what do you mean?"

Liu Yuwen also stood up with an angry look!

The grandsons of the two of them, Liu Mansion, are in Jing'an City, and they control several companies of the Liu Family. They are quite embarrassed. With the Liu Family's status in Jing'an City, Huang Laosan dare not neglect!

"Jie Shao, Wen Shao, I am not looking for you two today, but for them!"

Huang Laosan arched his hands, then pointed at Lin Nan's family!


Liu Xiujie and Liu Yuwen froze for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "What are you looking for?"

Xiao Yanwen, sitting there, holding a glass of red wine, was watching the show very calmly, with a sneer on her lips!

‘Dare to provoke me and see how you die! ’

"Shao Jie and Shao Wen are big liars! A few days ago, they pretended to be the daughter of my second uncle's house and defrauded more than five million yuan. Not long ago, I was looking for them everywhere. A little brother, saw them coming to the hotel, so he notified me!"

Huang Laosan looked angry, pretending to be like that, staring at Lin Nan's family fiercely!


Liu Xiujie, Liu Yuwen and others looked at each other!

The other young men and women of the Liu family were stunned and looked at the Lin Nan family in shock and uncertainty!

"Impossible, Sister Ruqing is not a liar! She is a good person!"

Liu Menghan said angrily.

"Menghan, don't talk!" Liu Xiujie's face sank as he scolded.

Liu Menghan closed her mouth aggrievedly with tears in her eyes. She didn't believe that such a good person as Liu Ruqing would be a liar!

"Menghan, you are still young, don't let people be fooled so easily, people's hearts are separated from the belly! Think about it, this Liu Ruqing, giving you a gift as soon as we meet, what kind of peace can I do?" Xiao Yanwen smiled but smiled Tao.

"Lin Nan? What is going on?"

Liu Ruqing asked Lin Nan in a low voice.

She also saw the problem here. She and Lin Nan only came from Jiangnan City. How could they have deceived the second uncle of Huang Lao San by more than five million?

"Wife, then you have to ask Xiao Yanwen!"

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth was very calm with a faint smile.

Liu Xiujie and Liu Yuwen looked at each other. Lin Nan's words seemed to mean something?

Xiao Yanwen's face changed slightly, her smile stiffened, and she said, "What do you mean?"

"Damn! I cheated my family's money, and want to come to Liu's house to continue cheating, I think you are living impatiently!"

Seeing that things were not right, Huang Laosan yelled angrily and rushed up with the little brother behind him!


Lin Nan stood up, raised his leg and swept across. Before everyone could see what was going on, Huang Lao San and his group of younger brothers lay on the ground and couldn't help howling!

This is the result of Lin Nan's control of power, otherwise these people would have died!

"Inner strength warrior?"

Liu Xiujie, Liu Yuwen and other young men and women of the Liu family looked at Lin Nan in surprise, their eyes full of different colors!

After slapped Huang Laosan and others on the ground, Lin Nan walked to Xiao Yanwen and slapped it out in the horrified eyes of everyone!


There was a crisp sound!

Xiao Yanwen was stunned, she didn't expect Lin Nan to hit her!

There is no reason, no explanation, not even a word!

" dare to hit me? You dare to hit me!"

Xiao Yanwen's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Lin Nan spitefully!

"Xiao Yanwen, put away your careful thoughts, remember, if I want to kill you, I don't need a reason!"

Lin Nan shook his head slightly. Liu Ruqing came to find her relatives. In order to take care of Liu Ruqing's mentality, she didn't want to kill anyone!

After speaking, Lin Nan's gaze fell on Huang Laosan, saying:

"Your name is Huang Laosan, right? You can explain this by yourself. If you don't please me, you'd better call the funeral home first!"

Huang Laosan couldn't help but shiver with a rush of chills!

He knew that this time it was kicked on the iron plate!

"Ahem, sir, I'm sorry! It was my Huang Lao San's fault, I admit it!"

Huang Lao San was also simply, enduring the severe pain on his body, got up from the ground, and said to Xiao Yanwen: "Sister Xiao, I'm sorry, I can't do this thing, you see, I am not this gentleman's. opponent!"


Xiao Yanwen's pretty face changed color.

Liu Xiujie, Liu Yuwen and others also had an ominous premonition in their hearts, and they glanced at Xiao Yanwen indifferently!

After all, Xiao Yanwen has been mixing for several years, and she has the title of ‘Sister Xiao’, so she calmed down quickly and said coldly:

"What do you mean by this? Huang Laosan, I don't understand!"

Huang Laosan is also very clever, because he is afraid of stabbing the basket, so he specially recorded the call!

He took out his mobile phone, shook it in front of everyone, and pressed the play button!

Huang Laosan played the recording.

On the phone, Xiao Yanwen’s voice came:

"It's me! Come and help me teach someone!"

"Where is it? Who?"

"It's at the Triumph Hotel, I'm having dinner with a few people from the Liu family!"


"The grandmother's side, I haven't decided yet. When you take someone into the box, you just have to say that this family is a liar and cheated you of your money. Then I will naturally have a way!


"Well, I'll take my brothers and come here in a while, Sister Xiao, wait a moment!"


After the telephone recording was played, everyone present changed their expressions and looked at Xiao Yanwen incredible!

"If you break your arm, you can go!" Lin Nan said.

"What?" Huang Laosan's expression changed.

"The same thing, I won't say it a second time!"

The corner of Lin Nan's mouth evokes a smile!

Huang Laosan trembled all over, did not dare to hesitate, and hit his left arm with a punch!


With a crisp sound, Huang Laosang's left arm dropped softly!

"you can go now!"

"Thank you sir!"

Huang Laosan bowed to Lin Nan, then took his little brother and left in embarrassment!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yanwen's face turned pale, and she found that Lin Nan seemed not to be an annoying character!

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