There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 341: Because Mr. Lin said, I don’t want to see you again! (Third more)

Hong Guoju looked at Shangguanjie, frowned slightly, and said, "Brother Shangguan, don't worry, I will accompany you to see!"

In the entire Hawaiian Islands, there are probably not many people who can beat people in public and make people kneel down!

Hong Guoju was worried that if it was his brother from Hongmen, or someone from the United States, that would be difficult!

In that case, it is better to follow it yourself!


Shangguanjie nodded, this is Hawaii, the site of Hongmen, let Hongmen go with him, it is really easy to solve the trouble!


Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie, with a large group of entourage, drove hundreds of cars, like a fish, heading towards the performance venue!

Outside the performance venue, some tourists were surprised to see hundreds of luxury cars gathering here!

"what's the situation?"

"So many luxury cars? Is it a car show?"

Everyone talked a lot.

"Get out of the way. Have you seen that Rolls-Royce clearly? There is only one Rolls-Royce in the entire Hawaii, and that is the car of Hongmen's top handle. Don't let it go, stand here and watch!"

Someone yelled.

"Flood boss?"

The crowds onlookers were shocked, and they all scattered!

At this time, hundreds of luxury cars stopped, Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie both walked down, with a strong aura, and walked towards the performance venue!

"Block here!"

Hong Guoju said solemnly.


A group of younger brothers rushed toward the entrances and exits, guarding them firmly, not letting people pass!

Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie also walked into the performance venue!

At this moment, the crowd in the venue was watching the performance, and did not notice that the Hongmeng boss and Shangguanjie came in!

Lin Nan and others chose the location very far ahead, so they are still far from the entrance!

"Master, it's over there!"

Shangguanjie's servant pointed to the distance, and saw his son, kneeling there, his face was swollen into a pig's head!


Shangguanjie snorted coldly, lifted his foot and walked towards Lin Nan!

However, he suddenly discovered that something seemed to be missing!

Looking back, I saw Hong Guoju, the tycoon of the Hong Sect, staring blankly on the spot, his eyes straightened, staring at the front, dazed, and even a layer of fine sweat poured out of his forehead!

"Mr. Hong, what's the matter?"

Shangguanjie asked subconsciously.

"Shut up! Shangguanjie, you are looking for death by yourself, why do you want to bring me?"

Hong Guoju was trembling all over, and his teeth trembled!

Shangguanjie was astonished. What kind of power could scare the Hong Sect boss into this? Not to mention still in the territory of Hongmen, Hawaii!

"Mr. Hong, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, look at it for yourself, who is that person in the card sitting next to him!" Hong Guoju said angrily, his face turned blue!

Shangguanjie looked up, then his pupils shrank suddenly!

"this is--!"


Then, he took a breath of cold air, only to feel a numb scalp, a chill of heart, from the spine, straight to the sky, scared him almost ascending to the sky!

The man in the deck can only see half of his face from here!

But this half of the profiled face is enough to shock Shangguanjie!

Despite his courage and worth hundreds of billions, he dare not be an enemy of this person!

"He... why is he?"

Shangguanjie only felt that his throat was hoarse and his throat was dry, and he couldn't even speak easily!

In this way, Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie both stiffened in place and did not dare to move!

I don’t know how long it took, maybe one hour, maybe two hours, the atmosphere became very strange!

Some local tycoons, occasionally turning their heads, glanced inadvertently. After seeing Hong Guoju, they immediately sat on pins and needles!

‘Hongmen boss? Why is he here? ’

The faces of these rich men changed wildly!

As if Lin Nan and others did not feel the existence of Hong Guoju, Shangguanjie and others, they were still cheering for the performance on the stage!

"it is good!"

"Come on!"

At the end of the performance, Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong and others still felt that their meaning was still not enough!

"Let's go, after watching all morning, it's time to go back to lunch!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly.


Everyone got up, ignored Shangguan Yunxuan and Zhong Lu who were kneeling aside, and walked towards the entrance of the performance venue!

Seeing Lin Nan coming, Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie lowered their heads in horror and stepped aside!

They dare not say a word, or even say hello!

"Huh? Why are these people standing here?"

Chu Qiong asked in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie buried their heads lower!

Lin Nan ignored the two and walked out of the venue. During the whole process, he didn't even look at Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie!

When Lin Nan left, Hong Guoju and Shangguanjie glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of happiness in each other's eyes!


The two of them spoke in unison, taking a long sigh of relief. At this moment Lin Nan walked through just now, there was a feeling like falling into an ice cave!

Fortunately, Lin Nan ignored them, otherwise they would not know how to get through this disaster!

"My master said, I don't want to see these two people today again in the future!"

Suddenly, a man's voice came from outside the door!

Shangguanjie trembled, his mouth was extremely bitter, and he nodded and said, "I understand!"

Lin Canghai nodded in satisfaction, turned around and walked away quickly, he stepped out one step, and disappeared in front of everyone!

At this time, Shangguan Yunxuan also reacted, seeing his father, standing at the door of the venue, and rushing up!

"Dad, why did you come? That **** beat me and made me kneel for a few hours. Dad, you must help me get revenge!"

Shangguan Yunxuan was crying, but his eyes were full of hatred!


Shangguanjie slapped him, slapped his own son to the ground, and shouted:

"You idiot, you know how to play with women, do you know that you almost killed the whole Shangguan family just now!"

"Fortunately, Mr. Lin didn't blame it, otherwise, even if you die a hundred times, you will never be blamed!"

"Dad? What are you talking about?"

Shangguan Yunxuan was stunned and looked at his father foolishly!

"Hehe, you don't need to know, what I said, because Mr. Lin said, I don't want to see you again, butler!" Shangguanjie said coldly.

"The old slave is here!"

On the side, a middle-aged man stepped forward and came over!

"Get rid of the young master, and the woman, and send them to the road together so that he can have a companion on the road!"

Shangguanjie's voice was very cold, and he was worthy of being a hero, who said that tiger poison does not eat seeds. When he gave the order, he did not hesitate!

The old housekeeper felt cold, nodded quickly and agreed: "Yes!"

"What? Dad... you want to kill me? Kill me for an outsider?"

Shangguan Yunxuan was so scared that his teeth were trembling, and he felt like he was dreaming. His father actually ordered someone to kill him?


Shangguanjie snorted coldly, never wanting to look at his son again, and walked away!

He has many sons, and many illegitimate children. Although his own son was born to his wife, he is not the most promising. On the contrary, he is not educated and only knows to play with women!

If you die, you will die. Shangguanjie feels a little bit painful in his heart, but compared to the whole Shangguan family, what is it?

Seeing Shangguanjie's handling of his son, Hong Guoju nodded secretly!

‘Yes, it’s really bold! Far from being comparable to ordinary people! ’

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