There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 299: Boss, it's so fierce! (Third more)

Lin Nan came over, condescending, looking down at Louis Smith!


Louis Smith's face became extremely ugly!

He knelt on the ground, stretched out a hand, tremblingly pointed at Lin Nan, his old face was pale, and he wanted to speak, but he was oppressed by Lin Nan's aura, unable to say a word!

"Apologize, admit your mistake!"

Lin Nan said coldly, his face as cold as ice, his words were like imperial decree!

The pride in Louis Smith's heart is nothing oppressed!

Originally, he took other people's money and came forward for others!

Even if he has heard it out, the theories of Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong and others are really good. They are not nonsense, they are the conclusions made after hard work!

Louis Smith still unites everyone and criticizes the three people's theory as worthless!

Given his position in the financial world, naturally many people came out to agree!

But I didn't expect that Lin Nan was so overbearing, he started directly, and he bowed his head to admit his mistakes!

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

"My theories are all rubbish! I shouldn't yell at your woman! Please forgive me, I also took other people's money to say this!"

"What? Mentor Louis, why are you doing this?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were very surprised. They thought it was really their own theory and something went wrong!

Unexpectedly, this is the reason!

The scene is dead!

The several white youths who had just spoken changed their expressions slightly and shrank away from the crowd, thinking that Lin Nan hadn't noticed them!

Lin Nan raised his hand and grabbed the group of people out of the air and threw them on the ground!

"There are a few of you, like ants, and I want my women to have no foothold on Wall Street? Why don't I break your legs first to see if you still have a foothold?"

As Lin Nan said, he lifted his foot and stepped on it, breaking all the legs of these financial elites!


There was a scream, accompanied by a burst of cracked bones!


All the people present took a breath of air-conditioning, their scalp numb, and they froze in place, at a loss!


"Too fierce!"

The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong didn't expect Lin Nan to be so vigorous, so they just started!

Didn’t you say yes, the gentleman speaks but doesn’t move!

"You, you always like to use the most direct method to end a debate!"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan's back, her hands helplessly stuck in her waist, but her mouth was filled with a happy smile!

In the distance, Wang Zhe and Eddie Sivir were also very afraid!

The two looked at each other, secretly grateful!

‘Fortunately, I didn’t show up by myself, or my legs were interrupted! As for the people whose legs have been broken, just give them some money! ’

Eddie Seavir thought to himself.

"what happened?"

At this moment, an unhappy voice came!

Field Morgan had just finished eating and was about to meet these financial elites. He didn't expect that they would make a noise in their reception hall!

These guys are getting more and more unruly!

"It's Mr. Field!"

"Sir, you are finally here!"

After seeing Field Morgan's appearance, everyone present gathered together, as if they had found the backbone!

"Mr. Field, someone is making trouble, and let Louis mentor them to kneel in public!"

"There are also these seven or eight Wall Street elites, each of whom is a rare talent! He was interrupted by that person directly. How can such a violent stand under the same blue sky as us?!"

Everyone was talking babbledly.

No one noticed that after seeing Lin Nan's appearance, Field Morgan was stunned!

"Mr. Field, you must be fair!"

"Yes, send the culprit to the police station for prosecution! This is a crime of deliberate injury, and certainly not a light sentence!"

Those friends whose legs were interrupted by the master were filled with righteous indignation and spoke unceremoniously!

"Hey, Mr. Field is here, this time your enemy, I'm afraid it's dead!"

Eddie Hill sneered again and again.

"Something's wrong!"

Wang Zhe shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Eddie Sivir asked.

"Look at Mr. Field's expression, there is no anger, not only there is no anger, but also a little excited! The corners of your eyes are slightly stretched, and the corners of your mouth are raised. This is obviously a happy expression!" Wang Zhe frowned.

In the financial circle, I really need to look at the boss's face!

Therefore, he has also studied human micro-expressions. When and how human micro-expressions behave, he knows all about it!

Field Morgan’s micro-expressions indicate that he is happy, not angry!

"What? Happy?"

Eddie Sivir was taken aback and hesitated: "No? Someone made trouble in his place and beat others, and made Mentor Louis kneel. How could Mr. Field..."

He hasn't finished a word!

"Sir, it really is you! In the morning, I sent someone to find your whereabouts. I didn't expect to see you in the afternoon!"

Field Morgan was surprised.


In the female secretary's surprised gaze, she jumped up without taking care of the injured foot. She didn't even sit in the wheelchair. The'Golden Rooster' jumped to Lin Nan's stand alone, with a smile on her face!

In the entire reception hall, there was a dead silence, and the peaks turned!

"It's you?"

"it's me!"

Field Morgan nodded, his face full of excitement!

Everyone present, listening to the puzzled conversation between the two, were all puzzled!

But what is certain is that Mr. Field knows Lin Nan, and the relationship between the two looks pretty good!

"Lin Nan, how do you know Mr. Field? He is one of your executive directors of the Morgan Consortium?"

Liu Ruqing leaned forward and asked in a low voice.

"Oh, this morning, Momo and I went out shopping, which happened to save his life!" Lin Nan explained.

"Such a coincidence?"

"Sir, who is this?"

Field Morgan smiled and looked at Liu Ruqing who walked to Lin Nan's side.

"This is my wife!"

"Hello madam, are you only attending this financial gathering?"

"Yes, Mr. Field, I have a financial plan here. I discussed it with two friends. I want to show it to your consortium!"

Liu Ruqing smiled faintly and handed over a plan in her hand!

After Field Morgan took it, he passed it to his female secretary, and said: "Put it on my desk, I want to see it this afternoon!"


The female secretary stepped forward and quickly took it on!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of everyone present became extremely hot, and their faces were full of surprised expressions!

Field Morgan ignored the gazes of other people, and pointed to the person lying on the ground, sloppy!

"Mr. Lin, who are these people?"

"They offended my wife! Then they used a mess of theories to drive her out, so I started to break their legs!"

Lin Nan explained casually, indifferent in his eyes!

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