There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 326: Where is the Thunder Master? Let him come to see me! (Sixth more)

"What about Russia?"

Zheng Guofeng asked subconsciously.

"Their emperor is willing to surrender to us! They promised to establish a comprehension university in Moscow! To be honest, there is really no power in your world! Alas —!"

Sikong Yunfei shook his head, sighed heavily, and continued:

"In the Moscow battle, Russia seems to have dispatched a dozen dark giants, right? It seems that it was the title, the dark giants! It's a pity that they were all beheaded by my brother!"

This battle in Moscow happened a week ago!

Because the underground forum was cancelled, many people have lost access to the news and do not know what happened!

In addition, the Russian government deliberately concealed it so that the news did not leak!

Otherwise, this matter would have spread all over the world!

Hearing this news, Zhang Shaoli, Song Kaixian, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng suddenly shrank their pupils and looked at each other, making them cold!

The United States bows its head, Russia becomes a minister?

The first and second largest countries in the world are just so subdued?

This is incredible, like a fantasy!

‘It’s no wonder that the Dragon Group agreed so quickly to establish a Xiuzhen University in Yanjing. It turned out that something like this happened! ’

After Sikong Yunfei explained it, everyone understood why many countries around the world, without any conditions, agreed to the monks in the Yin Ruins to establish a cultivation university!

The reason is here!

Stormy waves arose in the hearts of Zhang Shaoli, Song Kaixian, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng, and they could no longer calm down!

"In this way, there are no strong people in your world! It is indeed an abandoned land!"

Sikong Yunfei sighed and seemed very disappointed!

After finally coming to the abandoned land, I found that there is no decent power here. The first and second countries in the world just bow their heads casually. It's so boring!

Listening to Sikong Yunfei's words, Zhang Shaoli's heart moved, after thinking about it, he stood up!

"Master, you can't say that, in our world, there are still some strong people!"


Sikong Yunfei was a little surprised. He glanced at Zhang Shaoli and said with a smile: "What strong?"

"Master, have you heard of the underground world?" Zhang Shaoli paused before asking quietly.

"I have heard of it! There seems to be some forum in this underground world. I wanted to find out about it, but it was cancelled!"

Sikong Yunfei nodded slightly, the arc was almost inaudible.

"Hey, it's no wonder, you definitely don't know, there is a person named Thunder Master who is very famous in the underground world! He is alone, and he is capable of overwhelming a country!"

Zhang Shaoli smiled.

"As soon as the Thunder Master made his debut, he destroyed CiA in the United States, later the Bright Church in Europe, and then killed Kyoto in the Japanese Kingdom..."

Zhang Shaoli recounted Lin Nan's deeds in the underground world roughly!

Song Kaixian, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng's faces changed slightly!

Zhang Shaoli had no good intentions, he even led the target towards Lin Nan!

Although Lin Nan is very powerful, in the hearts of the three of them, they are not as good as the monks from Yin Ruins. After all, they are like gods!

If Sikong Yunfei is interested in Lin Nan, I am afraid Lin Nan will really be in disaster!

as predicted!

Just listen to Sikong Yunfei wondering: "Oh? The Thunder Master? This name is a bit interesting, let him see me!"

Zhang Shaoli smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "Master! Since the master of thunder is so powerful, he must be a powerful one. How can he listen to me?"

"You are right! In that case, tell me where he is and I will kill him!"

Sikong Yunfei laughed.

"He is in Tianhai City. It is said that he also established a'Lingtian Emperor Academy', oh! You may not know that this is also a cultivation school. Every morning, the master of thunder also leads a group of students to'refining Qi' to meditate. Yeah!" Zhang Shaoli laughed strangely.

"Tianhai City? Where is it?" Sikong Yunfei frowned.

"From Yanjing to the south, two thousand miles, a coastal city!"

"Two thousand miles? Not very far, within an hour, I will behead his head and return!"

Sikong Yunfei left these words and walked away!


He turned into a green rainbow, cut through the void, a burst of swords rang, and flew in the direction of Tianhai City, and the group of disciples who had brought him followed him!

Seeing this scene, Song Kaixian, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng were stunned in the same place and had not recovered for a long time!

After a while, Zheng Guofeng scolded angrily: "Zhang Shaoli, why are you doing this?"

"Although Mr. Lin is strong, he has never done anything to endanger our country, right? What is your purpose like this?!"

"Yes, Zhang Shaoli, if your father Zhang Fuzhi knows, you will not look down at Jiuquan if you do this!" Xie Lide also glared at Zhang Shaoli with wide eyes.

"Hehe, why did I lead the target to Lin Nan? It's the immortal Master Sikong who wants to find a strong one. I just told him that Lin Nan is also a strong one!" Zhang Shaoli smiled, his mouth was full. ridicule.

Song Kaixian's old face was icy, and he said indifferently: "Zhang Shaoli, you are so sure, Sagong Yunfei, he can kill Mr. Lin?"

Zhang Shaoli was taken aback!

"Hehe, no matter how great Lin Nan is, he is just an ordinary person!" Zhang Shaoli sneered twice.

However, after hearing Song Kaixian's words, I felt like I had eaten a fly, and I felt uncomfortable!


Song Kaixian looked up to the sky and laughed, tears almost bursting out, and shook his head and said, "Zhang Shaoli, your Zhang family is in big trouble!"

After speaking, a trace of sorrow appeared on Song Kaixian's face, and he sat down on the ground, and cried loudly at Qi Junliang's body!

"Junliang, don't worry, you won't be lonely on the road. Soon Zhang Family will come back to accompany you!"


Zhang Shaoli's face was blue and angrily said: "Old Piff, you are waiting!"

After putting down these words, Zhang Shaoli hurried away!


At this time, Sikong Yunfei and others had already left Yanjing with Yujian, and his speed was extremely fast!

Walking along the coastline, it didn't take long before I came to the sky above Tianhai City!

Standing on the top of Tianhai City, Sikong Yunfei's divine consciousness overwhelmed the sky, and he unscrupulously probed out toward the bottom of Tianhai City!


Everything in the whole city, in a panoramic view!

Lin Nan accompanied Liu Ruqing to lunch. As soon as his wife took a nap, Lin Nan felt that a sense of spirit swept over unscrupulously!

"Father Yuanying?" Lin Nan frowned.

At this moment, Sikong Yunfei stood up and shouted, and his voice was like thunder, spreading throughout Tianhai City!

"Who is in control of Thunder?"

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