There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 352: I said, let you go! (Second more)

In the past two months, there has been a lot of trouble in Tianhai City. Several big families in Yanjing, half of the Patriarch of China, took their grandsons and granddaughters to register at the Lingtian Emperor's Academy and learn what Qi refining spells!

As an intellectual woman receiving modern science education, in Han Yunxiu's impression, the so-called qi-refining spell is the method of the warlock!

She has been studying in the UK for a long time and knows very little about the things in Tianhai City, and the family has not told her much!

Therefore, in Han Yunxiu's eyes, Lin Nan is a warlock of the rivers and lakes, relying on some deceptive means to make the elders of the major families trust him!

A few years ago, wasn’t Huaxia also popular, what qigong master?

There was also a scandal about actresses sleeping with them, saying what consecration was!

At this moment, I saw Lin Nan's side, with two women, and a little loli!

I guess this little loli is a kindergarten student, right?

No wonder he was going to be the principal of the kindergarten. Thinking of this, Han Yunxiu felt a chill in her heart!

"I know you, are you the principal of that Lingtian Emperor Academy?"

After hesitating for a moment, Han Yunxiu frowned and walked towards Lin Nan!


Lin Nan looked up and glanced at Han Yunxiu lightly!

There was contempt, indifference, and arrogance in his eyes, as if he didn't even see Han Yunxiu in his eyes!

"Huh, Principal Lin! I know you have a lot of energy and know the old men of many big families in China! But as for you, you beat Boss Gan like that?" Han Yunxiu snorted coldly.


Lin Nan spit out a word!

"What did you say? You—!"

Han Yunxiu's eyes widened, glaring at Lin Nan, trembling with anger, she grew so big, where did she go, not Zhongxing Pengyue? No one has ever told her to go!

"You let me go? Haha!"

Han Yunxiu sneered again and again, waved his big hand, took out a ViP gold card, and shook it in front of Lin Nan!

"Sorry, President Lin! I have a diamond membership card for this hotel. According to reason, my qualifications are higher than you!"

"Now, I am going to book this hotel, Mr. Lin, if you want to eat, please move!"

As Han Yunxiu said, he was determined to pay attention!

Today, even if he offends Lin Nan, he still has to speak out evil!

‘Isn’t he just a quack warlock? Relying on some deceptive methods, let the old men of the big families favor it! "

‘If you are young, what’s bad to learn? ’


Han Yunxiu shouted loudly, clasping her hands on her chest, her face cold and arrogant!

"Miss Han!"

The manager walked over immediately. A small character like him naturally didn't know the origin of Lin Nan!

As for the Han Yunxiu in front of him, that is the Han family's prostitute. With the Han family's status in Tianhai City, how can he offend a small hotel manager?

"Miss Han, I am here!"

"How much does it cost to book this hotel for one day?"

The manager smiled and said: "Our hotel has five presidential suites. The daily price is 50,000 RMB. There are 137 guest rooms. On average, one costs 1,000 yuan, and 13 banquet halls. , This is expensive, a banquet, less than 200,000..."

"Okay, just say it, how much is it for a day!"

Han Yunxiu interrupted the manager directly!

"At least three million yuan!"

"I have packed this hotel today, please go out!"

After speaking, Han Yunxiu threw the ViP gold card in his hand to the manager, and took out a bank card from his brand-name bag and handed it to him!

"Three million, swipe your card!"

She has decided that even if she throws three million dollars, she must rub Lin Nan's spirit!


After receiving the two cards, the manager nodded and left, and after a while, he walked back!

"Miss Han, it's alright!"


Han Yunxiu took back the two cards without leaving a trace, and glanced at Lin Nan proudly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

"Mr. Lin, please! I have already booked this hotel today. If you want to eat, please change to another house!"

"I said, let you go!"

Lin Nan's eyes were full of coldness!

"Haha, manager, I have booked this hotel, now this person does not leave, you can figure it out!"

Han Yunxiu smiled and didn't smile, put his hands on his shoulders, and stepped aside!

At this moment, the manager of the hotel walked up with a cold voice and said:

"Sir, please leave and find another hotel! Although you have already ordered the order and the kitchen has prepared the dishes, I will spare you the order. You can take your people and leave! "

Liu Ruqing's pretty face is a little green!

"This is how your hotel does business?"

"Haha, sorry madam, this is the hotel's ViP system. If you have money, apply for a ViP gold card and become our diamond member, you are also eligible to do so!" The manager smiled, shrugged, and looked indifferent!

"I'm in a good mood today. You two kneel down and climb out from here. I will spare your life!" Lin Nan picked up the tea on the table and took a faint sip!

"Ha ha!"

Han Yunxiu chuckled disdainfully!

At this moment, another group of people, in suits and leather shoes, walked into this hotel!

The man headed is the eldest son of the old man of the Bai family, Bai Hongguang, the chairman of the Bai Group!

With a casual glance, Bai Hongguang was overjoyed!

Lin Nan Shenlong sees the head but doesn't see the end, it's harder to see him than to reach the sky!

Unexpectedly, I could see Lin Nan here!

Besides, Lin Nan doesn't like being disturbed. In the circle, this has long been a taboo in everyone's mind. No one dares to go to Lin Nan's coffee shop to disturb him!

Bai Hongguang stepped forward with a bright smile on his face!

"Mr. Lin, why are you here too? Are you here for dinner?"

Everyone present was taken aback!

"Are you? Bai Hongguang Uncle Bai?" Han Yunxiu asked in surprise.

"Han Yunxiu?"

"It's me, Uncle Bai!"

Han Yunxiu nodded with a smile, curled his lips, and said:

"Uncle Bai, you just called him Mr. Lin? Isn't he just a quack warlock! As for you respect him so much?"

"Wh...what? quack... quack warlock?"

Bai Macro was a little confused.

"Hmph, just now, Mr. Lin actually made a hand and severely injured my first business partner. He is now sent to the hospital! Uncle Bai, such a person is not worthy of deep friendship!"

Han Yunxiu snorted coldly, the arrogant color on Qiao's face became more intense!

"Mr. Lin, isn't it worthy of deep friendship?"

This time, Bai Hongguang opened his mouth completely, dumbfounded, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world!

The first person in the underground world!

With the power of one person, the man who makes the world's first and second largest country bow their heads, isn't it... worthy of deep friendship?

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