There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 310: The heroine of Southeast Asia! (Second more)

"Jiameng? Jiameng? What do you think?"

"Uh, nothing!"

Xu Jiameng recovered and sighed.

"Hey, if it weren't for me, Zhou Tianyu wouldn't end up like this!"

"Oh, how can I blame you? Zhou Tianyu himself offended the martial arts master. Now his father has hired the best orthopedic surgeon at home and abroad. Zhou Tianyu's life is saved, but in the next life, he can only spend his life on the hospital bed. It's over!" Jiang Lanxin smiled and comforted.

Seeing Xu Jiameng still blamed herself, she was not in a good mood, so she immediately changed the subject!

"By the way, you will attend the evening banquet, right?"


"Haha, I can hear that the heroine of our Southeast Asia will also come, she is my idol, I want to be a woman like her in my dreams!" Jiang Lanxin's excited little face flushed.

"Hmph, if you really become such a woman, be careful not to get married!"

Xu Jiameng hummed twice.

"If you can't get married, I'll marry a man home! Alright, let's stop talking about it, let's choose clothes first. At night, we need to wear beautiful ones!"

The two girls discussed, their voices gradually became quieter!


At seven o'clock in the evening.

Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong, Lin Canghai and others were taken to a yacht by Liu Jingren!

"This cocktail party, in the outer port, we will go by yacht first. The cocktail party will be held on a cruise ship. That cruise ship will sail along the coast of Malaya all night. It will not end until noon tomorrow. Returning to the port on this journey!"

Liu Jingren explained.

The speed of the yacht is neither fast nor slow, enjoying the night view on both sides of the road!

More than half an hour later, I saw a huge cruise ship in front of me, docked at the port!

On the deck of the cruise ship, the lights were brilliant and brilliant. Under the illumination of countless lights, the entire cruise ship was as bright as day!

Under the leadership of Liu Jingren, everyone boarded the cruise ship one after another!

Liu Jingren took Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong to meet those rich men. Lin Nan didn't have much interest, so he found a place to sit down, and Lin Canghai waited!

Suddenly, Lin Canghai's eyes flashed twice!

"Master, I have met some acquaintances, and want to relive the past!" Lin Canghai lowered his throat.


Lin Nan replied indifferently.

At this time, Xu Jiameng, Jiang Lanxin and others, accompanied by their parents, boarded the cruise ship!

The parents of the two confessed a few words before joining the rich crowd in front of them and expanding their personal circles!

"Huh? Jiameng, look, it's them!"

Jiang Lanxin glanced around the deck of the cruise ship and saw Lin Nan and Lin Momo sitting on a sofa not far away!

The father and daughter are playing games, Lin Nan seems to be conjure, come out all kinds of interesting things, make Lin Momo laugh!

"Go, go and take a look!" Jiang Lanxin smiled.

Xu Jiameng was a little worried, and shook his head:

"Forget it, Lan Xin! He doesn't seem to like strangers. We go there like this, in case... you forgot about Zhou Tianyu's fate?"

"Oh! What are you afraid of, we are so beautiful, how can he kill the flowers?"

Unable to stop Jiang Lanxin's soft and hard foaming, Xu Jiameng could only agree and walk towards Lin Nan!

When the two girls came, Xu Jiameng was a little cowardly, while Jiang Lanxin was carefree and sat down on the sofa!

After sitting down, she took Xu Jiameng to sit down.

"Big sister, how are you!"

Lin Momo saw two strangers and suddenly broke in and waved hello.

"Hehe, little sister, you are so cute!"

Jiang Lanxin said with a smile, Xu Jiameng on the side also spit out his small tongue, and secretly looked at Lin Nan, and he was a little relieved when he saw Lin Nan was not angry!

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Nan's voice was very calm, without any tone fluctuations!

"Big brother, you look a lot like that fairy in New York Airport, are you him?"

Jiang Lanxin asked directly.

"Lan Xin!"

Xu Jiameng was taken aback, but Jiang Lanxin didn't expect Jiang Lanxin to be so direct and quickly grabbed her!

"you guess!"

Lin Nan smiled playfully.

"Huh, I don't think it is. The gods at New York Airport have great magical powers. I have watched the videos synthesized on the Internet. They are magnificent and hearty. They are so powerful!"

"That Japanese swordsman cut the Boeing 747 airliner with a single blow, but even so, it was blocked by the **** with two fingers! If you were the **** of New York, how could you be here?"

Jiang Lanxin's analysis was straightforward, and finally determined that Lin Nan was not the **** of New York Airport!

"My Baba is Spider-Man!"

"Little sister, your father is so handsome! He looks like a fairy in New York Airport. Why don't you let him go with us and act in a few movies?" Jiang Lanxin smiled slyly.

Suddenly, the rich people on the deck, there was a riot!

"Ms. Yun is here!"

"Yun Yawei?"

All the guests moved in their hearts, and they all looked towards the stairs on the deck, only to see a woman in her twenties, surrounded by everyone, walking like a queen!

She wore white gloves commonly used by the nobles of the British Empire, and an evening dress made by hand made in Italy. There was a string of diamond necklaces hung between the jade necks. She was dazzling. Popular for everyone!

"Ms. Yun, you are here!"

"Ms. Yun really hasn't seen each other for a long time. It's been three months since we left Thailand last time! We continue to cooperate happily!"

Several super wealthy men stepped forward and smiled at Yun Yawei.

Yun Yawei smiled lightly as a polite response, while her beautiful eyes turned, as if she was looking for something on the deck!

"You see, this woman is called Yun Yawei. She is the heroine of our Southeast Asian countries. She is amazing. When I grow up, I will be like her!"

Jiang Lanxin's eyes were full of admiration, while explaining to Lin Nan, she looked at Yun Yawei!

At this moment, Yun Yawei's gaze was condensed, and she happened to look over here, pushing away the wealthy people, and walking towards Lin Nan!

"Oh my God, am I right? Yun Yawei is here?"

Jiang Lanxin's small face was instantly excited, Xu Jiameng on the side also clenched her small fist!

At this time, Yun Yawei had already come close, with a powerful aura, the two oppressive little girls lowered their heads, and did not dare to look at her!

"Mr. Lin, you are really here, I heard people say that you have come to Malaysia, I can't believe it!"

Yun Yawei's pretty face was full of smiles, which eclipsed Baihua.

This Southeast Asian heroine actually smiled at Lin Nan, and her tone was extremely polite!

"Oh? Your news is pretty good!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lanxin opened her mouth slightly, and her heart almost stopped beating!

Xu Jiameng's eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of brilliance!

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