There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 342: Is the Maya awake? (Fourth)

Everyone just left the performance venue, and not long after they walked, they heard Lin Momo shout: "Aunt Xue, I am here!"

A group of young men and women in the distance stopped in doubt!

One of the young and beautiful women turned her head hesitantly and looked over, and then a trace of surprise flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes!

"Mo'er, Ruqing, Lin Nan? Why are you also coming to Hawaii?"

Yang Xueqi came over, her pretty face was full of surprises!

At this moment, the group of young foreign men and women behind her also came one after another, and glanced at Lin Nan and others!

However, after one of the blond men's eyes fell on Lin Nan, his pupils shrank slightly!

‘Is it him? ’

The blond man felt that Lin Nan's appearance was too much like the man in the underground world!

He was fortunate to see the photo of that person on the forum, but before he could save it, he was deleted by the administrator!

Soon the blond man shook his head secretly!

How could the well-known thunder master in the underground world, the man who suppressed the first and second powers in the world bow his head and dare not speak, could appear here?

‘It’s not possible, it’s just that they are more similar in length. Yellow people, aren’t they all about the same length! ’

"Xueqi, who are these?"

Throwing these thoughts behind, the blond man smiled and asked in English.

"they are……"

Yang Xueqi thought for a while, subconsciously chose to conceal Lin Nan's identity, and said: "They are my friends, this is my cousin, he is my cousin, and this is their daughter!"

"They are Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, and that is Mr. Lin Canghai, the servant of my cousin's house!"

Yang Xueqi introduces everyone one by one!


Several foreign young men and women nodded slightly!

"Xueqi, why are you here? Before I went out for vacation, I called you, but I couldn't get through!" Liu Ruqing asked strangely.

Yang Xueqi pursed her lips and explained:

"That's it. During the recent period of time, I found a fun forum on the Internet. It is full of strange people and strangers from all over the world. Listening to them, it seems that there are some underground people!"

Lin Nan frowned. Could the Underground World Forum be re-established?

"They are Jack, Reddy, Danny, and Offee, all of whom I met on that forum!"

Yang Xueqi introduced.

Jack is the blond young man and the initiator of this event!

After the few foreign young men and women nodded their heads, their eyes became calm. Obviously, they were not prepared to know Lin Nan and others!

Between each other, they communicated in English quietly, and ignored everyone!

"Did you see it just now? There are more than a hundred luxury cars passing by. The Rolls Royce headed by it is a limited edition. I've heard people say that there is only one Rolls Royce in Hawaii. The Rolls-Royce is not allowed on the island!"

The young man named Reddy smiled.

"Oh? Can you limit this kind of thing? Rolls-Royce won't let you buy it? Who is so powerful?"

Offie asked with interest.

"The owner of this Rolls-Royce, named Hong Guoju, is the largest gang of Chinese in the underground world, the big brother of Hongmen!"

"The status of Hongmen in the underground world is comparable to that of the angels of **** in Canada and the gangsters of Italy! It's just that these years, it has been relatively low-key and there is no news. In fact, there are immortals in Hongmen! Don't underestimate them! The power of the whole country is inferior to Hongmen!"

Jack talked eloquently, and seemed to know this very well!

"How did you know?" Dany asked admiringly.

"An uncle of mine, who works in a gangster in Italy, is still a big boss, so some news!"

Jack spoke slowly.

"Such a powerful force, ordinary people will not be able to establish it for a lifetime!"

Dani and Orphee, two white girls, couldn't help but admire them!

"This kind of power requires the efforts of several generations, even a dozen generations, like an empire, passed on from generation to generation!"

Jack nodded solemnly.

Aside, Yang Xueqi stood by the side of the road, after a few conversations with Lin Nan and others!

"You haven't eaten yet? Would you like to eat together?"

Yang Xueqi proposed.

"Okay! It just so happens that we haven't seen each other for a month or two, how are the aunts and uncles?"

Liu Ruqing agreed.

The two said along the way, Yang Xueqi called Jack and the others, ready to go to lunch together!

Jack, Reddy, Dany, and Offie frowned, but they didn't say much!

Everyone came to a restaurant, ordered some local specialties, and sat around the table!

Several foreign young men and women are very indifferent, have their own small circles, and communicate in English!

Suddenly, the man named Jack shook his phone!

He picked up the phone and took a look, his pupils shrank suddenly, and said in surprise: "My God! How could it be possible!"

"what happened?"

Reddy, Dany, and Offee all looked at them curiously!

"My cousin sent me a message just now that the United States has an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean. It was chopped into two pieces by a mysterious force and sunk deep under the sea. Now the whole world suspects that there is Alien civilization!"

"The powerhouses from all over the world were shocked and gathered towards that sea area!"

Jack explained that the white man's deep and three-dimensional face was full of excitement!

"There is another news. I forgot to tell you. Just three days ago, in the depths of the pyramids in Egypt, an ancient existence awakened. He has been asleep for at least five thousand years, and he does not belong to this era!"

Jack continued to speak, speaking surprisingly!

"What? I slept for five thousand years? This is too scary!"

"Five thousand years ago, wasn't it the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs? Is it the Dragon Emperor in the movie "The Mummy"? Or the Apocalypse in "X-Men"? Otherwise, who can live five thousand years?"

Reddy, Dany, and Offi are all excited!

Listening to the words of a few people, Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong and others were also attracted!

"Is what you said is true?" Chu Qiong asked.

"Huh? Do you understand English?"

Danny was surprised.

"What's the difficulty in English? In the Egypt you are talking about, a person was resurrected from the pyramid. Is it true?"

Chu Qiong asked curiously, the little girl's curiosity is very serious!

Jack glanced at Chu Qiong lightly and said:

"Of course it is true! I also heard a news from some channels!"

"The pharaoh who awakened in ancient Egypt, who claimed to be a Maya, was sleeping on the earth. After waking up, he went to find the weapons left by the Mayans!"

"However, the weapons of the Mayans seem to have been brought back to China by the United States!"

"That pharaoh, who entered the United States overnight, the Pentagon's defenses were broken! In the end, he took the alien weapons as he wished and flew out of the universe!"

"Now the senior Americans are still concealing the news! You said, what if the awakened Maya brought his race to the earth?"

Hearing this, the whole dining table fell into a dead silence!

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