There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 309: He is my teacher! (First more)

Zhou Lanhui, his housekeeper, the group of young people, plus more than 30 thugs, were all stunned!

Looking at the rattlesnake in surprise, kneeling on the ground and burying his head very low, his eyes were filled with surprise!

"Rattlesnake, this—what's going on? Is he your teacher?"

Zhou Lanhui couldn't calm down.

As a rattlesnake, he has never encountered an opponent in an underground ring in Malaya. After a battle, he earns millions of dollars at every turn. Now he has a master out of thin air?

Doesn't this mean that the master of rattlesnake is more powerful than him?

"Yes! Zhou Lanhui, this person is my teacher, you want to kill my teacher?"

Although the rattlesnake was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were full of anger, and he looked up at Zhou Lanhui!

Zhou Lanhui was surprised. After all, he is a rich man worth tens of billions. How could he be threatened by an internal warrior?

Immediately sneered, eyes full of cold light, and said solemnly:

"Huh! He crippled my son, Rattlesnake, even if he is your teacher, would he let me stop with just a word from you? Do you think it's possible?"

Even if this person is the master of rattlesnakes, he is more powerful than rattlesnakes, so what?

The big deal is to issue a reward order by yourself and invite the killer of the underground world to come. Zhou Lanhui didn't believe it, no one could avenge him!

No one does ten million dollars? Then twenty million dollars!

No one does 20 million dollars? That's fifty million dollars!

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

"If I tell you, my teacher is a martial arts master?" Rattlesnake sneered.

"My teacher’s disciples are all over Southeast Asia! Zhou Lanhui, I warn you, believe it or not, as long as you dare to do anything wrong with my teacher, there will be one third of the ancient Muay Thai fighters in Southeast Asia rushing into your home !"

"At that time, let alone your son, your Zhou family is up and down, I'm afraid no one will survive!"

"What? Master of Budo!"

Zhou Lanhui was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly and looked up at Lin Canghai!

I saw that Lin Canghai stood with his hand in his hand, his expression was indifferent, without saying a word!

At this moment, he no longer looks like a servant, as if he has become a Megamaster of the Philippine Kingdom, the master of a province!

"Master Lin, I'm sorry!"

Zhou Lanhui trembled all over and knelt on the ground.

Behind him, the group of young people were shocked one by one!

This sixty-year-old old man turned out to be a martial arts master?

At this moment, even though there are thousands of resentments in his heart, all kinds of unwillingness, and helpless!

This is the master!

For the people in the underground world, perhaps the master is nothing, and even the gods are not even the top powerhouse!

But among ordinary people, the master of martial arts is the existence that sits in a province, with a hundred responses, just like the majesty of a country’s border officials, who dares not accept it?

Not to mention, the disciples of Lin Canghai in front of him are all over Southeast Asia, and in a word, he can make his family fly ashes and annihilate, and Zhou Lanhui's heart trembles!

Lin Canghai looked down at Zhou Lanhui and said calmly:

"Your son offended my master. I didn't kill him, but just abolished him. Can you be convinced?"

"I took it! From today onwards, I will never mention today's things again!"

Zhou Lanhui pressed his forehead to the ground and said with a trembling voice.

"In that case, let this matter go!"

Lin Canghai waved his hand.

"By the way, teacher, you have been missing for several years. I heard others say that you went to China?"

The rattlesnake raised his head, eyes full of joy.

"Yes, I did go to China!"

Lin Canghai nodded slightly.

"Teacher, since you are back! Do you want to regain control of the original power?"

Rattlesnake was extremely excited, knelt on the ground, moved towards Lin Canghai, hugged his thigh, and started crying!

A master of the pinnacle of inner strength, he was crying like a child at this time!

"Woo! You don't know, since you left, the forces that the Philippines surrendered to you, such as the masters of Yanwutang, Hongfeng Pavilion, etc., have all reversed! Now the Philippines has no more teachers like me. A foothold for brothers!"

"Even I have to flee from Malaysia and fight people in the underground ring competition, and live a life with today and no tomorrow!"

"Teacher, if you let the brothers and sisters know that you are back, they will be so happy!"


Lin Canghai sighed, stretched out his hand and stroked the top of the rattlesnake, and said:

"You idiot! Don't wait for me anymore, find a way out by yourself! I have already recognized the master, and vowed to serve the master for life, and I won't go back again!"


The rattlesnake trembled and said in surprise: "Teacher, do you recognize the master? How can you!"

In the heart of Rattlesnake, his teacher is an omnipotent existence. Just return to the Philippines and stop there!

What Yanwu Hall and Hongfeng Hall, but come to obediently bow down and claim the court?

However, the teacher said that he has a master?

"Not bad!"

Lin Canghai didn't want to explain anything more, but Zhou Lanhui and others, with stormy waves already in their hearts!

‘A master’s master? What's the identity? Could it be the man with the little girl? ’

Several young people, their pupils shrinking slightly, thought shockingly in their hearts.


Rattlesnake wanted to say something, but Lin Canghai raised his hand to interrupt!

"Needless to say! By the way, this is the ancient Muay Thai cheats I have compiled, and leave it to you. From now on, don't call me a teacher anymore. Go on your own!"

With that, Lin Canghai took out a secret book and handed it to Rattlesnake!

The rattlesnake trembled and took it in tears!


Lin Canghai waved his hand, turned and returned to the box!

Upon seeing this, the rattlesnake sighed, then turned and left!

Zhou Lanhui and others stiffened in place, and after a long time, they left one after another!


Xu Jiameng's residence the next afternoon.

Her girlfriends hopped all the way, full of youthful and lively atmosphere!

"Jiameng, let me tell you. Yesterday Zhou Tianyu's father took a group of people to avenge the old man. Guess what happened?"

The girl said with a smile.

Her name is Jiang Lanxin and she is from a good family, and she is also the home of the rich in Malay!

Since elementary school, Jiang Lanxin and Xu Jiameng have known each other and have become best friends since childhood!

"what happened?"

Xu Jiameng asked suspiciously.

"The old man who injured Zhou Tianyu turned out to be a martial arts master!" Jiang Lanxin said astonishingly.

"What? Master of Martial Arts?"

Xu Jiameng opened her small mouth, her pretty face was amazed.

Southeast Asia is always mixed with dragons and dragons, and their forces are intertwined. Even at their young age, they also know what the martial arts master is like!

The master of martial arts, guarding one side, like a great official in frontiers, sitting on the ground and drawing taxes, rich men worth hundreds of billions will bow their heads!

"How could this be?"

"More than that, I heard from Pei Qingwen and the others that the martial arts master also has a master. I guess it was the man who took the little girl and watched the goldfish by the pond that day. You said he wouldn't be real. Isn’t he a fairy at New York Airport? Haha!"

Jiang Lanxin said with a smile.

Xu Jiameng stood there blankly, staring at the front in a daze. In her little head, she didn't know what she was thinking!

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