There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 300: A man who can't reach a billion dollars! (Fourth)

A man stepped forward and whispered in Field Morgan's ear!

Unexpectedly, Field Morgan's face sank and angrily said:

"You guys, have you eaten the guts of the bear heart and leopard? Mr. Lin is my distinguished guest! Do you still want to drive him out? Come on, throw it out for me! An announcement on Wall Street, these people, will never be hired! "

"Louis Smith! In the face of your being a financial advisor to my consortium, I will not post your name on Wall Street's never-hired list. Leave by yourself and don't go back to Wall Street!"

The voice fell to the ground.

Louis Smith's old face is pale, and he dare not speak!

As the financial mentor of his two top universities in the United States and the chief financial adviser of the billionaire consortium, he was deprived of everything by Field Morgan, and there was no room for change!

This is the spirit of the world super consortium!


Those seven or eight elites whose legs were broken, their faces instantly turned pale!

In the beginning, the ‘friends’ who were still talking for them all stepped aside at this moment, dare not say a word!

I even secretly regretted it, what did I just say?

I hope Mr. Field didn't remember it!

"Mr. Field, we didn't mean it!"

"Yes, Mr. Field, we don’t know, this Mr. Lin is your distinguished guest! It was all the **** Eddie Sivir who instigated us. He said that as long as we squeeze out these Chinese, he is willing to give it to me. One million dollars!"

These seven or eight white youths all recruited in one go!

‘No...Sure enough, something went wrong! Wang Zhe's heart sank.

Eddie Sivir's complexion changed again and again, flushing red!

"Hehe, Eddie Seavir, you did a good thing?"

"I will tell your parents about this matter, and I won't punish you here! Go back and receive family training!"

Field Morgan looked up!

"No! Uncle Field, I know I was wrong!"

Eddie Seavir felt terrified and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy!

"Please, don't tell my parents about this. If you let them know, you will deprive me of my heir status! At that time, I will have nothing, Uncle Field, please bypass me!"


Field Morgan snorted and ignored him.

"It's all him! It's all this person, he resents Mr. Lin, that's why he let me do it! Uncle, I was wrong!"

Eddie Sivir panicked and pushed all the blame on Wang Zhe!

Wang Zhe couldn't calm down anymore, his body froze, his hands and feet trembled slightly, he looked desperate!

Lin Nan gave him two opportunities, but he did not grasp it. This time Wang Zhe knew that he was completely finished!

The fear of Lin Nan in his heart was infinitely magnified, and Wang Zhe had only one thought in his heart, that is, Lin Nan would kill him!

His pupils shrank slightly, Wang Zhe's last line of defense was crushed by his own fear!


He screamed in horror and ran out of the hall!

The bodyguard outside the hall didn't know what was going on, thinking that the person who came was a killer!

After all, in the morning, Field Morgan had just been assassinated!

"Who are you? What are you running? Stop!"

Several bodyguards had already rushed forward, and Wang Zhe kept his pace!


A few gunshots came, and everything fell to death!

After hearing the sound, everyone in the living room trembled slightly and their faces became paler!

Next, the entire financial gathering almost became a private meeting between Lin Nan and others and Field Morgan!

The other financial elites were all taken to the side and embarrassed!

When it was about to end, everyone dispersed one after another. Lin Nan's family was even left for dinner!


On the table.

"Mr. Lin, I don't know if you are interested in joining our Morgan Consortium? All the benefits are favorable. I can also help you get a U.S. green card so that you can live in the U.S. permanently!"

Field Morgan smiled, listening to his tone, there seemed to be a trace of desire in it!

"I am not interested!"

Lin Nan shook his head lightly.

He was very calm, but surprised Dr. George!

‘What is the origin of this young man? With such energy, even CiA told me to monitor him secretly and report the news back at any time! ’

"Well, that's a shame!"

Field Morgan sighed, disappointed in his eyes!

It can be heard that he is not pretending to be polite, but really disappointed!

After the dinner, Lin Nan and others left!

Field Morgan hurried back to the office.

"Mr. Field, since you are so optimistic about that Mr. Lin, with the influence of our Morgan consortium, with some means, can't you just keep him casual?" The female secretary was puzzled.

This kind of grace and power, giving some benefits, and giving some threats, the Morgan Consortium has already used it with perfection!

There are many talents in the world, capable people and strangers, which one is not like this, serving the Morgan consortium obediently?

"Huh! What do you know? Contact the headquarters immediately, and transfer me the information of a person in the confidential files!"

The female secretary was taken aback and asked:

"Sir, whose information do you need? You still need to retrieve it from confidential files?"

"Thunder Master!"

The female secretary thought for a while, as if she had never heard of the name, she walked out of the office and contacted the headquarters of the Morgan Consortium!

Ten minutes later, the female secretary returned to the office and gave a pile of information to Field Morgan!

Open the information and read it for a while!

"Oh! It really is him!"

Field Morgan let out a long sigh!

When he saw Lin Nan for the first time, he felt Lin Nan's appearance, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it!

But when he saw Lin Nan again in his manor, Field Morgan suddenly realized that this person is not the one from the underground forum?

As early as a few years ago, Field Morgan had seen a photo of the Thunder controller in an underground forum. The appearance of the two was so similar!

However, Field Morgan was still not sure. After seeing Lin Nan's photo, he was completely sure that this person is him!


The female secretary asked.

"Thunder master! The angel of **** in Canada, who once spent a billion dollars to win over! It's a pity that he didn't even get his contact information!"


The female secretary opened her mouth wide in horror, and her pretty face was full of astonishment!

Who is it that needs to spend billions of dollars and can't get his contact information?

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