There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 292: What are you doing What are you doing! (Second more)

At night.

Dr. George is here, saying that today there happened to be a gathering in the financial sector on Wall Street, everyone can go and see it together and meet some colleagues in the financial sector by the way!

New York time, seven o'clock!

Lin Nan's family, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong and others have already changed their evening dresses.

Even Lin Nan was dressed up, put on a European-style tuxedo, matching his slender figure, handsome face, provoke Chu Yao and Chu Qiong two sisters, eyes twinkling, pretty face flushed!

Liu Ruqing is like a proud queen, standing on the side of the road with her white jade feet and high heels, attracting countless lights!

"Everyone is here, follow me in!"

Dr. George came, wearing a snow-white suit with a corsage on his chest, and smiled faintly.

After everyone entered the venue, piano music came in their ears, very soothing!

Ahead, in the brightly lit hall, with a red carpet, set up to look like a cocktail party, at least four or five hundred people, some of them in groups of three to five, formed their own small circle to talk!

Among these people, there are business giants, some from scratch, the billionaires who eventually crossed Wall Street, and some second- and third-tier actresses in the entertainment industry, all appear here!

There are also elite talents who have just graduated from world-class universities and are waiting to show their ambitions!

There are also sons and heirs of those consortiums who were born with a golden spoon in their hands and plunged into Wall Street with the investment of their homes, just to accumulate experience, even if they lose all the funds given by the family, it doesn't matter at all!

The sons and heirs of these consortiums are the elites who have just graduated, or securities analysts, who like to make friends most!

They are not very proficient in finance, but they have a lot of dollars in their hands. As long as they can persuade him, they may be able to fulfill their business ideals!

Dr. George, brought Lin Nan and others into the arena, but did not attract much attention!

"Lin Nan, you can play by yourself for a while, Dr. George and I will go to meet other people, Mo'er behave!"

Liu Ruqing stretched out her hand, patted Lin Momo's little cheek, and then followed Dr. George away!

Lin Nan hugged Lin Momo, found a deck, sat down casually, and the father and daughter were playing happily!


At this time, Wang Zhe and his friends appeared!

A group of young elites, surrounded by a blond white youth, walked into the venue like stars holding the moon, and suddenly became the focus of everyone present!

After seeing this blond white youth, many celebrities on Wall Street all rushed over and greeted him!

"Mr. Eddie, good evening, nice to meet you!" A financial elite, holding a tall glass, said hello with a smile!

"Mr. Eddie said he was going to date someone, why did you miss the appointment!"

A second-line actress smiled bitterly.

With a smile on his face, Wang Zhe glanced casually, and he happened to see Lin Nan who was stuck in the seat not far away!

‘Hehe, there is a way to heaven, you don’t walk, and there is no way to hell, you just cast yourself! ’

Wang Zhe sneered in his heart.

"this way please!"

With the effort to speak, Wang Zhe brought'Eddie' to Lin Nan, condescendingly, and glanced at Lin Nan contemptuously!

"Mr. Lin, we meet again!"

This sentence was said by Wang Zhe in Mandarin.

"Wang, do you know him?"

Eddie Seaville, a young white man on the side, asked in English.

"I knew it before!"


Eddie Seavir nodded.

"Mr. Lin, this is the United States, not Jiangnan. This is Eddie Sivir, the heir of the Sivir consortium. Should you get up and give your seat?"

Wang Zhe joked.

The Sivir Consortium is also very famous in the United States. Although it is not as famous as the Morgan Consortium, Citi Consortium, Rothschild family, etc., but in the financial world, it is also a bigwig on the side, people dare not underestimate it!

In the past few years, Wang Zhe has been fond of such a consortium heir. It can be seen that his wrist is far superior to his peers!

The few white youths on the side all smiled faintly!


Lin Nan spit out a word, without raising his head!

"Oh Well!"

Wang Zhe's face sank.

After speaking, I translated Lin Nan's words into English. The heir of the Sivir Consortium, Eddie Sivir, had a smile on his face and said a word in English!

After listening to this, Wang Zhe smiled faintly, it seemed that his purpose had already reached halfway!

"Lin Nan, Eddie said, I want you to—"


There was a crisp sound!

Before Wang Zhe's translation was finished, he flew out, and Lin Nan's slap fell heavily on his face!

"what happened?"

There was a riot in the venue!

Everyone's eyes all looked over here!

One of Wang Zhe's face also became swollen. In front of so many people, he was slapped and slapped flying, and his face in the circle was completely lost!

Wang Zhe's face was fiercely painful, but he sneered in his heart!

‘Fool, I just let you hit me! How can you offend Eddie if you don't hit me? Hahaha! ’

"This gentleman, do you not give me face when you do this? "The King" is my friend. What do you mean by beating him in public?"

Eddie Seavir said solemnly.

It turns out that he understands Chinese, so Wang Zhe was asked to translate just now, because he didn't want to talk to Lin Nan!

"Say it one last time, get out!"

Lin Nan looked indifferent and despised everything!

Seeing Lin Nan's attitude, a white man who witnessed the whole process immediately stood up!

He pushed the golden glasses on his nose and said in a deep voice:

"Sir, I am a lawyer. Now I can tell you solemnly that this is the United States, not your own country!"

"You dare to beat people in public, do you know that this is a crime of intentional harm?"

"Don't you know how perfect the American law is? The crime of intentional injury is very serious!"

"Believe it or not! Now as long as I call the police, I can send you to prison?"

The white lawyer speaks fluent English!

Every time he said a word, he took a step closer to Lin Nan, with an astonishing momentum and pressing harder every step!

When he finished speaking, he had already stood in the field, looking down at Lin Nan sitting on the sofa, and became the focus of everyone's attention!

Seeing Lin Nan's calm face, the white lawyer sneered and shook his head: "Sorry, you may not understand English! I will explain it to you in your native language again!"


There was a burst of laughter among the surrounding guests.

Can't even understand English, so embarrassed to sit here?

So, the white lawyer used fluent Mandarin and repeated what he said just now!

"Sir, do you understand now?"

How could Lin Nan not understand English?

He just didn't want to talk to the white lawyer, but he didn't know what it was, so he would repeat it in Mandarin?


Lin Nan frowned.

With a volley wave, he shot the white lawyer flying in the air, and knocked down several dining tables full of food before he landed heavily on the ground, completely silent!

A middle-aged man hurriedly walked over, tried the lawyer's breath, and shook his head gently!


The scene fell into a dead silence!

No one thought that Lin Nan would directly hit someone for the first time, but would kill someone the second time!

After all, these people are just business elites, and all the methods are in the business sea, let alone murder, I have never even seen killing chickens on weekdays!

Now, when I saw a lawyer, I was slapped to death by Lin Nan. I was completely shocked. I dare not speak!

Wang Zhe's face turned pale in an instant, and his body trembled slightly!

He never thought that Lin Nan would dare to kill people directly in public in the United States!

This time, I seemed to be wrong again!

At this time, Lin Nan had stood up, holding Lin Momo in his arms, and walking towards Wang Zhe!

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do!"

"Don't come here!"

Wang Zhe's face changed drastically, and his heart was completely scared!

The man in front of him is like a **** of murder!

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