There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 337: Go to **** and repent! (Fifth more)

"Lin Canghai, take them back to the hotel first!"

"Yes, master!"

Lin Canghai nodded respectfully.

Liu Ruqing hugged Lin Momo, took Chu Yao and Chu Qiong to make people, turned and left!

Liu Ruqing knew that Zhou Lingling was dead. If Zhou Lingling offended Lin Nan because of other things, and Lin Nan wanted to kill someone, Liu Ruqing might still intercede!

But it's Lin Momo. Thinking of the way the little girl was crying just now, Liu Ruqing's pretty face was also cold!

Looking at Zhou Lingling, Lin Nan's eyes were cold, as if looking at a dead person!

"My daughter, I can't bear to say a serious word myself, do you dare to scold her?"

"Sorry Mr. Lin, I was wrong! I never dare to do it again!"

"Go to **** to repent!"

Lin Nan's voice came, as if from Jiuyou Hell!

He gently raised his hand, and a dark hole suddenly appeared on the beach where Zhou Lingling was!

This is a space channel connecting the eighteen layers of hell!


Zhou Lingling screamed, her pretty face was full of horror, and the dozen or so bodyguards all fell toward hell!

Then, the space channel is closed!

Chen Bohu saw this scene, his body was cold and stiff in place, completely shocked!

With just one glance, Chen Bohu could see clearly that this pitch-black hole seemed to lead to hell!

Because Chen Bohu saw that at the bottom of the cave, there were hundreds of millions of evil spirits wailing!

Just now Lin Nan asked Zhou Lingling to confess to hell. Could it be hell?

'hiss! What is this method? Can you open the door of hell? ’

Thinking of this, Chen Bohu's scalp was numb, like countless ants crawling over his scalp!

"Remember, I'm vacationing in Hawaii these few days. Don't let anyone disturb my family. If this happens again, even if it's not your Hongmen's fault, I will blame you!"

After Lin Nan left this sentence, he left in a hurry.

Chen Bohu's body was stiff in place, and it had been fading into the sky since the afternoon. The sky was full of stars. Chen Bohu still did not react!

Thinking of the scenes just now, Chen Bohu was sweating and he only felt dry and dry. He was already very dehydrated!

Almost all the water in his body turned into sweat beads and overflowed!

‘Master Tiger, what’s wrong? ’

On the far road, a group of Hongmen gangs stood there with a look of doubt!

They stood far away just now, and there was no time to see what happened, and they didn't even see Lin Nan opening the hell!

All I know is that Zhou Lingling and others seemed to be swallowed by the'beach' suddenly!

"Master Tiger? People have been walking for four hours, are we?"

One of his men came over and patted Chen Bohu on the shoulder!


Chen Bohu trembled all over, smiled palely, the moonlight fell on his face, and the light was very penetrating!

"Master Tiger, people are gone!"

"Ahem! Okay, I see... Go back... Go back!"

Chen Bohu only felt collapsed and crumbling!

"Hey? Tiger Lord!"

Shocked, he quickly reached out and helped!

I was even more shocked. What happened just now? What is the origin of that young man, who was able to scare Master Tiger into this look?


At this time, Lin Nan's family had already appeared on Penglai Fairy Island!

"Little flower, big flower!"

Lin Momo is very happy!

Right in front of her, there appeared two plesiosaurs that looked like hills!

The moment Lin Momo saw the plesiosaur, what happened this afternoon was long forgotten!


The two plesiosaurs were extremely excited when they saw Lin Momo. The four fins under their belly flapped on the ground and rushed towards Lin Momo!


The ground trembled violently!

Lin Nan stood with his hands behind, smiling, watching Lin Momo run towards the plesiosaur!

Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong, and Lin Canghai were dumbfounded in shock, like a wooden man, staring in place, looking at the two prehistoric monsters ahead!

"My goodness!"

"This is really a dinosaur? Lin Nan, aren't you kidding me?" Liu Ruqing's beautiful eyes were full of astonishment.

"Boss, there are still dinosaurs in this world?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong didn't know if they were afraid or excited, their delicate arms were full of goose bumps!


Lin Canghai was also panting in shock, two columns of white air in his nose, blowing out!

"I have long heard that there are monsters in the Loch Ness abroad, are they also dinosaurs?"

"Lin Nan, what is going on?"

Liu Ruqing came over, and Lin Momo in front had already crawled onto their backs along the plesiosaur fins!

"This island is called Penglai Xiandao. When I found this island, I found that a magic circle was set up around it to shield the magnetic field. In addition, there was a lot of dense fog around the island. When we drive here, we will detour. This has led to the fact that Penglai Fairy Island has not been known to the world for thousands of years!" Lin Nan explained.

"This is really Penglai Fairy Island?"

Everyone was taken aback, their eyes were full of incredible!

"It should be this island, look over there!"

Lin Nan nodded slightly and pointed to the distance.

I saw a damaged stone monument not far away!

On the stone stele, it was covered with moss, and it was vaguely visible that someone had carved the word'Penglai' in the ancient seal script!

"Isn't Penglai in history in China's internal seas?" Lin Canghai wondered.

According to historical records, Penglai Xiandao is located near Dongshan Province!

But the Penglai Fairy Island here is located on the Pacific Ocean, between the Wa and the Hawaiian Islands. Otherwise, the United States would not be able to drive the aircraft carrier here!

"Perhaps, there is a mistake in the history of your country!"

Lin Nan shook his head slightly. How could he be interested to study these things!


"Wow! Come on, Xiaohua and Dahua are going to take us out to play!"

Lin Momo stood behind the plesiosaur and yelled.

Lin Nan smiled faintly when he saw this, and said, "Let's go, don't make Mo'er wait in a hurry!"

After speaking, he took Liu Ruqing's little hand and walked forward!

"Uh, I'm a little scared!"

Chu Yao's pretty face turned pale.

"Sister, what are you afraid of? You see Mo'er are not afraid, but I feel that they are so cute!" Chu Qiong took Chu Yao's hand and ran towards the plesiosaur!

Lin Canghai hurriedly followed, but the shock in the depths of his eyes lingered no matter what!

Lin Nan started to set up a magic circle behind the plesiosaur, and everyone was sitting behind the male plesiosaur!


The male plesiosaur jumped high and dived into the sea, followed by the female plesiosaur!


Everyone exclaimed. The male plesiosaur took them and dived directly into the bottom of the sea. How did everyone breathe?

But an incredible scene appeared, because Lin Nan's circle, all the sea water, seemed to be blocked by a mysterious force!

Moreover, no matter how fast the plesiosaur swims on the bottom of the sea, the seawater will separate automatically!


"It's amazing! The sea can't pass? And it can breathe!"

The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong are like discovering the New World!

Lin Canghai's heart was also more shocked!

Although he already knew that Lin Nan was not a human being!

Can the existence that can raise the hand to resurrect the dead and let the living enter the underworld, and the ten temples of Yama, can be human?

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