There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 284: what? Leader Lin came to our Hexi? (Sixth more)

"Xiao Yanwen, what do you mean?"

Liu Menghan said angrily.

"Xiao Yanwen, you are too much! If Ruqing is really from the Liu family, I will tell the grandma about this matter, and at that time, I will see how you explain it!"

After Liu Xiujie left these words, he turned and left, everyone in the Liu family also left one after another!

"Sister Ruqing, let's go!"

Liu Menghan took Liu Ruqing and walked out of the box!

"Xiao Yanwen, spare your life this time, and the next time I will kill you!"

After saying these words, Lin Nan held Lin Momo and strode away!

Xiao Yanwen sat there, like falling into an ice cave, soaked all over!

At the moment Lin Nan spoke, she felt like she had fallen into Shura hell!


Huang Laosan just got out of the hotel, staggering, just now Lin Nan kicked him so hard that he almost dismissed him!

Adding a self-defeating arm, now I just think about going to the hospital to get a bone!

"Huh? Huang Laosan, what happened to your hand?"

Suddenly, a man's voice came, very surprised!

"Ahem! It turned out to be Brother Guo!"

After seeing the visitor clearly, Huang Laosan coughed slightly, a little embarrassed!

He knew this person, an uncle of the Guo family of Yixingquan, named Guo Xinwu!

The Guo family is based on the Wuli clan. Since the Qing Dynasty, it has been a big clan in Hexi Province with a deep background!

In recent years, the military, business, and politics have been involved. In the business sector, there are large groups with a market value of more than tens of billions. There are also people in the family. Working in the city hall is very enjoyable!

"Why are you so embarrassed? There are people in Jing'an City who dare to make you Huang Lao San suffer?"

Guo Xinwu said with a smile.

"Ah! Don't mention it, just after hearing what Xiaojie said, go to trouble with a young man! He seems to be in his twenties. Who knows that he is a great master, my strength, I can't even insist on it. Coming down, it was the young man who was merciful and let me give up an arm and spare me, otherwise I would be lying in the funeral home now!"

Huang Laosan smiled bitterly.

"young people?"

Guo Xinwu was a little surprised, and exclaimed: "You Huang Lao San is also a vigorous warrior, right? Even though you are in the early period of vigorousness and kicked you to the ground, you must be a martial artist in the late vigorousness! The late martial artist of the inner strength is not easy!"

Huang Laosan just wanted to explain, just as Lin Nan and his party walked out of the hotel door!

"Here! It's the young man, the one holding the baby, they are out!"

Huang Laosan pointed to the entrance of the hotel.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

After seeing Lin Nan and others leave, Huang Laosan looked at Guo Xinwu in surprise!

I saw Guo Xinwu standing on the spot, staring straight at the direction where Lin Nan and the others had left the motorcade, stunned!

"How could it be him? He actually came to Hexi Province!"

Guo Xinwu muttered to himself, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, his eyes were full of incredible expression!


"No time to explain to you!"

Guo Xinwu ran away.

While running, he took out his mobile phone and called home!

Hexi province, Yixingquan Guo's family!

The great master of the Yixingquan line, Guo Yunshen answered the call, and suddenly jumped up from his chair!

"What? Leader Lin came to our Hexi?"


In the early morning of the next morning, the yard of Liu's house in Hexi was full of joy, and guests from all walks of life were endless!

The Liu family is in Hexi, a scholarly family!

In the Qing Dynasty, the ancestor of the Liu family was also an emperor!

After so many years of development, the Liu family's disciples are all over the world!

The old lady of the Liu family passed away early. The grandmother's birthday is 100 years old this year. The students from all over the country, politics and business, all come back to celebrate their birthdays!

In the morning, the old lady of the Liu family came back from the Xiangtanshan Temple, and all the family members went to greet them!

This is an old woman with white hair but a sharp spirit, slowly walking with the support of everyone!

A group of rich and powerful men, seeing this scene, all ran up and bowed to say hello!

"Mother, I wish you a blessed life in the East China Sea and a long life!"

"Mother, I am Xiao Yang. When I was a child, the teacher was in class. I was not serious and I was punished. You still help intercede!"

"Good, good, all good!"

Granny Liu nodded to these rich men.

Liu Menghan walked up with a smile, helped the old lady Liu's milk, and said:

"Grandma, you have a great-grandaughter, come back to admit her!"

"Oh? Which line does it come from? Isn't it possible to lie to my old woman again?"

Granny Liu asked.

"No, it's from Jiangnan, and there are family jade pendants too!"

Liu Menghan explained with a smile, and at the same time passed the jade pendant of Liu Ruqing's family. Old lady Liu looked a little excited!

"Yes, this belongs to the Liu family, a jade pendant from Hongfu's line! How about people?"

"There it is!"

Liu Menghan just said, pointing at Liu Ruqing who was standing in the distance!

Suddenly, outside the Liu family compound, someone suddenly shouted:

"The Secretary General of City Hall Week is here!"

"What? Secretary Zhou is here? What's the matter?"

People were startled, they all looked in the direction of the gate of Liu's house, only to see a middle-aged man in a suit, surrounded by a group of people, walked in!

The arrival of Secretary-General Zhou caused quite a sensation. A large group of rich and powerful people all rushed over and said hello in gusto, where is the usual appearance?

"Secretary-General Zhou, hello, I am Xiao Wang, the chairman of Tianshui Group. We had dinner together last time!"

"Secretary-General Zhou, are you free tonight, I invite you to dinner? That project of our company..."

"I'm Xiao Zhang from Limin Construction Company, Secretary-General Zhou, do you remember?"

Secretary-General Zhou waved his hand, pushed everyone away, and walked to Granny Liu's, smiling:

"Mrs. Liu, I wish you a better life than Nanshan!"

"Too grandma, my boyfriend specifically called Secretary-General Zhou to wish you a birthday!"

Xiao Yanwen stood aside and said with a smile.

At her hand, holding a twenty-seven-year-old young man with a sunny smile on his face, he nodded and said hello to Mrs. Liu!

"Good! Good!"

Granny Liu nodded happily, and temporarily left behind the matter of confessing her great-grandaughter!

"What! Too grandma's birthday, have time to bring other people to celebrate the birthday scene, not be more practical, show filial piety!"

Liu Menghan curled his lips.

At this moment, Xiao Yanwen squeezed her boyfriend Hao Jianfeng's arm!

"Grandma, I heard that Yanwen was framed when she was in the hotel a few days ago! If grandma hears any rumors in the future, don't believe it!"

Hao Jianfeng said suddenly.

"Oh? What's going on?" Old lady Liu was puzzled.

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