There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 338: Slash the aircraft carrier with one sword! (Sixth more)


Two plesiosaurs dived into the bottom of the sea and turned into the king of the sea, and the swimming fish around Penglai Xiandao all fled in all directions!


Lin Momo followed the plesiosaur howling, but didn't learn anything like a wolf howling!

However, the little girl is always happy!

"Puff! Hahaha!"

The two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong trembled with laughter!

"Look at it, where is like a daughter, she is like a boy!"

Liu Ruqing couldn't help but complain, but there was a thick smile on the corner of her mouth!

Soon, the two plesiosaurs left the area of ​​Penglai Fairy Island and swam towards the outside world!

At this moment, on the US aircraft carrier!

As a five-star admiral of the Navy, William Smith has been on this aircraft carrier for almost two months!

Since the discovery of plesiosaurs in this sea area, the United States has issued an order to capture plesiosaurs, whether dead or alive!

But in the past two months, William Smith tried everything he could, but in any case, he could not enter the thick fog in front of him!

The thick fog is like a reduced version of the Bermuda Delta, and no one has ever come out after entering it!

Moreover, no matter what communication equipment is, once you enter it, even the compass will completely fail, making it impossible to distinguish the direction!

Suddenly, William Smith’s adjutant came hurriedly and came outside the office!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

A white man came in. He looked like he was in his thirties and was very young. His name was David and he was William Smith's lieutenant!

As soon as he entered the door, he excitedly said:

"General, the sonar detection system has just detected that there are two huge creatures coming out of the thick fog!"


William Smith was overjoyed and got up from his chair!

"Go! Go to the control room!"

The two came to the control room at the fastest speed, and found that countless staff in the control room were already on standby!

"General, please see, there are two vital signs on the radar sonar detector, one big and one small!"

"The big vital sign, we have tested it before, it is the plesiosaur. Now there is a small one. We have reason to suspect that there are two plesiosaurs in that thick fog!"

An expert came up and reported excitedly.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the electronic screen in front of him. Sure enough, there were two light groups, one large and one small, swimming quickly on the map!

William Smith looked at the electronic screen and laughed:

"Haha? Two plesiosaurs? If I can win them, I will be famous all over the world!"

A trace of flushing appeared on his old face, and his eyes were full of joy!

"General, great! They have left the range of dense fog. If we activate the sonar jamming system at this time, drive them to other sea areas and lock them completely!"

"As long as they can't return to that thick fog, we have a chance to catch these two plesiosaurs!"

In front of the radar sonar front console, a controller said excitedly.

"Hurry up! Turn on the sonar system immediately and activate the destroyer at the same time!"

William Smith ordered directly!

The opportunity to become famous is right in front of him, how can he let it go? As long as you catch these two plesiosaurs, even if you get two corpses, it will definitely cause a global shock!


The sonar system on the aircraft carrier was activated on the spot!


The two plesiosaurs swimming in the sea suddenly trembled all over, and then, as if going mad, they ran towards the far sea!

"This—what's going on?"

The plesiosaur suddenly accelerated, and the faces of the people on the dragon's back changed drastically!

"Someone is disturbing them!"

Lin Nan's face sank, and he turned his head coldly and glanced at the aircraft carrier behind!

Then, as soon as he pointed out, the interference of the sonar system was directly blocked, and the two plesiosaurs returned to normal again!

"They are here!"


Liu Ruqing asked subconsciously!

"Da da da--!"

There was a burst of engine noise, and a dozen destroyers rushed towards this side, looking for the location of the plesiosaur. Once they found it, they would launch an attack!

Lin Nan frowned and flicked continuously under the water!

"Boom boom boom!"

All the destroyers on the water burst open, and small mushroom clouds rose one after another!

Aircraft carrier, control room!

"General, our destroyer was attacked by an unknown identity, and they all exploded!"

In front of the console, a major, his face pale!

"What? Damn! It must be those two plesiosaurs. They knew we were going to do it, so they went out to sea deliberately, and after they led us to do it, they attacked our destroyer!"

William Smith was furious and furious!

I have lost more than a dozen destroyers before doing it, which is really a loss!

"Forget it, don't live anymore, launch me torpedoes on the seabed, directly target these two plesiosaurs with radar, and kill them directly!"

William Smith's face was taken aback, and he ordered!

"Yes, General!"

"Radar is ready--!"

"Torpedo ready--!"

"The radar is ready, the torpedo is ready, do you want to launch?"


William Smith said coldly.

"Received launch command! Five, four, three, two, one, launch--!"


The sea under the aircraft carrier seemed to be boiling. Two oversized torpedoes, with a cruise system, locked the two plesiosaurs in front of them and launched them!


Feel the torpedo coming!

"Huh, looking for death!"

Lin Nan snorted, facing the direction of the aircraft carrier, condensed his fingers into a sword, and cut it down with a single sword!


A terrifying sword light shot out from Lin Nan’s fingertips and directly cut the sea water.

"Oh my God! What did I see?"

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, a group of American soldiers held their breath and saw an unforgettable scene!

The sea in front was cut open by a golden sword light, and the sea scattered towards both sides, revealing the land under the sea!

Cut the sea with one sword?

‘Who did this? Are there aliens under the sea? ’

The people on the deck of the aircraft carrier were very shocked thinking!

At this moment, this sword light struck, illuminating the night sky, and the entire Pacific Ocean, as bright as day!

The two torpedoes just launched were hit by this sword light and exploded directly!

This sword light didn't stop there, and it cut straight towards the aircraft carrier ahead!


The golden light flashed across, and this American aircraft carrier trembled slightly, and was cut off by Lin Nan with a sword!

"Hi, our aircraft carrier is broken--!"

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, a colonel slashed, his face pale!

His eyes widened, and his eyeballs were about to bulge out. This brilliant light suddenly passed the aircraft carrier, cutting the aircraft carrier in half from the middle!


"General, leave! Just now on the bottom of the sea, something unknown attacked us. Our aircraft carrier was cut in half by a golden light shot from the bottom of the sea, and it will sink soon!"

Control outside, someone ran in!

"Captain, what do you mean by that?"

William Smith was taken aback, and looked at the colonel suspiciously!

But he soon knew what it meant, because in the ears of William Smith, there was a sound of cracking steel!


The entire aircraft carrier trembled violently!

Lin Nan cut the aircraft carrier with one sword!

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