There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 291: Kill you-easy! (First more)

After spending a few days in Jing'an City, Lin Nan and his family are ready to return to Jiangnan City!

Before leaving, Liu Menghan was still reluctant to leave!

"Sister Ruqing, when will you come next time?"

"Haha, soon, as long as we have time, we will come to you to play!"

"Well, when I'm off for summer vacation, can I go to you to play?" Liu Menghan looked forward to something.

"of course!"

"Then it's a deal!"

Watching Lin Nan's family disappear at the end of the street, Liu Menghan reluctantly returned to the yard. She was also going to go back to school!


The Lin Nan family did not go back to Jiangnan City, but went straight back to the coffee shop in Tianhai City!

"Master, you are back!"

After seeing Lin Nan, Lin Canghai greeted respectfully.

"Where is Lengyan?" Lin Nan asked casually.

"Oh, she took Qianben Sakura to go out for experience, saying that in a big city, there is no way to train a good disciple! She asked me to ask for leave for her!"

Lin Canghai explained.

Lin Nan didn't say much, looked at Lin Canghai, raised his hand and threw him a jade bottle!

After Lin Canghai took the jade bottle, he felt a majestic spirit, and it hit his face, making his breath become heavy!

"Master, is this?"

"This thing is called Xiao Pei Yuan Dan, it should be your reward for housekeeping. If you practice hard, you should be able to enter the realm of heavenly immortals within three years!"

Lin Nan said casually.

"What! Three years? A god!"

Lin Canghai trembled, his old face showed uncontrollable ecstasy!

The realm of heaven!

The martial artists are divided into: external power fighters, internal power fighters, martial arts masters, gods, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals. Starting from Lin Canghai's martial arts practice, it took more than 90 years to become a martial arts master and is based in the Philippines!

But how many years have you known Lin Nancai? From the master of martial arts, he became a god, and then he was raised by Lin Nan to become an immortal!

Now, Lin Nan said that he can become a **** within three years!

How can Lin Canghai not be excited?

"Master, meeting you is the greatest luck in Canghai's life!"

Lin Canghai bowed his head deeply, a line of murky tears welled up from the corner of his eyes!

"Baba, why is Grandpa Lin crying!"

Lin Momo looked at Lin Canghai curiously, walked over and stretched out his small handkerchief!

"Grandpa Lin doesn't cry, so behave!"

"Okay, I'm getting older and crying! You see Mo'er laughs at you!"

"Yes, yes, the old slave is too excited!"

Lin Canghai wiped away his tears quickly, and did not dare to pick up Lin Momo's small handkerchief!


In the next few days, Liu Ruqing was very busy, almost staying at Tianhai University and not coming back. Lin Nan and Lin Momo sent the meals to him!

Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong have compiled a lot of information and prepared to go to Wall Street in the United States recently to register a company!

Her business plan is about to be implemented!

in the room.


"Finally ready, all the formalities have been completed, we will set off tomorrow!"

After Liu Ruqing finished the phone call and booked the ticket, she felt relieved!

"What's wrong? Going to the United States?"

"Yes, I have gotten in touch with Dr. George. With him as my guide, I can save ten years of detours and directly enter Wall Street, stand with those financial crocodiles, and slap Fang Yao!" Liu Ruqing smiled. As he said, there was a hint of red rhyme on Qiao's face!

"Think about it, I'm still a little excited!"

Liu Ruqing was like a child, spinning around the room and jumping up!

"La la la!"

Lin Momo joined in, twisting her thigh while holding Liu Ruqing!


Liu Ruqing hugged Lin Momo and gave her a fierce kiss on the face!

"Let's say it first, you are not allowed to help me, I have to do it step by step, if you raise your hand and directly establish a super consortium, it will be boring!"

When Liu Ruqing said so, Lin Nan shrugged helplessly!

Since Liu Ruqing wants to play a game, let her play it!

Let alone a super consortium, even if it is an empire on earth, Lin Nan can build it up!


The next day, Lin Nan's family, plus sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, boarded the plane to New York!

After flying for 21 hours, everyone finally landed at the New York International Airport!

"Is this New York? It's so big!"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were standing on the street, looking at the surrounding skyscrapers, their faces were red!

Lin Nan looked calm. In the depths of the universe, there are too many cosmic cities larger than New York. Its prosperous level is also unimaginable for humans on earth!

"Let's go, the time agreed with George is almost here! Let's hurry over!"

In a coffee shop near Wall Street, New York!

Dr. George, have been waiting here long ago!

This is a white man in his fifties, wearing a pair of glasses and a meticulous suit. He looks very kind!

Seeing Liu Ruqing coming, George smiled and shook hands, and said: "Ruqing, Yao, Qiong, you are finally here, I have read your plan, it is very good, I will recommend you to enter Wall Street... "

"Thank you, teacher!"

The three women were very happy, and had already treated Dr. George as a teacher!

In the capital market, having a mentor leading the way is far faster than crossing the river by rubbing the stones yourself!

at the same time.

A group of young men in suits and leather shoes, who looked twenty-seven and eighty-eight, came towards this cafe!

Along the way, several people talked and laughed, and all they talked about were the trends of the stock, gold market, and capital market!

They are all elites of Wall Street. Taking advantage of the work break, come to this cafe to make a cup of coffee and enjoy afternoon tea!

Suddenly, one of the young people with a Chinese face stopped and stood on the other side of the street, looking at the French window of the coffee shop, his eyes twitched slightly, and his fists clenched tightly!

"Wang Zhe, what's wrong with you?"

Several white youths on the side looked at him strangely!

This person is no one else, but Wang Zhe from the Wang family in Southeastern Province!

That year, he offended Lin Nan in Jiangnan City. Because of Zhang Fuzhi in the Zhang family of Yanjing, he was abandoned by the Wang family and sent overseas. When he was at the airport, he was even sent to a mental hospital!

After a long time, Wang Zhe escaped from there!

Over the years, the Wang Family of Southeast Province has abandoned him!

Wang Zhe also didn't contact his family in China, so he didn't know what happened in Jiangnan, and he didn't know that the entire Wang family in Southeastern Province had already surrendered to Lin Nan's feet!

"Who is that white old man?"

Wang Zhe lowered his throat.

"That person is George Paul, a financial advisor on Wall Street, and he has relationships with many securities companies! What's wrong?"

"Nothing! My body suddenly feels a little uncomfortable. Go ahead, I'll go back first!"

After speaking, Wang Zhe turned around and left, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

‘Lin Nan, Lin Nan, if you don’t come out in China, I am going to go back and get everything that belongs to me in another twenty years! ’

‘In Jiangnan, no one dares to offend you! But since you have appeared in the United States, with the forces that I have established in the United States over the years, you are like a newborn baby in front of me. You can't use the forces of Jiangnan, and I will kill you-easy! ’

He is not from the underground world, he does not have so many news channels, and he does not know how terrifying Lin Nan is today!

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