There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 297: act recklessly! (First more)

With Lin Momo, talking and laughing all the way, he returned to the hotel where he was staying!

Lin Nan didn't care about encountering a group of killers!

At noon, Liu Ruqing came back!

The registration of the company has already gone through the initial formalities. In the afternoon, Dr. George will take them to the manor of a super consortium to participate in a debate!

At that time, many talents in the financial industry will arrive at the scene!

Even, everyone can tell their own financial ideas!

If you pass, you can get the investment of those super consortium leaders!

"Super consortium? Teacher George, which one is it?"

Chu Qiong asked curiously.

"Haha, it's the Morgan Consortium. Their consortium is making an angel investment on Wall Street recently. If you have any good ideas, you can report it! This gathering can be used as a springboard for you to move forward, so you must grasp it! "George explained with a smile, obviously in a good mood.

"Really? That's great!"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were extremely excited. After lunch, they hurriedly prepared!

Liu Ruqing was quite calm. The black card Lin Nan gave her contained a huge deposit of hundreds of billions of dollars. With this amount of money, she could even directly establish a consortium!

However, Liu Ruqing was not prepared to do this, she wanted to take it step by step and enjoy the process!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Dr. George took everyone to the manor in the suburbs of New York!

This manor is very large, combining European and American styles, like an old castle, but with many modern buildings!

At the entrance of the manor, there were a large number of bodyguards standing guard. When everyone went in, they were even tested by electronic equipment to see if they were carrying weapons!

After checking.

"Why is it so strict?"

Chu Yao asked in a low voice.

"These are the residences of the heads of the super consortium, of course the guards are tight!"

Dr. George explained.


At the same time, in the depths of the manor!

Field Morgan was sitting in a wheelchair with one foot bandaged, and the bullet inside was also taken out!

As soon as he came back from the hospital, there was no time to rest, so he immediately went to work!

At this moment, a proud female secretary with a very high temperament walked into the office.

"Sir, I just came back from the police station, and the people in the police station said that they did not find information about your savior! They are still looking for it!"


Field Morgan was a little angry, and said angrily: "What do these **** in New York do? You can't even find one. Isn't there any surveillance on the street?"

"Sir, there is surveillance on the street, but when the police station called out the surveillance, it was discovered that all the surveillance screens were damaged. It seemed that something was interfering with the surveillance screen, so you could not see in the surveillance. The savior you mentioned!" The female secretary was very helpless.

"Hmph! Find it for me, you must find it out for me, he saved my life! And with such terrifying magical powers, if we can win him over, it will be of great benefit to our Morgan consortium!"

Field Morgan snorted coldly.

The female secretary recorded this sentence on the record, ready for someone to execute it, turned to the next page of the document in hand, and said:

"Sir, those financial elites on Wall Street are almost here. When do you see them?"

"Wait a minute, I'm almost starving to death. I'm talking after lunch first, let them wait!"

"Okay! I'll order the chef to serve you!"

After the female secretary had finished speaking, she retired respectfully!


After everyone entered the manor, they were taken to a wide hall by a man who looked like a housekeeper!

In the hall, thousands of people have gathered impressively, and more people came than the last financial gathering!

Last time on Wall Street, it was just a small gathering for everyone. The people who went there were very messy. There were financial elites, lawyers, second- and third-tier stars, doctors, etc., who were all in everyone's circle of friends!

And this time, they are genuine financial elites!

Of course, apart from Lin Nan, he just came with his wife!

"Wang! Look at them!"

Among the crowd not far away, Eddie Sivir's face was a bit ugly. At the last meeting, Lin Nan's majesty shocked them deeply!

Ignoring the law, directly doing things, killing people in public, they have never encountered such a thing!

"Eddie, I saw it!"

In Wang Zhe's heart, the resentment towards Lin Nan has not diminished, but has grown stronger!

However, he looked at Lin Nan's gaze, a little dodge, the murderous aura revealed in Lin Nan's heart that day had already made Wang Zhe feel terrified!

Every time I think about it, there is still a chill on the spine!

Wang Zhe had only one feeling at the time, that is, Lin Nan really wanted to kill him, not joking!

Even so, the bitterness deep in Wang Zhe's eyes can't be concealed anyway!

Lin Nan felt this gaze and ignored it!

"This guy doesn't follow the rules. Although the doctor named Edward was not killed last time, I always feel that this **** really dares to kill!"

Eddie Seavir was uneasy.

"I have a way, Eddie, don't these people have your connections? You let them do it and push them out of Wall Street!"

Wang Zhe lowered his throat.

Eddie Sivir frowned slightly, after thinking about it, he agreed!

Immediately, he walked into the crowd, whispered a few words to seven or eight people, and secretly pointed at Lin Nan and others not far away!

"Oh? They offended you? Haha, well, they will feel better for a while!"

The corners of the mouths of several financial elites showed a slight sneer!

At this time, Dr. George took Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong to meet other people!

It was not ten minutes before everyone had a heated discussion!

This is the case in the financial sector, each expressing their opinions, and finally depends on the investors' intentions and hobbies to determine the direction of investment!

If it succeeds, it may double its assets. If it fails, it may lose all money!

Listening to the theories of Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong, a white man who appeared to be in his fifties walked slowly!

He shook his head slightly, holding a glass goblet in his hand, and smiled:

"Madam, your financial imagination is too immature! It's all imaginative. You imagined the world as the Garden of Eden? In fact, the world is a battlefield. To borrow a word from your China, the shopping mall is like a battlefield!"

"Your financial imagination is just a little girl's fairy tale dream, which is impossible to realize!"

This white man, who looks more than fifty years old, wears a luxurious handmade custom suit with a proud face!

"Wang, look carefully, Mentor Louis has taken action!"

Eddie Seavir laughed meaningfully!

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