There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 324: Intent to kill Lin Nan's woman? I can't even think about it! (Fourth)

"Ahem -!"

"You...what are you doing? Let go of me!"

Zhao Donglai squeezed Lin Nan's arm tightly, only to find that Lin Nan's hands were as hard as steel!

The surrounding students and teachers all gathered after hearing the voice!

I saw that Lin Nan pinched Zhao Donglai's neck and lifted his feet off the ground. Everyone's complexion changed drastically!

"what happened?"

"Who are you? Let go of Zhao Dong!"

Zhao Donglai's face was flushed red. Everyone knows that Zhao Donglai is extremely hypoxic. If Lin Nan is not stopped, Zhao Donglai will most likely be strangled to death!

"Ruqing, what the **** is going on? He is looking for you, please persuade him!"

A teacher came up with a look of horror.

If human lives are caused, the problem will be serious!

Liu Ruqing knew that Lin Nan would not do anything to Zhao Donglai for no reason. After frowning, he walked up and said softly: "Lin Nan, let him go first. What's the matter?"


Lin Nan snorted and threw Zhao Donglai on the ground!

"Wife, this man wants to kill you!"

Lin Nanhan said.

At this moment, all the students present felt like they were in the ice and snow!

It is obviously summer, but the surrounding temperature drops sharply, and many people can't help but shudder!


Liu Ruqing was taken aback and looked at Zhao Donglai in surprise!

"Cough cough cough!"

Zhao Donglai coughed violently twice.

"Why are you framing me? Why should I kill Ruqing school girl? Is there a problem with my brain!"

Zhao Donglai was filled with indignation and kept stomping his feet in place, as if he was really wronged!

In fact, stormy waves have already appeared in his heart!

'what happened? How does he know what I think? impossible! My plan has not been implemented yet! ’

Zhao Donglai had thought that after he invited Liu Ruqing out on the weekend, he would implement his own plan. As for the financial gathering, he also casually made up the purpose of deceiving Liu Ruqing out!

It's just that my plan hasn't been implemented yet. Why does the man in front of me know?

Could it be that he really has a mind-reading skill?

Zhao Donglai's face was dark and faint!

The students and teachers around were talking!

"Yes! Donglai seniors are very good and gentle, how could they want to kill?"

"Liu Ruqing, you must give everyone an explanation, otherwise I will report this matter to the school!"

A girl stood up with a sneer in her eyes.

Her name is Dong Xinyue, and she is also a student of the Department of Finance. Because Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, and Chu Qiong's papers were steadily crushed, she has long been displeased with Liu Ruqing!

Now that it’s hard to come by, there is a chance, how can I let it go?

"What explanation do you need?"

Lin Nan glanced over, causing the girl to tremble all over, lowered her head in a panic, afraid to look directly into Lin Nan's eyes!

"Lin Nan, is what you said is true? Senior Donglai really wants to kill me?"

Liu Ruqing pulled Lin Nan aside, feeling incredible.

However, Lin Nan could not lie to her, since Lin Nan said this, there must be his reason!

"Yes, this person just showed murderous intent to you, and he also has a strong resentment towards you! Although the cover is very good, but I can't hide my spiritual knowledge!"

Ye Cheng nodded and said solemnly.

Liu Ruqing frowned!

No wonder sometimes, when Zhao Donglai stands behind her, he always feels a cold feeling, like being watched by a poisonous snake!

"Did he tell you something just now?"

"Yes, this weekend, he wants to invite me to go to a farm in the suburbs of Tianhai City to participate in a financial gathering. He said that there will be previous graduates and seniors who will also go there. He also asked a person to go by himself, don't bring friends!"

Liu Ruqing nodded and looked at Zhao Donglai, already full of coldness!

"Donglai? Why haven't I heard of such a party?"

A boy frowned and asked suspiciously.

He is also a graduate student in the Department of Finance. Recently, he has been studying topics in school. If such a gathering is really held, it is impossible not to invite him!

"I have never heard of Donglai, there is such a party?"

Another girl with a graduate degree also came forward.

The people's hearts are already puzzled!

Obviously, everyone does not know that if there is such a gathering, if Zhao Donglai made up a lie and was going to deceive Liu Ruqing, then he might really have a problem!

Zhao Donglai's face changed slightly, and he just wanted to explain!

The girl named Dong Xinyue stood up and smiled: "This is what Donglai and I have just decided to hold a party on the weekend. Before I have time to tell everyone, Donglai just finished class and met Ruqing. Tell Ruqing, is there any problem?"

"Why? Don't you believe it? Don't even I want to murder Ruqing?"

There was a flash of surprise in Zhao Donglai's eyes. He did not expect that Dong Xinyue would stand up and speak for him!

"That's it!"

"If this is the case, then it makes sense!"

Everyone nodded.

The corner of Zhao Donglai's mouth also showed a faint smile!

"Ruqing, if you don't want to participate, just don't participate. Why do you frame me so much?"

"Oh! Lin Nan, let's go, go home for dinner!" Liu Ruqing sighed.

She knew that without evidence, there was no way to prove Zhao Donglai's killing intent!

"Okay, let's go home for dinner!"

Lin Nan nodded, took Liu Ruqing, turned and left, but at the corner of his mouth, there was a hint of coldness!

All the talents dispersed in a rush, so let this matter go!

When the people around were all gone, Zhao Donglai gave Dong Xinyue a grateful look and smiled: "Thank you!"

"Zhao Donglai, can't tell! You still have the courage? If I didn't speak to relieve the siege, I see how you explain it!"

Dong Xinyue put her arms around her chest with a cold and arrogant expression!

"Ahem! I just thought about it. I didn't expect Liu Ruqing's husband to have such a keen instinct!"

Zhao Donglai was a little embarrassed.


Suddenly, Dong Xinyue exclaimed, her pretty face was full of horror!

She stretched out one hand and covered her mouth, and the other hand pointed to Zhao Donglai's chest!

Zhao Donglai looked down and found that a strange silver flame appeared on his chest. This flame became more and more vigorous!

"How could this be?"

Zhao Donglai's eyes were full of trepidation, and then he discovered that the opposite Dong Xinyue also had the same silver flame!

"Dong Xinyue, why are you--!"


Dong Xinyue's pretty face turned white and lowered her head. She actually saw her internal organs and her belly was burned through!


After the two screamed in horror, they disappeared without a trace!

Intent to kill Lin Nan's woman? I can't even think about it!

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