There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 321: Half of China! (First more)

Early the next morning, half past six.

Sun Linlin was still asleep, and suddenly there was a knock on the door of her girlfriend outside her boudoir!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom——!"

The knock on the door became more and more rapid, and Sun Linlin reluctantly left the bed, opened the door, disheveled, and looked at her girlfriend outside the door with sleepy eyes!

"What's wrong, Xiaomei?"

"Linlin, there seems to be something wrong!" said the girlfriend.

"What's wrong?" Sun Linlin asked suspiciously, and then went to the bathroom to wash.

Seeing Sun Linlin not caring, my girlfriend said: "Linlin, there were so many luxury cars in the kindergarten before you resigned! There are really many!"


Sun Linlin replied lightly, washing her face and saying:

"It's normal when a lot of luxury cars come! It's an aristocratic kindergarten, and the whole Tianhai City ranks first! If it weren't for the death of the head of the garden, it would be impossible for so many students to drop out!"

"Those luxury cars are probably the parents of the children, the head of Lin, if this continues, this kindergarten will be destroyed by him sooner or later!"

"A good hand, it's a mess!"

The best friend widened her eyes, and said in an unbelievable way: "But Linlin, those luxury cars are not from Tianhai City, but from all over the country. There are even Yanjing’s!"

"I listened to those people talking about it, some of them were the cars of the big families and grandpas of Yanjing!"


Sun Linlin's body became stiff, her hands were stagnant in the air, and the brushing cup and toothbrush in her hands fell to the ground!

"what did you say?"

Intuition tells Sun Linlin that something is not right!

"Oh, I don't know, go and take a look, it seems different from what you think!"

The girlfriend shook her head.

Sun Linlin quickly finished washing, and when she arrived outside the gate of Tianhai No.1 Kindergarten, it was already after seven o'clock!

Sun Linlin promised that this scene before her was the first time she had seen it in her life!

The whole street is full of luxury cars, such as Beijing A-88888 and Beijing A-66666, almost everywhere!

Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Maybach, etc., stopped from the street to the end of the street. Mercedes-Benz and BMW are here, so it's not enough to see!

"How could this be?"

Sun Linlin was stunned.

At this time, the voices of the people passing by, talking in Sun Linlin's ears!

"Why so many luxury cars? They still come from all over the country!"

"You don't know, these luxury cars arrived around five o'clock, and the city was shocked after waiting until now! Traffic police were specially sent to maintain order on this road!"

Several people whispered, pointing to the traffic police in the distance!

"What exactly is going on?"

"Hey, you don't know this! Yenching's Song family, Qi family, Jie family, Zheng family's grandfathers, unexpectedly brought their grandsons to our kindergarten in Tianhai City overnight!"

A middle-aged man said mysteriously.


"Song family, Qi family, Xie family, Zheng family?"


Everyone took a breath, and got goose bumps with excitement!

"My God! These big families are all our Yanjing wealthy families! The truly top families, regardless of background, connections, and political relationships, are hundreds of streets away from the richest man in Tianhai City!"

A fat man opened his mouth wide and murmured.

"I heard that you can meet the elders of several big Yanjing families! So, I didn't go to work specially early this morning, so I came here to watch the excitement!"

A man in a suit and a briefcase next to him looked excited.

Upon hearing this, Sun Linlin and her best friend looked at each other, and both saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes!

"How could this be?"

"Yes, how come the elders of Yanjing's big families bring their grandchildren to attend kindergarten in Tianhai City?"

"I don't know about this!"

The insider shook his head, looking helpless.

This kind of news from the upper circle requires a very strong relationship to know a little bit of news!

How can ordinary people be able to inquire about the affairs of those people!

At this moment, a red BMW car slowly approached at the end of the road!

Among the countless luxury cars that stopped, it was very conspicuous!

In the end, this red BMW stopped at the gate of Tianhai No. 1 Kindergarten!

Lin Nan's family got out of the car!


As soon as Lin Nan appeared, outside the kindergarten, it exploded!

The doors of those luxury cars opened wide, and from inside came the rich and powerful, the old men of big families, and even some people in the martial arts world, all came!

After seeing these people!

A local rich man in Tianhai City widened his eyes and exclaimed:

"Old Song Family——Song Kaixian! I saw him once at a top banquet in Yenching! The Mayor of Yenching at the time all respected him!"

"The Qi family-Qi Junliang! This Qi family is amazing, the Qi family has three sons, all of whom are officials of the border!"

"The old man Jie Lide... the old man Zheng Guofeng..."

"Qiannan...Hexi...Northern three provinces..."

There are still some people who can't recognize them at all, but watching them talk very well, the breath of a superior, oppresses the audience, and rushes toward them, making people breathless!

People's brains are a little confused, and they feel their scalp numb!

Almost, half of the big family in China are all present!

"Really a big shot!"

Many passersby onlookers let out a long sigh.

Some local wealthy people in Tianhai City lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads. In front of these big people, their worth is really not enough!

"what happened?"

The voice of a passerby trembled a little.

However, no one can answer him, what is going on, because no one else knows!

Sun Linlin and her best friend were in a daze, at a loss!

At this time, the grandfathers of those big families had already brought their grandsons to Lin Nan's.

"Mr. Lin, this is my grandson, Song Dechang, who is eight years old this year. I heard that you opened a kindergarten, right? You also opened a course called'qi refining'. I brought my grandson here. a bit!"

Song Kaixian said with a smile, in a very polite tone.

The rich man in Tianhai City who knew him, saw this scene, his jaw dropped to the ground in shock!

The passers-by onlookers are even more bewildered. What's the situation? Are you still in kindergarten when you are eight? Go crazy!

An even crazier scene is yet to come!

Qi Liangjun, the elder of the Qi family, also came over and kicked a thirteen-four-year-old boy in the ass!

"Smelly boy, go meet Principal Lin soon!"


The little boy held his mouth and yelled reluctantly.

Qi Junliang's face was a little embarrassed, and he said, "Mr. Lin, last time you went to Yanjing, I didn't see you. This time I came to Tianhai City! Aren't you going to open a kindergarten? My grandson, you can also help discipline , If you are not obedient, just call it!"

The onlookers were completely stunned!

"I'm going! At this age, are you in junior high school? Come to kindergarten?"

"It's worthy of a family of soldiers! The old man is so sturdy, he can play casually if he is not obedient?"

"Mr. Lin, this is my great-grandson. He is only five years old this year, so he can just go to kindergarten!"

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