There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 327: The world's attention! (First more)

"Who is in control of Thunder?"

As soon as the sound landed, the entire Tianhai City was in a commotion!

"what happened?"

"Who is speaking?"

The people in the office, at home, in the company, in the coffee shop, in the restaurant were taken aback, and then many people all walked onto the street, looking for the source of the sound strangely!

"Look at it, there!"

Someone found the source of the sound and pointed to the sky.

When everyone looked up, they discovered that a group of people appeared above the skyscraper, about a dozen people!

Wearing ancient costumes and flying swords on their feet, they stood in the air like gods, looking down below!

"Who is in charge of Thunder?"

Someone asked, looking up at the sky.

"Last time there was a big battle in Tianhai City, and a golden dragon appeared. In that time, many mysterious powerhouses came to Tianhai City. It seems that they were also looking for the master of Thunder!" The man spoke, uncertain.

Many people stopped on the street and all took out their phones to take pictures!

This time, many people were very prepared, and some even bought equipment worth millions of dollars long ago!

The last time the gods appeared in Tianhai City, they just suffered from bad equipment and unclear shooting!

Immediately, someone put the filming equipment on the top of the skyscraper, turned on the video recorder, and also started the webcast!

All over the world, while people are still sleeping, eating, and going to work, a live broadcast room named [Live Broadcast Appears in Tianhai City's Fairy] appeared on the Internet!

Some curious people, after clicking on it, were immediately attracted by the content of the live broadcast room!

Above Tianhai City, at a height of more than 1,000 meters, there was a group of people stepping on the flying sword, ignoring the constraints of gravity, and standing out of thin air!

"this is--!"

The netizens who saw this scene were all stunned!

"Is this really a fairy?"

"What is it if this is not a god? How can ordinary people do this?"

"How did he fly? This is not in line with scientific theory. Is the sword under his feet some kind of anti-gravity aircraft?" A science fiction enthusiast commented.

"Could it be an unscrupulous film company doing gimmicks and advertising?"

Some viewers typed comments.

In the beginning, only a few hundred people watched it!

After a while, it quickly grew to thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions!

In just five minutes, it swept the headlines of major domestic media, and other live broadcast websites have broadcast it!

Even some foreign media and live broadcast platforms have begun to pay attention and request the right to broadcast!


Dragon Group headquarters.

Venerable Ying Long had just finished dealing with the matter at hand, suddenly a member of the dragon group hurriedly knocked on the door!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

"Boss, things are not going well, Sikong Yunfei and the others went to Tianhai City, as if looking for the Thunder Master!" the agent of the Dragon Group said solemnly.

Venerable Ying Long was taken aback, got up from his chair with a chuckle, and said in surprise: "What did you say?"

"Someone is broadcasting live on the Internet, boss, take a look!"

Venerable Ying Long's face was startled and uncertain!

He immediately used his office computer to open the web page, click into the live broadcast room, and watched for a while, his expression was extremely solemn!

"What are you waiting for, if this is spread out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world, cut the video quickly, this matter is definitely not allowed to be broadcast! Let's go and go to Tianhai City!"

Venerable Ying Long said angrily.

Although Yenching Xiuzhen University was established, it is located in the suburbs of Yenching. It has not yet been widely promoted. The students inside are all soldiers of the army!

The Dragon Group is still investigating the acceptance of ordinary people!

If this incident is exposed, the cultivator will be thoroughly exposed to the vision of ordinary people, and if there is a disturbance, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Boss, it's too late! There are already platforms abroad, and the broadcast has started!"

"The major domestic platforms are also live broadcast. Now that the video is cut off, doesn't it make people more suspicious?"

The agent of the Dragon Group said helplessly.

"Damn! Go and prepare now, as long as the battle is over, immediately send a statement saying that this matter is malicious hype! The videos are all synthesized!"

Venerable Ying Long hurriedly left the base after shouting angrily!


At the same time, all parts of the world have also seen the situation in the live broadcast room!

United States.

In the CiA branch, Charles William looked dignified and watched the situation in the live broadcast room without blinking!

Beside him, there were seven or eight generals, all of whom were four-star and five-star generals, and they were very frightening!


Japan, Kyoto.

A large group of congressmen all have a solemn expression on their faces!

Sitting around the conference room, looking at the big screen in front!


Russia, Moscow.

Countless generals are all sitting together, waiting for the next thing. Will the Thunder Master appear?

In Thailand's Grand Palace, the King of Thailand was very nervous, holding a tablet in his hand!

The heads and parliamentarians of various European countries are solemnly solemn. For some time, the monks in the Yin Ruins have begun to contact the heads of all countries!

However, ordinary people don't know, they are still kept in the dark!

If the master of Thunder wins this battle, everyone is happy. If he loses this battle, I am afraid that no one in this world can be the opponent of the monks in Yin Ruins!

Before the incomparably powerful cultivation civilization, scientific and technological civilization could not withstand a single blow. Bullets and guns could not break through the defense of the cultivator. How could it be fought?

Everyone in the original underground world is also online, watching this battle!

Some ancient powerhouses, unknown, were all shocked!

"If the thunder master wins this battle, the earth will at least have the power to face the Yin Ruins!"

"If we lose, I am afraid we will be ruled by Yin Ruins!"

Many people whispered and looked solemn.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary battle of immortals, and there is no way to think of the deep side!


"Why? Master of Thunder, you still haven't appeared? I heard people say that you are a world-class powerhouse, so you should be a tortoise with a shrunken head?"

Sikong Yunfei sneered.

His voice was loud, mixed with divine consciousness, like a tweeter, echoing in the sky above Tianhai City!

All over the world, the heads of major countries have extremely solemn expressions!

‘Is it true that even the masters of Thunder are afraid? ’

'Ugh! The immortal gate of Yin Ruins is indeed invincible, and no one is their opponent at all! ’

In the underground world, many ancient strong men sighed secretly in their hearts, and their faces were dim!

With the strength of the thunder controller, the immortal can't come out, how can there be his opponent in the world?

But if the people in charge of Thunder fear the monks of Yin Ruins, then no one in this world will be an opponent of Yin Ruins!

At this moment, a shocking rainbow cut through the void and rushed straight to the top of Tianhai City, and came to Sikong Yunfei!

"Are you looking for me?"

Lin Nan carried his hands on his back, his face was indifferent!

After handling everything in the coffee shop, Lin Nan walked out to prevent Liu Ruqing's nap from being disturbed!

"The Thunder Master is out!"

The moment I saw Lin Nan, the people in the world's major live broadcast rooms were all pleasantly surprised!

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