There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 298: My woman, even if she is wrong, she is right! (Second more)

"You nonsense!"

Chu Yao gritted her teeth and glared at the visitors!

This is the result of her research for several years, but it is said to be a fantasy? Even if Chu Qiong has a good temper, she is very angry!

The white man shook his head amusingly, sneered, and said:

"I am talking nonsense? Ha ha, do you know who I am?"

"Do you know how the capital market actually works?"

"Do you know what the financial life cycle theory is?"

"If you don't understand these, I suggest you read a book called "Golden Trade"! I have marked these things in the book, if you read it, you should understand!"

After the white man finished speaking, he casually sipped the red wine in the tall glass.

"What? You wrote this book about the gold trade? You are Louis Smith!"

Chu Qiong's pretty face changed with just one brush, how could he not read the book "Golden Trade" as a graduate student in the Department of Finance and an assistant professor at Tianhai University?

Even repeat reading every night, each time you have a different opinion, after reading it, just put it next to your pillow!

When you go to bed tomorrow, read the last few pages!

Now, seeing the author of "Golden Trade" standing in front of him, Chu Qiong instantly loses confidence in the theory in his heart!

After all, she is a little girl. How could she argue with the old fox who has been riding the wind and waves for decades in the financial market?

Seeing Chu Qiong's expression like this, a group of young people all laughed deeply!


"This little girl doesn't even know the author of "The Gold Trade". Do you still expect her to read this book?"

"Not bad! Mentor Louis, I think it's better to forget it, if you ask, she won't understand it!"

A few white young men added fuel to the side.

The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong paled for a while, and they even began to wonder if their theoretical ideas were wrong?

Louis Smith shook his head and sighed, saying nothing!

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Zhe's mouth showed a cheerful smile!

"Wang, you have a good idea. Use other people's hands to achieve our own goals. We are bystanders. Even if these people are irritated by the time, we won't be blamed!"

Eddie Sivir raised his chin and looked forward, his handsome face was full of smiles!

"Eddie, this is called killing with a knife in our country. Although it is far from reaching the realm of killing, this is a good start!"

Wang Zhe's confidence came back, secretly proud of it!

‘On force! Maybe I am not your opponent, but it is a strategy! I can play you to death, as long as you don't get hold of it, what can you do with me? ’

"Oh? It's interesting to kill with a knife!"

Eddie Sivir's eyes flickered, and a look of interest appeared on his face.

"If you are interested, you can study Huaxia's "The Art of War", shopping malls are like battlefields, and the strategies inside, you can use in the future!"

"The Art of War by Sun Tzu? Okay, I remember it!"

The two spoke in a low voice, thinking it was very concealed. They didn't know that every word fell into Lin Nan's ears without missing a word!

The corners of Lin Nan's mouth showed a hint of disdain!

No matter how smart you are, in front of absolute power, it is all nonsense!

Even if Wang Zhe speaks to the entire United States and comes to deal with him, when Lin Nan slaps him down, the country is gone, what shall you do?

However, it is good for Chu Yao and Chu Qiong to suffer some setbacks. How can there be any smooth sailing in the world?

At this time.

"Little Qiong, don't be afraid! Have you forgotten the shortcomings you found in "Gold Trade"?"

Liu Ruqing stepped forward and took Chu Qiong's little hand, softly comforting.

Hearing this, Louis Smith sneered and said: "My "Golden Trade" has been a best seller for 17 years. Now many CFAs on Wall Street have grown up reading my book. Say it has shortcomings?"

"I have read "Golden Trade" no less than ten times! Every time I am admired by the shocking theory in it!"

"Yes, this book by Mentor Louis is already the best-selling book in financial history!"

Several white youths echoed.

They are all Wall Street business elites, and they are obviously more credible than Liu Ruqing, and they are more recognized!

"The modern financial world has entered the digital age! Mentor Louis, your set is suitable for the initial stage of the development of financial trade. If you wait a few years and wait for the world to develop, it will be useless. !"

Liu Ruqing said indifferently, she looked directly at Louis Smith, without any dodge or fear!

Lin Nan nodded secretly, she deserves to be her own woman!

"Huh! Nonsense!"

Louis Smith snorted!

"Really? It doesn't make sense to say anything now, let's wait and see! I support Chu Yao and Chu Qiong's theories, but you, Mentor Louis Smith, your theory is out of date!"

Liu Ruqing shook her head without any concessions!

As soon as these words landed, the crowd in the back exploded!

"What? It's nonsense to say that Mentor Louis's words?"

"Which school did you graduate from? Who is your mentor?"

"Do you know the position of Mentor Louis in Stanford and Harvard University? His students are spread all over the world, and all major super consortia in the world have students of Mentor Louis. You question the doctrine of Mentor Louis. We Wall Street cannot tolerate you. , Where do you come from, where do you go back!"

Several young men stepped forward, aggressive.

They are the same people whom Eddie Sivir greeted secretly just now!

Several people saw that the effect was almost the same, and they all stood up!

"Yes! Drive them out!"

A few more financial elites stepped forward and joined together!

In the distance, Wang Zhe, Eddie Sivir and others all laughed when they saw this scene!

"How about? Eddie, my plan is not bad, right?"

"This trick is really good! In this way, they will have no place on Wall Street from today!" Eddie Sivir nodded in satisfaction.

Waiting quietly, preparing to see Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong make a fool of themselves!

"No, these are the people I brought, how can you drive them away?" Dr. George was a little anxious.

"Dr. George, your status is not as good as Mentor Louis? Don't you question Mentor Louis's financial theory?"

A white young man looked at Dr. George with a compelling look!

Dr. George lowered his head and dared not say a word!

Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong are only his students after all. If they offend a large group of Wall Street people for the sake of the students, it is really not worthwhile!

"Who allowed you to talk to my woman in this tone? All kneel down and admit your mistakes!"

A faint voice came.

Very fluent English, everyone present can understand!

Everyone at the scene was stunned and looked over in horror, only to see a young man, holding a little girl, standing in the distance!

"You are all bad guys, bully me!"

Lin Momo also waved her little hand with an angry expression on her face.

"what did you say?"

"Let's kneel down?"

"Young man, do you know where is this place? Dare to say such things?" Louis Smith's face sank.


Without saying anything, Lin Nan slapped the face and slapped this extremely high status in the financial world, like a master in the martial arts world!

"What kind of thing are you? I let you kneel, and you just kneel! My woman, even if it is wrong, is right!"

"do you understand?"

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