There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 367: Are you threatening my wife? (Third more)


The elevator door dedicated to the top of the company was opened, and one person walked out of it!

She has a cold and arrogant face, wearing a lady's suit, a short skirt covering the hips, and stepping on slender high heels, walking out slowly like a queen!

"Hi Mr. Liu!"

"Your husband and daughter are waiting for you to get off work in the card seat!"

The beauty at the front desk reminded with a smile.

"Well, I got it!"

Liu Ruqing nodded slightly and did not smile!

Although she is young, she is very majestic in the company. There is no coldness on her pretty face. Generally, the little girl who has just graduated from college does not dare to look at her!

Looking at the deck, Liu Ruqing saw Lin Nan and Lin Momo. On their solemn faces, suddenly like ice and snow melted, a happy smile appeared!

"Are you here? Then let's go home!"

Liu Ruqing walked quickly, hugged Lin Momo in her arms, hushing coldly and asking warmth, whether she was behaved at school today, did she practice seriously, what she learned and so on!

Lin Nanli was aside, smiling, looking at the mother and daughter!

Er Gouzi lay on the ground, sticking out his tongue, grinning wide!


"Chairman Liu, family harmony is really enviable!"

Just now, the two middle-aged men who were discussing in the deck came!

"Let's be polite! Her husband is also here, it's probably the one in charge of Thunder!" The middle-aged man next to him touched his companion lightly!


The man with a diamond watch on his wrist snorted softly and said lightly: "Don't worry, don't be afraid!"

"Yu Jinlong? Shen Bi'an? Why are you still here?"

Liu Ruqing frowned slightly, and the smile on Qiao's face froze, a little cold!

"Haha! Chairman Liu, we have traveled thousands of miles from Hong Kong Island, but you didn't see us behind closed doors. Isn't business done like this?" Yu Jinlong gently stroked the diamond watch between his wrists, not smiling. Tao.

Shen Bi'an on the side glanced at Lin Nan with some fear!

Lin Nan's complexion was calm, ignoring the eyes of the two!

The other staff in the hall also discovered the situation here and looked over!

"It's them!"

"Why haven't they left? Didn't Mr. Liu say it? Not seeing them!"

"Who knows!"

A group of white-collar workers were talking quietly, shaking their heads gently!

"what happened?"

On the side, one of the employees of other cooperative companies asked, and the others also showed their doubts!

"It's not because of the export trade issue!"

A woman pushed the glasses on her nose, lowered her throat, and explained:

"Originally, our company's exports were all from Southeast Asia! But those financial traders on Hong Kong Island sucked blood too hard! They even drew a 30% commission, which is even more terrifying than foreign tariffs. If this continues, Who can stand it?"

"In the first month, Mr. Liu still gritted his teeth and endured, thinking that those traders would lower their prices! Who knows that they have gotten worse?"

"Now our company's trade does not go from Southeast Asia. A trade port has been established on the Hawaiian Islands. We can directly ship things from the north to the United States and Canada!"

"As a result, the cost has been reduced by more than 30%! Many domestic suppliers have cancelled their contracts with Hong Kong Island and cooperated with our company!"

"You didn't realize that the commission we charge is much cheaper? It's because of this!"

"These two people, the representatives of the Hong Kong Island Chamber of Commerce, came to our company to negotiate!" The glasses woman continued to explain.

"However, President Liu couldn't accept their request, so he let them leave. Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't leave and were stuck here!"

Upon hearing the explanation, the employees of other companies present suddenly realized that they nodded and said: "That's it!"

"It's the commission you asked for. It's too high! We can't cooperate with you for such a commission. Go back. Unless the price is reduced, there is nothing to talk about!"

Liu Ruqing looked at Yu Jinlong calmly. Now she has the taste of a business queen!

Even in the face of those capital predators who have been floating in the business sea for decades, they can still talk freely. Yu Jinlong and Shen Bi'an are just small roles after all, and Liu Ruqing still doesn't care about it!

Upon hearing this, the faces of Yu Jinlong and Shen Bi'an sank slightly!

They came here to represent several families on Hong Kong Island. How could they return without success?

"Haha, who doesn't know, the export of the mainland is a big cake! How can people live on Hong Kong Island if you play like this?" Yu Jinlong's voice was very indifferent!

"How can my company survive at your price?"

Liu Ruqing asked amusingly.

"You mean, don't talk about it?"

Yu Jinlong's voice suddenly chilled!

At this moment, his whole body was sharp and sharp, and he took a step forward, with a powerful momentum!

"No talk!"

Liu Ruqing shook her head.

"Haha, okay! Then please Chairman Liu, don't regret it, in this world, there is no regret for selling medicine!" Yu Jinlong's eyes twitched slightly, his tone was full of coldness!

At this time.

Lin Nan, who had been silent for a long time, spoke!

"Are you threatening my wife?"

Originally, Liu Ruqing asked Lin Nan not to intervene in her company. Bijing, if Lin Nan's ability is used, he can establish a multinational group at will!

In this way, Liu Ruqing will not be able to feel the process of establishing the company and the sense of accomplishment gained!

Therefore, when the two negotiated, Lin Nan has always maintained the attitude of a bystander!

Until the last words of Yu Jinlong, Lin Nan's bottom line had already been violated!

"You are Mr. Lin? The former Thunder Master of the Underground World?"

Yu Jinlong glanced at Lin Nan indifferently, then sneered: "Mr. Lin, the world today is no longer the original world! I know you have a lot of energy, and you were able to suppress the entire Hong Kong Island back then. Both Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan, both Treat you like a guest!"

"Well, Jinlong, we are here today, not for trouble, but for negotiation!"

"Just say a few words!"

Shen Bi'an's face changed wildly, and he stepped forward to pull Yu Jinlong's sleeves, let him say a few words!

Because Shen Bi'an had already discovered that Lin Nan's face had become extremely cold!

Even if Yu Jinlong had forgotten the majesty of Lin Nan, Shen Bi'an had not forgotten that Lin Nan was able to ignore the CiA of the United States and enter the Kyoto of the Japanese Kingdom, like entering no man's land!

Even now, the monk is the most powerful person in the world, but with Yu Jinlong, what capital does he have to clamor with Lin Nan?

Ignoring Shen Bi'an's persuasion, Yu Jinlong continued:

"But now! The Li family and Zhou family are nothing! As for you, Mr. Lin!"

"You can deal with people in the original world, but can you deal with real monks?"

Speaking of this, Yu Jinlong kept shaking his head, the disdain in his eyes became more and more intense!

‘It’s over! Yu Jinlong is dead today! ’

Shen Bi'an's heart sank, a strong chill, from the soles of his feet, directly towards the sky!

But Yu Jinlong didn't seem to notice that the **** of death had come!

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