There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 381: The eleventh marshal? (Fifth more)

There is a boil among families of all sizes on Hong Kong Island!

"What happened last night? Why is this happening?"

"Isn't the Ding family backed by a cultivator? Fairy Master Yun Xuanzi cut a hundred kilometers of the sea with one sword? Didn't he support the Ding family? Why is there no news!"

Some unknowing little rich men and little bosses talked a lot, but they didn’t know why!

They were not eligible to board the cruise, so early in the morning, after hearing the change, they used various relationships to inquire about what happened last night!

"Shhh! Stop talking, forget about this completely! Yun Xuanzi was beheaded by Mr. Lin, and the old man of the Ding family was shot to death by Mr. Lin!"

"What? Hiss!"

After hearing the accurate news, the people of those small families took a breath of air, and opened their mouths in surprise!


Chen family.

At the moment, Liu Ruqing is sitting there, holding a stack of contracts in her hand!

"How about? This trip to Hong Kong Island is a reward, right? With this contract in hand, all financial trade on Hong Kong Island will fall into your hands in the future!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

"Haha, thanks to you this time, otherwise it's not that simple! Originally, I planned to wait for the port on the Hawaiian side to stabilize in another two years, and then reopen the gateway to Hong Kong Island!"

"Who knows that as soon as you shot, everything is done!"

Liu Ruqing said helplessly.

"That's natural, as long as I take action, nothing can be done!" Lin Nan smiled proudly.

"You know bragging!" Liu Ruqing curled her lips, with a look of unbelief!

"What? Are you still questioning my ability?

"Aren't you great? Why are we all Mo'er after so long?" Liu Ruqing smiled strangely.

"Liu Ruqing, let you see today, I am amazing!"

Lin Nan said angrily with a hideous face!

Just as he was about to do it, one of the Chen family's servants walked in!

"Mr. Lin, old man Li family and old man Zhou family please see you!"


Lin Nan snorted coldly, this is too late to come!

"Hehe, I'll go first!"

Liu Ruqing smiled and ran out!

Lin Nan also came to the living room of the Chen family. Chen Muqian, the head of the Chen family, was accompanying him. Chen Zhihao and Wei Anran were also present!

Lin Nan can ignore the Li family and Zhou family, but before the Chen family, these two big families are still behemoths, unattainable!

See Lin Nan come out.

Li Jinrong and Zhou Jingan stood up together, bowed to Lin Nan ninety degrees, and bowed deeply!

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"

"What are you doing here? Isn't it just to thank me?" Lin Nan asked.

Li Jinrong's mental state has improved a lot. His body is already very good. In addition, over the years, the earth's spiritual energy has been revived, with spiritual energy, and the body is painless and disease-free!

The reason why I was admitted to the hospital was entirely because of heart disease!

Heart disease still needs a heart medicine doctor. After the Li family has nothing to do, they are slowly recovering. With Lin Nan backing, the position of the first family on Lijiagang Island has returned!

"Mr. Lin, I am not worried about this, but the sect behind Yun Xuanzi. Yun Xuanzi is just an elder. It is so powerful. If the sect behind him is angry, wouldn't Hong Kong Island never have peace?"

Li Jinrong said worriedly.

"If the people from the sect dare to come, you can just call me, and I will let someone solve the matter!"

Lin Nan glanced at the two!

Since he decided to support the two families, he would naturally consider everything. It is impossible for Yun Xuanzi's sect to come to Hong Kong Island again and destroy the Li and Zhou families!

When Lin Nan said so, the two nodded and promised:

"The two of us will also remember our promises. As long as the Li family and Zhou family are alive, they will respect Mr. Lin, and we will never violate it!"

Chen Muqian, Chen Zhihao, and Wei Anran felt a little unbelievable. The first and second-ranked family on Hong Kong Island just bowed their heads to Lin Nan?

The Chen family's level is not enough, so no one from the Chen family was on the cruise last night!

‘Last night, what happened? Why did such a drastic change happen in just one night? ’

In the hearts of the three people, secretly surprised!

I don't know what method Lin Nan used, and overnight, the Ding family collapsed, and the Li family and Zhou family came back to power!

After the two old men left, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing stayed on Hong Kong Island for a few days and then flew back to Tianhai City!


Just returned to Tianhai City, the next day, in the principal's office of the Lingtian Emperor Academy!

A person who hasn't seen for a long time, come to visit!

"Mr. Lin, long time no see, excuse me!"

Venerable Yinglong of the dragon group came to Lingtian Emperor's Courtyard!

Before Lin Nan could speak, Venerable Ying Long explained:

"Mr. Lin, I can't help but come to you. You know, this is our job. Even if you kill me now, you have to wait for me to finish talking?"

"What's your business?"

Seeing Lin Nan wasn't angry, Venerable Ying Long hurriedly said: "That's it. The country would like to invite you to serve as the principal of Yanjing Cultivation School. What do you think?"

"Of course, this principal has extremely high rights and does not need to accept orders from anyone, including my immediate boss!"

Venerable Ying Long said, for fear of Lin Nan's misunderstanding!

Hua Guo has already seen it. With Lin Nan's character, he is like a real dragon. Hua Guo is just a creek and cannot restrain him at all!

Even if it is a superpower like the United States and Russia, doesn't it allow Lin Nan to be presumptuous over his head?

Nowadays, the monk is already the dominant position in the world, and the countries on the earth cannot be the monk's opponent at all!

Therefore, among the major countries, they began to train their own monks, hoping to change the status quo!

"You should be a monk? And at least you are a great monk in the late Yuan Ying! No wonder you have no scruples when you turn out to be born. It is our vision, which is too short!"

Venerable Ying Long asked sideways.

"We already know about you on Hong Kong Island. Even if you cultivate the Li family on Hong Kong Island into your own power, our Dragon Team will never interfere!"

Venerable Ying Long said flatly.

With the intelligence capabilities of the Dragon Group, as long as someone sees what Lin Nan is doing, they can find out!

How could the Dragon Group not know that such a major event happened on Hong Kong Island? As I didn't see it, I was still afraid of Lin Nan's terrifying power!

Lin Nan smiled and said nothing!

"As mentioned above, as long as you agree to become the principal of Yanjing Cultivation School, you will be awarded the rank of Marshal immediately!"

As Venerable Ying Long said, he released another blockbuster!

Since the establishment of Hua Guo, there have been only ten marshals in total. As long as Lin Nan nodded, he would be the eleventh marshal!

The rank of marshal is more noble than the boss of the dragon group, and the higher is a symbol of status!

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