There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 320: All big families, excited old men! (Sixth more)

Five minutes later.

The first batch of parents rushed to the kindergarten. After some confirmation, they found that the kindergarten had indeed cancelled the two courses of foreign language and mathematics tomorrow, and it turned into some kind of ‘qi refining’!

After some negotiations, Leng Yan, as the new teaching director of the kindergarten, firmly supports the teaching policy of the director of Lin!

Those parents were aggrieved and furious, and immediately went through the withdrawal procedures!

In just two hours, three to four thousand students dropped out, and more than one hundred teachers resigned. All of them caused quite a stir in Tianhai City!

At this moment, the home of a company executive.

"Husband, let's take our daughter out of school, you can see that the head of the forest garden is crazy and wants to take the children to practice!"

A young woman looked terrified, as if she had heard the most incredible things in the world!

"Not in a hurry for the time being! I always feel that this Director Lin is unusual!"

The young woman's husband frowned and shook his head.

He is the manager of a stock company, and he is born with a keen intuition. He has an indescribable feeling about the behavior of the director of Lin!

"Husband? Are you crazy! My daughter is five years old this year. If you miss another year, she will be delayed when she goes to elementary school next year. If she doesn't have a solid foundation, she will definitely be left behind!"

The young woman was extremely anxious, her pretty face full of worry.

Her husband looked calm and smiled faintly: "It's not so exaggerated, like I didn't go to kindergarten? Didn't I get a master's degree in financial management from Harvard?"

"It's you people, too eager!"

The man said, shaking his head gently!

"Husband, don't be like this, don't make fun of your daughter's future, shall we drop out now? Or else all the places in other kindergartens are hidden!"

The young woman stamped her feet anxiously.

The man sighed and said: "Why don't we do this? Let's observe for a week. After a week, if you continue to do this, we will let our daughter transfer to another school!"


"My wife, trust my eyesight!"

The man insisted.

The young woman could only sighed, nodded, and had secretly decided in her heart that after a week, no matter what, she should transfer her daughter!

Practice? Do not make jokes!


At the same time, the suburbs of Tianhai City!

Bai family, deep in Longshan Garden!

An old housekeeper hurriedly walked towards Bai Yuanshan, and attached an ear canal beside Bai Yuanshan:

"Old man, Mr. Lin bought a kindergarten in Tianhai City. He just became the head of the kindergarten and changed the kindergarten's curricula. He deleted the two subjects of foreign language and mathematics directly, and he had to take the children to practice!"

"What? Take it seriously?"

Bai Yuanshan's eyes lit up, and he stood up from his chair suddenly, with a happy expression on his face!

"It's true. Up to now, more than 5,000 children have dropped out of school. Parents think that Mr. Lin is fooling around and joking about the children's future!"

The old housekeeper was a little puzzled, why is his father so excited?

"Haha! You go to school now and let Bai Qilin drop out! Go to kindergarten tomorrow morning!"

Bai Yuanshan laughed, his chest cavity was like a blower, and a puff of white air poured in from his nostrils, and then spewed out, rumbling!

"What? Father, your great-grandson Bai Qilin is six years old and is already in elementary school! Going to kindergarten?"

The old housekeeper was taken aback, his old face was full of astonishment.

The old man Bai Yuanshan glared at the housekeeper and shouted:

"What do you know, whether a unicorn can really become the unicorn of my Bai family depends on this opportunity, and you don't want to think about who Mr. Lin is!"

"Can he take his children to practice for no reason? He must have some ideas! Those foolish parents even let their children drop out of school, how can they know what kind of opportunity this is?"

"Quick! Hurry up and drop out. Early tomorrow morning, I will bring Kylin to the kindergarten to sign up!"

Bai Yuanshan's face was red with excitement.

He has a feeling that if he seizes this opportunity, the Bai family will surely soar into the sky!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The old butler did not dare to neglect, and went down immediately.


Regardless of Lin Nan's comfortable life, accompanied by his wife and children, in fact, I don't know how many eyes there are, watching his every move!

The fact that Lin Nan hosted a kindergarten was sent back to Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei within half an hour!

After the rich people heard about this, they didn't hesitate at all. As long as they had a son or grandson, they went through the withdrawal formalities on the same day and took their children to Tianhai City!

The most terrifying thing is that there is a child from a rich family who is in the first year of junior high school and is still dropped out of school!

The people in the family were stunned, what's the situation? Let children in junior high school go to kindergarten?

"Ah! You know what a fart, Mr. Lin personally becomes the head of the garden, just to train his daughter!"

"Other people's children are just incidental training. Even if they can learn 1% of Mr. Lin's skills, it is much better than studying! You don't know what kind of existence Mr. Lin is!"

"Your eyes are too short and shallow!"

This rich man, after scolding his family, took his 12-year-old grandson and ran towards Tianhai City frantically!


At the same time, the news was sent back to Yanjing!

Inside the Song Family Courtyard.

Song Kaixian had been ordering people to pay attention to Lin Nan's every move in Tianhai City. When he learned that Lin Nan had bought a kindergarten and was about to become the principal, he was taken aback!

"Quickly, let Dechang quit school, and follow me to Tianhai City tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will go to school in Tianhai City!"

Song Kaixian's hands and feet trembled with excitement.

"Master, your grandson is now in the second grade of elementary school. There is a better place for education in China than Yanjing? Why do you have to go to Tianhai City to go to elementary school?" The Song family's old housekeeper was puzzled.

"Fart! What about elementary school, let's go to kindergarten!" Song Kaixian scolded angrily.

"What? Go to kindergarten—!"

The old housekeeper of the Song family was dumbfounded!

The same scene appeared in the three families of Qi family, Xie family, and Zheng family!

Among the five major families of Yanjing, except for the Zhang family, the other four families all handled the withdrawal procedures for the "appropriate age" children in the family!

The old man in the family, personally took the person, with a tacit understanding, rushed to Tianhai City overnight!

"What's the matter with the old men?"

The people of the Song family, Qi family, Xie family, and Zheng family were shocked, not understanding what the old man meant!

Why did you drop out of school with your favorite grandson? Also threatened to take it to kindergarten in Tianhai City? are you crazy!

The old men didn't explain, these people don't know about Tianhai City for the time being!


Yanjing, Zhang family.

"Master, over there in Tianhai City..."

An old housekeeper walked in, explained the matter, and then said: "The elders of the Song family, the Qi family, the Xie family, and the Zheng family have already passed by with their grandchildren and listen to their family members. It seems to be going to kindergarten!"

Zhang Shaoli was taken aback, his eyes flickered twice, took a sip, and said:

"Bah! Don't worry about them! I see these old guys, they want to cheat Lin Nan and want to go crazy!"


Opposite the first kindergarten in Tianhai City, in the cafe.

Sun Linlin and her best friend sat here for a long time!

At eight o'clock in the evening, there were still parents coming continuously!

From noon to now, nearly 10,000 students have gone through the withdrawal procedures!

Only less than one-third of the students have not dropped out. Sun Linlin estimates that tomorrow morning, there will be other parents coming to complete the withdrawal procedures!

At that time, this kindergarten could not go on!

Unless you invite yourself back, with this gold medal kindergarten teacher, and reopening foreign language and math courses, will you have a chance to alleviate the crisis!

At that time, if her salary does not double to three million yuan a year, Sun Linlin will never go back!

Thinking of this, Sun Linlin's lips showed a confident smile.

"Xiaomei, let's go back to sleep! Keep your spirits up, and tomorrow morning, we will come here again. At that time, Director Lin will beg me to go back to be a teacher!"

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