There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 325: The mighty fairy gate! (Fifth more)

After returning to the coffee shop, Lin Nan immediately went to the back kitchen and brought up the fragrant food!

"Come on!"

"There are my wife's favorite phoenix ribs and cod broth!"

Liu Ruqing sat at the dinner table with her hands on her chin.

Watching Lin Nan walk in and out, bringing out a steady stream of food, Qiao's face is full of happy smiles!

"Hehe, why are you so courteous without Mo'er today?"

"Have it?"

"Yes! When Mo'er is here, you feed her to eat, you don't care about me at all. When I was pregnant, I didn't need to eat by myself!"

Liu Ruqing said sourly, like a little girl!


Lin Nan laughed, "Well, well, then I will make up for you today!"


At this moment, in a luxurious manor somewhere in Yanjing.

The heads of the five major families of Yanjing, Zhang Shaoli, Song Kaixian, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide and Zheng Guofeng, are waiting here!

After a long time, no one came in.

"Is the cultivators of Yin Ruins really so powerful?"

Zheng Guofeng frowned and his voice sounded in the hall!

"Junliang, you have three great officials in front of your family. There should be news?" Xie Lide asked.

The eyes of several people fell towards Qi Junliang at the same time!

Qi Junliang pondered for a moment, stroked his beard, and said:

"From my son's mouth, I heard that in the'Yanjing Xiuzhen University', the cultivators in Yin Ruins showed many supernatural powers and could cast a kind of catapult fireball spell out of thin air! Once used, it can be comparable to a cannon!"

"More importantly, as long as you practice this kind of magic for three to five years, basically anyone can use it!"

"Furthermore, the immortal cultivators in Yin Ruins also did an experiment in front of all the students!"

Everyone was taken aback and asked quickly:

"What test?"

Qi Junliang continued:

"They released a kind of body protection gas! No matter how ten machine guns were fired continuously for ten minutes, the test subject was surrounded by warheads, but there was no bullet that could break through the test subject's body protection gas!"

"Such people, ordinary firearms, can't threaten them at all!"

"What's even more frightening is that they can fly to the sky and escape, and cannonballs can't lock them!"

"The country's current thinking is to establish a cultivation university, I am afraid that it wants to train a group of immortal cultivators for use by the country!"

After hearing Qi Junliang's words, everyone's heart was stunned!

If an army formed by immortal cultivators is really trained, wouldn't everyone use this ‘fire bomb technique’ equivalent to an artillery regiment that can move fast and fly to the ground?

A strange picture appeared in everyone's mind at the same time!

A group of people flew into the sky, cast spells in their hands, ignoring the rain of bullets on the opposite side, just like Iron Man!

"You said, Mr. Lin, is it also a cultivator?"

"I guess he is a cultivator! Otherwise, at a young age, how could he have such abilities?"

"Don't forget, those immortal masters who came out of Yin Ruins, they seem to be about the same size as Mr. Lin!"

Song Kaixian pondered for a moment, then said.

"It seems that we sent our grandchildren to Mr. Lin's kindergarten. This move is considered the right move!" Zheng Guofeng said with a smile, very satisfied with his decision.

At this moment, Zhang Shaoli sneered and shook his head:

"Haha, I don't know if Lin Nan is a cultivator of immortality, but there are real immortal cultivators in Yanjing University of Cultivation?"

"The four uncles want their children and grandchildren to follow the immortal cultivation. Why do they want to be near and far, and have to keep their breath down and ask Lin Nan?"

"Zhang Shaoli, you are a junior, among us, pay attention to your tone of voice!"

Zheng Guofeng said solemnly.

"Hehe, what Zheng learned is!"

Zhang Shaoli smiled and said without a smile.

At this moment, a group of men in Tsing Yi slowly walked into the hall!

They were dressed in long gowns, their hair tied, belts tied around their waists, and boots under their feet. They were dressed like ancient people from a TV series!

Zhang Shaoli, Song Kaixian, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide, Zheng Guofeng and others hurriedly got up and smiled secretly in their hearts!

Once upon a time, when others saw the heads of Yanjing's five major families, they all needed to nod and bow their heads, respectfully!

Nowadays, the heads of the five major families, seeing the immortal cultivators in Yin Ruins, have to lower their status and respect them. This kind of gap makes people feel very uncomfortable!

"You are the heads of the five major Yanjing families?"

A young man in the lead asked proudly.


Zhang Shaoli, Song Kaixian, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide, Zheng Guofeng and others nodded.

"It's so good! I won't say any more. My name is Sikong Yunfei!" The headed young man introduced himself.

"From today, your five big families need to listen to my orders, order and prohibit them, and don't violate them!"

Sikong Yunfei looked very young, but he was actually more than three hundred years old and was an early Yuan Ying monk!

"Huh! Fairy Master, although you are a member of the Immortal Sect, let us follow our words with just one sentence. I'm afraid it won't work?"

Qi Junliang snorted coldly.


Sikong Yunfei raised his finger, the lightning flint, like the momentum of thunder, a sharp light flashed across and directly penetrated Qi Junliang's head!

Qi Junliang's old face was full of horror, completely frozen!

His body fell straight down!


The ground trembled slightly!

At the center of Qi Junliang's eyebrows, a hole with the thickness of a finger appeared, and blood mixed with his brain, spewing out like a spring!

"My old friend!"

"Why are you so troublesome!"

Song Kaixian, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng, among the muddy eyes, there was a trace of misery, which inevitably felt like a rabbit and a fox!

In Zhang Shaoli's eyes, there was also a flash of horror. He did not expect that Sikong Yunfei would kill people directly!

"Does anyone have an opinion?"

Sikong Yunfei asked with his hands on his back.

"Don't dare!"

Zhang Shaoli, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng all trembled at the same time, and they did not dare to make a sound!

"That's good!"

Sikong Yunfei showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth, and asked casually:

"Is there any powerful country in this world?"

Zhang Shaoli hurriedly stepped forward and explained with a smile: "If you return to the fairy master! The world's first power is the United States! The second power should be Russia!"

"America? Haha!"

Sikong Yunfei sneered, eyes full of arrogance and disdain!

"One of my brothers, one man, one sword, entered the CiA headquarters, and even the president of their country bowed his head! He promised us to establish cultivation universities in Washington, New York, and San Francisco!"


Hearing these words, several people stayed in shock!

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