There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 353: Do not live by committing sins! (First more)

Seeing Bai Hongguang's expression, Han Yunxiu frowned slightly!

Although the Bai family is in Tianhai City, although they are powerful, the Han family is not weak, and they can fight against the Bai family!

Therefore, in Han Yunxiu's heart, he is not afraid of Bai Hongguang, at best he is regarded as an elder!

"Uncle Bai, does he have any other origins?"

A suspicious expression appeared on Han Yunxiu's pretty face!

"Haha, Han Yunxiu, I suggest you go home and ask your dad, or ask your Han family father to go!"

Bai Hongguang laughed, but his heart was already happy!

There is no room for two tigers in a mountain, and within the sphere of influence of Tianhai City, the Bai Family and the Han Family are almost the same!

If he could use Lin Nan's hand to weaken the power of the Han family, Bai Hongguang would be very happy!

"Uncle Bai, you are also the chairman of the Bai Group anyway? It's too much to say this. I need to call my dad specifically for a warlock warlock, and also to alarm my grandpa?"

Han Yunxiu smiled contemptuously!

She shook her head slightly and sighed!

"Oh, forget it, since he is someone Uncle Bai knows, let's do this for today, the manager, this Principal Lin's meal, I'll take it, and I don't need to charge them anymore!"


The manager of the hotel nodded repeatedly!

After speaking, Han Yunxiu glanced at Lin Nan for charity, then turned and walked outside the hotel!

‘Heaven does evil, you can live, if you do evil, you can’t live! ’

Bai Hongguang's heart sighed!

He knew Lin Nan's temper, maybe Lin Nan was in a good mood today, so till now, he hasn't beaten anyone!

Otherwise, I'm afraid Han Yunxiu is already dead!

How does the Han family in Cheonhae compare to the South Korean Samsung Consortium? I'm afraid it's less than a tenth of them, right?

Even so, Lee Jin-hyun, the heir of the South Korean Samsung Consortium, was slapped and slapped half-crippled by Lin Nan because he was arrogant in front of Lin Nan!

"Did I let you go?"

Lin Nan's faint voice came!

Han Yunxiu stopped walking, glanced back at Lin Nan and sneered:

"Puff! Why? Can you still let me go?"

"I just said it! I'm in a good mood today. You two are kneeling now and crawling out of here. I will spare your lives!"

"Now, my mood has become a little bad!"

Lin Nan spoke slowly.

Originally, today, my wife and children are shopping, and I will come to the hotel for lunch. There are other activities in the afternoon!

Because of the matter of Boss Gan just now, Liu Menghan's heart already had a shadow!

After Liu Ruqing comforted her a few words, Liu Menghan was much better!

Now, another strong Han Yunxiu appeared, Lin Nan's face was somewhat cold!

If Han Yunxiu was kneeling on the ground just now, kowtowing to admit his mistake, and then crawling out, Lin Nan could treat it as never happened!

Obviously, it is impossible now!

"Bai Hongguang!"

"Mr. Lin, please give your orders!"

Bai Hongguang's heart moved, and he bowed quickly!

"Call them from the Bai family!"


Bai Hongguang immediately took out the phone and called the Bai family. After a few casual confession, he hung up the phone!

Han Yunxiu stayed, Bai Hongguang really called his family?

‘Does this Principal Lin have other origins? ’

In Han Yunxiu's heart, it was the first time to doubt Lin Nan's identity!

‘Hmph, what if there is a background? In the entire Huaxia, except for the large families of Yanjing, who would dare to say that they would definitely overwhelm my Han family? Just a quack warlock, even if my dad comes, I won't be afraid of him! ’

Han Yunxiu thought, the coldness on Qiao's face became more intense!

Just stand still and wait quietly!

"Baba, Mo'er is hungry, why isn't he serving food?"

"Manager, what are you waiting for? Didn't you see that the child is hungry? Quickly serve!" Bai Hongguang scolded angrily.

The hotel manager on the side nodded quickly, trotting all the way to the back kitchen, and ordered the chef to serve!

Soon, a table of food was placed on the table, and Bai Hongguang smiled, holding his hands to the side, like a servant!

Han Yunxiu felt bored, so she found a place and sat down, holding her mobile phone in her hand, and slowly swiping Weibo!


Outside the door of the hotel, there was a commotion, and a group of people rushed into the lobby of this hotel like a fish!

"Dad, grandpa, third uncle, fifth uncle, seventh uncle, you guys--!"

"Why are you all here?"

Han Yunxiu looked towards the hotel entrance, her pretty face suddenly changed color!

She shuddered and got up from the sofa. The phone in her hand fell to the ground, unaware of it!

Everyone in the Bai family, seeing Lin Nan's family, was eating, they didn't dare to disturb!

"Nephew Hong Guangxian, what's the matter? You said Yunxiu provokes Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Han Yanqing, the old man of the Han family, walked over, bowed slightly, and lowered his posture!

"Grandpa, how can you?"

Han Yunxiu was shocked!

With her grandfather, the Han family's status, even if the top leader of Tianhai City sees him, he must respect him for three points!

Now, Han Yanqing is facing a junior, so low profile!

Bai Hongguang on the side, with his head held high, glanced at Han Yanqing lightly, and said with a smile, "Old Han, it's not a big deal. Just now, Mr. Lin came here for dinner. Han Yunxiu's rich and generous, directly covered the entire restaurant, and then Let Mr. Lin and the others go out!"


Han Yanqing's mind buzzed, and he felt his body faltering for a while!


The three of Korea Dong, Korea Liang, and Korea hurriedly stepped forward and supported the trembling old man Han who had almost fallen down!

"My family is unfortunate, my family is unfortunate!"

Han Yanqing directly faced Lin Nan's direction and knelt on the ground!

The three of Korea Dong, Korea Liang, and Korea also plopped and knelt down with them!

Not only them, but also the other Han family members who followed, all knelt down, their faces pale!

"Grandpa, Dad, Third Uncle, Fifth Uncle, Seventh Uncle, why are you kneeling down?"

Han Yunxiu was dumbfounded, her body stiff, her pretty face was full of astonishment and shock!

"Shut up! Come here too, kneel down!"

Han Yanqing said angrily, extremely sad and angry!

Han Yunxiu's body trembled. Grandpa was still very majestic in her heart. Her body was trembling. Not long ago, she flashed in her mind. She was proud and ridiculed Lin Nan's picture between the lines!

‘Where is he from? ’

‘Why are my grandfather, my dad, third uncle, fifth uncle, seventh uncle, they all fear him so much? Is this really just an ordinary warlock? ’

Han Yunxiu felt that he was wrong!

And it's so wrong, so wrong!

The man in front of him is not so simple!

Han Yunxiu became more afraid as he thought about it, and his heart became more and more fearful, and his face became completely pale!

Lin Nan turned a blind eye to the whole process, and only slowly stood up after eating with his family!

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