There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 323: Do you want to kill my wife? (Third more)

The kindergarten event finally ended!

Despite those parents crying and crying, Lin Nan didn't have any soft heart!

Missed is missed. Since the beginning, those parents were very strong and wanted to drop out, but now they want to go back, the door has been closed for them!


For a whole morning, Lin Nan took nearly 8,000 students to meditate and refine Qi on the school playground!

He will tell these people the formula, whether it is a four or five year old child, or a seventeen or eighteen year old boy, let them keep it in mind and practice hard!

As for the issue of age, Lin Nan is not worried at all. The cultivation technique of a monk has the ability to open up his mind!

Even a pig, after learning to practice, has wisdom comparable to humans, let alone a person?

Although what Lin Nan taught was only the most basic qi refining formula, for these students, it was equivalent to opening the door to another world!

Lin Momo sat in the crowd, carved and jade, like a porcelain doll!

However, he has a nose and eyes, sitting there cross-legged, hands on a pair of calves, performing the exercises of refining Qi!

‘This little girl! Sure enough, we still have to learn together to be interested! ’

Lin Nan shook his head gently.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

After the cultivation, Lin Nan was finally relieved when he watched Lin Momo and walked with his peers!


After returning to the office, Leng Yan had been waiting there long ago!

"Teacher, the class has already been divided!"

Leng Yan Yanran smiled, handed over the pile of materials in her hand, and explained:

"The ordinary four or five-year-old children still attend classes according to the specifications of the kindergarten! As for other older children, in addition to the normal practice time, we are planning to hire some famous school teachers to give them cultural lessons!"

"Look at and deal with this matter!"

Lin Nan said casually.

Let Leng Yan handle these matters. Although he is the principal of the school, it is impossible. He will do everything by himself and put all his thoughts here!

He bought this school purely to allow Lin Momo to practice with peace of mind and at the same time blend into the world of his peers!

As for the others, just do it in passing!


The cold face replied respectfully, and the words changed, suggesting:

"By the way, teacher, now this school is actually not a kindergarten anymore. Should I change its name?"

"Well! Yes, it's time to change the name!"

Lin Nan pondered for a moment, then slowly said, "In this case, let's call it Lingtian Emperor's Court!"

"Lingtian Emperor's Court?"

Leng Yan's eyes lit up and said with joy: "Teacher, such a domineering name, do you want to make the whole school the number one academy in the world?"

Lin Nan smiled lightly without explaining!

As the first emperor Lingtian, the school he established naturally has the name "di"!

As for the number one school in the world? Does it still need to be built? As long as he is the principal of the school, it is the number one school in the universe!


At noon, Lin Nan left Lingtian Emperor's Courtyard!

At the gate of the school, there is also a big yellow dog, which is transformed by the golden holy dragon!

Today, it has become the guardian beast of the Lingtian Emperor Academy, protecting the safety of the students!

In fact, it was to protect Lin Momo!

As soon as she walked out of the gate of the Lingtian Emperor's Court, Sun Linlin walked over quickly!

"Principal Lin!"

Lin Nan turned around and glanced at Sun Linlin lightly!

"I remember you, are you that gold medal kindergarten teacher?"

"Yes! Principal Lin, I don't think you remember me!"

Sun Linlin was a little surprised, her slightly pale face also showed a hint of flushing.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Principal Lin, can I still go back to school? I don't need a high salary, I just need the original salary. I am a gold medal kindergarten teacher. You can use mine!"

Sun Linlin looked at Lin Nan with a trace of desire in her beautiful eyes, tears rushing deep in her eyes, she looked pitiful!

Lin Nan's expression was calm and his eyes were cold, like a stone, unmoved at all!

"Do you think I still need you?"

After saying this, Lin Nan turned and left, ignoring Sun Linlin!

Looking at Lin Nan's leaving back blankly, Sun Linlin's face was ashen ashes!


At this moment, in Tianhai University, Liu Ruqing has just finished class and is about to go home!

Suddenly, a twenty-seven-eight-year-old man called her!

"Liu Ruqing!"

Liu Ruqing stopped and looked back and found that it was his senior Zhao Donglai!

Zhao Donglai wore gold glasses, dressed very elegantly and combed his hair meticulously!

He was Liu Ruqing's previous two-term senior. He just finished his postgraduate study at the Department of Finance in Cambridge, UK, and returned to Tianhai University. He wants to get a financial research project by himself!

So, I wrote a paper and handed it over to my supervisor!

Unexpectedly, the research topic Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong studied was selected by the school!

However, Zhao Donglai was directly named Sun Shan, so he secretly held a grudge and was always looking for opportunities to retaliate!

However, Liu Ruqing didn't know what Zhao Donglai hated her!

"Senior Zhao, what's up with you?"

Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

"Oh, this weekend, there is a party in the circle, held at a farm more than 100 kilometers away. Everyone asked me to invite you. Will you go?"

Zhao Donglai smiled elegantly and pushed the gold glasses on his nose, behaving as usual!

Liu Ruqing hesitated!

Seeing Liu Ruqing hesitating, Zhao Donglai added something.

"By the way, it's all seniors from the past few years. Most of them have got a master's degree in finance. They say they are gatherings, but they actually discuss some financial topics and relax at the same time!"

"Um? Am I alone?"

"Of course, this is a gathering between our alumni, it's better not to bring other people!" Zhao Donglai said with a smile.

Liu Ruqing frowned slightly and nodded: "Well, I'll think about it!"


At this moment, a voice came.

Zhao Donglai raised his brows, looked over, and saw Lin Nan walking towards Liu Ruqing with a smile on his face!

"You came!"

"Yes, the food at home is ready, just wait for you to go back to eat, I will pick you up!"

Lin Nan smiled softly, a curve of the corners of his mouth curled up, and he touched Liu Ruqing's head!

"Where is Mo'er?"

"Mo'er is in school, and she still has classes in the afternoon, so she won't be back at noon. Er Gouzi is guarding the gate of the school. It's safe. Don't worry!

The skill of the two talking!

Suddenly, Lin Nan's face became cold, and he felt a murderous intent from the man behind Liu Ruqing!

Lin Nan's eyes condensed and fell on Zhao Donglai's body!

"You want to kill my wife?"

There was a cold voice!

Zhao Donglai was startled, but after five or six years in Europe, some city houses calmed down after their complexion changed slightly!

"This gentleman, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Zhao Donglai shrugged.

"Hehe, don't understand?"

Lin Nan stepped up, squeezed Zhao Donglai's neck, and let his feet off the ground, Zhao Donglai's face, due to lack of oxygen, instantly turned blue!

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