There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 366: The world has forgotten my majesty? (Second more)

Seeing Lin Momo grow up day by day, Lin Nan Center feels full of accomplishment!

He is very comfortable to be the principal!

The Lingtian Emperor Academy has also gradually entered the right track. Under Lin Nan's cultivation, almost two-thirds of all students have touched the threshold of cultivation and entered the realm of the Qi Refining Period!

Because of cultivation, the IQs of these children are far surpassing those of their peers. Those parents find that their children have no teachers to learn about math and foreign languages!

Now, those parents really understand why Lin Nan had to delete math and foreign language courses!

At the beginning of last month, Lin Momo had just been on the moon and had his fifth birthday!

Liu Ruqing's company is also on the right track. During this period, he ran to the United States three or four times, and finally united the companies on both sides for cross-border trade!

Liu Ruqing herself has a hint of the queen of business!

"Baba, school is over, let's go home!"

In the principal's room, Lin Nan sat there, Lin Momo walked in from outside!

"Okay! Let's go home!"

Lin Nan smiled and got up, ready to pick up Lin Momo!

"Huh, Mo'er is no longer a three or four-year-old kid, so she can walk home by herself!"

Lin Momo snorted softly and wrinkled her nose!

Swinging his head proudly, he walked out of the principal's room with pride!

Lin Nan shrugged helplessly, with a faint smile on his face, following Lin Momo, like a close-fitting male nanny, raising a daughter is really not easy!

"Big Dog, we are home!"

When passing by the school gate, Lin Momo shouted!


Er Gouzi screamed, got up immediately, walked over and rubbed Lin Momo's side!

"Doggo is behaved today!"

Lin Momo patted Ergouzi's head!

"Of course Er Gouzi is behaved, he has been guarding at the door all day!" Er Gouzi grinned, showing his grinning teeth.

Lin Momo has long been surprised that Er Gouzi can speak!

The students of Lingtian Emperor Academy also know that the big yellow dog at the school gate can talk!

At the beginning, the teachers at the Lingtian Emperor's Academy were very surprised, thinking that the Ergouzi had become a sperm. After a long time, they became accustomed to it!

Lin Momo clutched Ergouzi's tail, and Ergouzi looked indifferent, and led the way with an air!

A little loli, holding a big yellow dog, followed by a handsome young man, carrying a small schoolbag!

The citizens of Tianhai City have become accustomed to this scene!

In the past few months, after Yin Ruins merged with the earth, human society has undergone earth-shaking changes!

In the old days, once they heard about where there were gods, everyone would be curious. After months, after people have thoroughly understood the world, it is no surprise!

Even when you walk on the street during the day, you can see that in the sky above the city, there are monks flying by with magic weapons!

Regarding all this, the citizens of modern metropolises just looked up, and there was an expression of envy in their eyes, and they would never be surprised again!

In addition, among the major countries in the world, there seems to be an additional force behind the immortal sect!

In Yenching, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Moscow, London, etc., there have been formal schools for comprehension, recruiting students of all ages, as long as the talents pass the test, they can enroll for free!

There has been an upsurge of immortality cultivation all over the world!

Even last month, Tianhai University also established a cultivation department!

There is a monk from the early Yuanying stage who is sitting in Tianhai University!

Lin Nan felt it when this person arrived on the first day, but this person was very acquainted and did not bother Lin Nan, nor did Lin Nan take the initiative to trouble him!

Everything is in peace!

Lin Nan's Lingtian Emperor's Court, still lazy, seems to be gradually forgotten!

The name of Thunder Controller has not been mentioned for a long time!

For the past few months, Lin Nan has been going to school every day, and then going home with her daughter after school. Dinner is ready in the evening and the family eats together!

Of course, at night, Lin Nan has been working hard to create people with Liu Ruqing!

It's a pity that I'm disappointed, and Liu Ruqing shows no sign of getting pregnant again!

The father and daughter, walking on the street, were talking in low voices among ordinary citizens around!

"Have you heard? A few days ago, Tang Ren Films made a blockbuster fantasy cultivation, but it was a real monk participating in the performance and no special effects were applied! All the real fairy spells were used!"

"I went to see it! It was really wonderful! It is said that it was filmed in a virgin forest. Not only are there various beasts from before, but also the extinct creatures in the original world!"

A few days ago, Lin Nan's family also went to see this movie!

In the movie, I also saw Wang Yuxuan, but in order to support the daughter of a certain Xiu Xian sect elder, Wang Yuxuan played a supporting role!

As soon as the movie came out, as expected, Wang Yuxuan's popularity plummeted!

And the heroine of that movie has become a new idol in people's hearts!

Lin Nan and Lin Momo came to the outside of a skyscraper and walked in!

This skyscraper, in the bustling area of ​​the city center, was bought by Liu Ruqing as the headquarters of her financial trading company!

"Mr. Lin, Miss Lin, the chairman said, her meeting will take a while to end. Please go to the rest area and wait for her!" A beautiful lady walked up to the front desk with a smile.


Lin Nan nodded slightly, and Lin Momo came to the rest area and found a deck to sit down!

Just sitting down, suddenly, sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window, another middle-aged man's voice came!

"Huh! We traveled thousands of miles, coming from Hong Kong Island, Liu Ruqing, this woman, didn't see us! We are waiting here to stop her from get off work!"

A man in a suit and leather shoes, with a brand-name diamond watch between his wrists, snorted!

The middle-aged man next to him, with a face with Chinese characters, frowned and said:

"This woman's methods are amazing! The company has only been established within half a year, and it has robbed us of 15% of our business!"

"Some of the export traders on Hong Kong Island have already withdrawn from the Hong Kong Island market and came to Tianhai City! Direct foreign trade, coupled with the port of Hawaii, can directly transfer goods to Canada and the United States, which is more than ours. Convenient and lower cost!"

"If this goes on, I'm afraid it won't take three to five years. We don't even want to intervene in the inland business!"

"That's why we came here to have a showdown with her! Either withdraw from the trade market, or bear the anger of the seven major financial trading families on Hong Kong Island!" The man with a diamond watch on his wrist said coldly.

"But, I seem to have heard that Liu Ruqing's husband is that man! The former Thunder Master of the Underground World!" The middle-aged man frowned, and seemed a little worried.

"Haha, the thunder controller? So what? Now the upstarts on Hong Kong Island are no longer those from the Li family and Zhou family!"

"The old man of the Li family back then, with a word, Hong Kong Island would tremble three times! Now, on the whole Hong Kong Island, who still listens to Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan?"

"Thunder Master? Haha, it's out of date! Now it's the world of monks!"

"Don't forget, the immortal master in Villa No. 1 Pingshan, with one blow, even the sea was split apart!"

The man with a diamond watch on his wrist said, a fiery color flashed in his eyes!

One night a few months ago, the monk landed on Hong Kong Island and slashed away hundreds of miles of open seas. The whole Hong Kong Island was stunned and surrender!

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Nan's mouth showed a slight amusement!

In the past few months, the figure of the monk has almost filled the world. Has his majesty been forgotten by the world?

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