There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 328: what did you say? Lin Nan is the master of Thunder? (Second more)

It is a pity that the scene was shot in the past, because it was facing Sikong Yunfei and others, so I could only see Lin Nan's back, unable to see his true face!

In the video screen, Ye Cheng carried his hands on his back and his back was stalwart!

For those who know Lin Nan, a back view is enough!

But for people who don’t know Lin Nan, curiosity arose in their hearts. What does this Thunder Master look like?

Yan Jing and Wang Yuxuan were sitting in their big villa, watching the video on the mobile phone, surprised!

"Huh? This person's back looks like Lin Nan!"

The back, standing posture, and even the silhouette behind him are almost the same as Lin Nan!

Adding to the fact that Wang Yuxuan was cured by Lin Nan last time in the hospital with the wound on her forehead, she was even more sure that Lin Nan's identity was extraordinary!

"Could it be--!"

"He is the thunder master of the underground world?"

Wang Yuxuan's beautiful eyes shrank sharply!

In the upper circles of Yanjing, she had heard of the name'Thunder Controller' more than once, but never thought that that person was Lin Nan!

"My goodness!"

Thinking of this, Wang Yuxuan exclaimed and stretched out a small hand to cover her mouth!

At this moment, in the courtyard of Emperor Ling Tian.

A group of classrooms took advantage of the students' lunch break and opened the live broadcast room!

"The back of this person looks like our principal Lin!"

"It looks alike, right? Where's Principal Lin?"

Leng Yan sat in the office with a faint smile on her lips!

"These people want to trouble the teacher! How can they know what kind of existence a teacher is?"

After saying this, Leng Yan directly turned off the live video!

She didn't even have any interest in watching it. There is no doubt that the monks in Yin Ruins would be slapped to death by the teacher!

Lengyan feels that the live broadcast later will be very bloody!


Bai Yuanshan's face is solemn!

"Grandpa, it's really him? He is so powerful that he can fight against the immortal gate of Yin Ruins?"

Bai Lingshan's pretty face was full of surprise!

"I have regarded him very high, but I still didn't expect that he was even stronger than I thought!"

Bai Yuanshan stared at the big screen, stunned!

Jiangnan, Jiangbei, Jiangdong, many rich and powerful people are also paying attention to this battle. There are already some rich people who know Lin Nan's true identity!


Dongdu, in a luxurious villa!

"Dad, Mom! This is Lin Nan!"

Yang Xueqi looked at the big screen, behind Lin Nan's back, exclaimed.

Yang Huaian and Shen Qingwen's faces changed wildly, like Yang Huaian's city mansion, they can't calm down!

"What are you talking about? Lin Nan is the master of Thunder?"

"I was not sure of Lin Nan's identity before! But Lin Nan's methods and magical powers are indeed not something ordinary people can do! Not only can he fly, but he can also use various spells and magical powers. On a cruise ship in the Pacific, he This is how a kendo master from the Japanese country called Lin Nan—the master of thunder!"

Yang Xueqi murmured, recalling Lin Nan's various things, as if she was in a dream!


Yang Huaian sighed, stomped and said: "Why didn't I expect it!"

He has naturally heard about the controller of Thunder, and checked the information countless times!

Knowing that this person came from China, and he was very young, and he was even more famous in the underground world. After searching the entire China, Yang Huaian couldn't find a young man to correspond with!

But who would have thought that the controller of Thunder is Lin Nan?


At this moment, the sky above Tianhai City.

Sikong Yunfei chuckled when he saw Lin Nan!

"You finally came!"

"I heard Zhang Shaoli from the Zhang family of Yanjing said, are you the top powerhouse in this world?"

"Tsk tusk! You seem to be no different from those dark giants that I cut off!"

Sikong Yunfei shook his head lightly while talking, looking at Lin Nan as if looking at a piece of cargo!

"Zhang Shaoli?"

Lin Nan's expression became cold, and this person actually took the Yin Ruin monk's target to him!

Although Lin Nan is not afraid of the monks in the Yin Ruins, Zhang Shaoli's heart is punishable!

"I think you are good, why not surrender to me, how about being my disciple?" Sikong Yunfei laughed.

After seeing Lin Nan, he actually had the heart to love talent!

Behind Sikong Yunfei, the disciples immediately shouted sharply:

"Boy, don't you kneel down and apprentice your teacher?"

"Uncle Sikong is a cultivator of Nascent Soul! Do you know what a cultivator of Nascent Soul is? It is even stronger than the gods in your world!"

As soon as the voices of a few people fell, a terrifying aura suddenly broke out on Lin Nan's body!


Sikong Yunfei and the others trembled with fright. At this moment, they seemed to feel that a **** came and appeared before their eyes!


"How is it possible that the Rei Pressure on your body is so powerful?"

Sikong Yunfei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he took a breath of cold air!

Lin Nan released the majesty of the Great Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and a terrifying emperor's might came, and the entire Tianhai City was affected!

Everyone felt that there was a tremor that originated from the depths of their souls, and they couldn't help all kneeling to the ground and worshipping!

The majesty of the great, all souls worship!


All electronic devices in Tianhai City have lost their functions at this moment!

The scene of the live broadcast stopped abruptly, and the news was completely lost!

This is also one of the reasons why modern technology has not been developed in the world of immortality!

Once a monk releases the spiritual pressure, it will be accompanied by a strong magnetic field, and the equipment driven by electric current can no longer be used!

"what happened?"

"Damn, it looks good! Why is there no picture?"

"Damn! Where is the anchor? Come out! Ask for the live broadcast!"

On the Internet, major live broadcast rooms have exploded!

The heads of the world's major powers are also anxiously waiting for the live broadcast!

"what is the problem?"

"Contact the spy who stayed in Tianhai City and ask what happened!"

Some heads of state angrily said, at this juncture, there is no video screen, isn't it a joke?

Soon, the person who contacted came back and said helplessly: "The head of state, there is no way to contact. The communication equipment in Tianhai City seems to be out of order!"

"What? The communication equipment is malfunctioning? What's the matter?"


At this moment, the sky above Tianhai City.

Lin Nan looked down at the people in front!

"Who are you? Why are you so powerful?" Sikong Yunfei trembled all over, with a look of horror on his face.

"A dead person doesn't need to know so much!"

Lin Nan's pupils are indifferent!

He stretched out a hand and slapped it over!


Sikong Yunfei and others were beaten to death, turned into a cloud of blood, and even their souls were annihilated!

"Zhang Shaoli? Hehe, you even led me to misfortune, do you really think I'm a fool?"

After saying this, Lin Nan stepped out and flew in the direction of Yanjing!

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