There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 382: Because-he has the power to subvert the world! (6th update yesterday)

After speaking, Venerable Ying Long smiled and looked at Lin Nan!

"I am not interested!"

Lin Nan faintly refused, no mood swings!

In his capacity, as the principal of Yanjing Cultivation School, let him be the marshal of China? How could Lin Nan agree!


Venerable Ying Long was incomparably astonished. He never thought that Lin Nan refused so simply and neatly!

That's the rank of the marshal, even if it's him, it's impossible to climb to a position in a lifetime!

"Lengyan, see off!"

"is teacher!"

When the voice fell, Leng Yan, the dean of the Lingtian Emperor's Academy, walked in from outside the office and took Venerable Ying Long out of the office!


At the gate of Lingtian Emperor Academy, Venerable Ying Long stopped!

"Jiaolong, please persuade Mr. Lin! If he is willing to become the principal of Yanjing Cultivation School, he can be awarded the rank of Marshal!"

"This is a marshal! Only the founding fathers can confer a military rank, honor is greater than right!"

"How many people can't get a position in their dreams. Now that the opportunity is right in front of them, Mr. Lin turned it down!"

"This is really a shame!"

Venerable Ying Long said, he sighed heavily!

"Venerable Ying Long, I am no longer a member of the Dragon Group, you should call me Leng Yan!" Leng Yan's attitude is very indifferent!

"Oh! I was the one who drove you out of the dragon team! If you want, you can go back anytime!"

Venerable Ying Long smiled awkwardly.

"Ha ha!"

Leng Yan sneered, looked at Venerable Ying Long, with sarcasm in his eyes, and said, "Do you think I can still see your dragon team? Following the teacher, I can go higher and see farther in this life. , And what are you doing?"

"You never know how good the teacher is! A marshal's rank wants to lock him?"

"The Dragon Group is really failing more and more! Even the teacher wants nothing!"

"Do you think that the teacher established the Lingtian Emperor Academy because he wanted to start a school to be the principal? You were wrong! The teacher was to have a kindergarten for Mo'er, so the teacher did not hesitate to buy an entire kindergarten and established the Lingtian Emperor Academy!"

"You also think that the teacher supporting the Li family and Zhou family on Hong Kong Island is building power for yourself?"

"You are wrong again! The teacher is just to make his wife more convenient when doing business on Hong Kong Island!"

"The teacher is not a person who likes rights. In other words, the teacher simply doesn't like the rights you give! Because-he has the power to subvert the world!"

Every time he said a word, Leng Yan shook his head once!

When the words are finished, the cold head is shaking like a rattle!

Seeing Leng Yan's back, Venerable Ying Long opened his mouth, speechless!

Stand in place for a long time!


In the end, Venerable Ying Long sighed and turned and left!


Half a month later, a piece of news burst out among the crowd of the original underground world!

Everyone in the major chat groups, discussion groups, and places where the strong underground world gathers, everyone is discussing that in the United States, someone has reopened the underground world forum!

Still the original website, or the original account, nothing has changed!

Before the underground forum, although it was cancelled, the big data on the Internet still exists!

Nowadays, as long as the website is re-established and the data is migrated in, it will be restored!

Many people in the original underground world have logged into their accounts one after another, and found that they can log in!

"What's going on? Who created the Underground World Forum again?"

"Didn't the person in charge of Thunder speak, forbid the underground world forum to exist?"

"Who is so bold and dare to establish an underground world forum?"

On the homepage, many people are posting inquiries!

But no one can answer!

The moment the forum reopened, all kinds of information went crazy, and it was spread by people all over the world, such as wanted orders, kill orders, reward orders, bounty hunters, etc.!

Many killers, the first time, boarded the reward page, looking for the reward task!

Sure enough, within half an hour of the forum, a large number of reward orders and wanted orders were posted!

"Loves Lee! Male, Chinese American, 47 years old, now doing oil business in Africa. He likes to have afternoon tea in a cafe every Wednesday and Saturday, and he will be rewarded with 200 million dollars for killing this person!"

"Toms Fitzl! Male, German, 51 years old, European diamond jeweler, often appears in the theater in the second block of the streets of Paris, offering a reward of 100 million dollars for killing this person!"

"Lofsky Ivanov! Male, Russian, sixty-five years old, a Russian arms dealer, currently living in a small town in the northern part of the Siberian Plain, Russia. The exact location is unknown! Killing this person offers a reward of one billion US dollars! Valid for three years!"

"Jiro Yamamoto! Director of the Mitsubishi Group, male, 60 years old..."

The person who issued the reward order will generally find out the details of the person they want to kill and their living habits, and then post it on the forum!

As long as there are assassins willing to take up the task, you can design an assassination plan. There are hundreds of rich people who die in assassinations in the world every year!


"Huh? What's this? Why is there a ‘people list’ suddenly added?"

People found that among these kill orders and reward orders, suddenly there was a list!

The previous **** list in the underground world has disappeared, replaced by a ‘people list’!

With curiosity, everyone clicked on the'people list'!

It was only then discovered that most of the people in the original underground world were excluded, and the martial arts master was no longer able to make the list. Only the old old land immortals and old gods could rank in the middle and lower reaches of the people list!

And the first place on the list is the name of the person in charge of Thunder!

"It's weird? Why did the controller of Thunder retreat to the top of the list?"

"It's quite strange. Isn't it said that he does not exist beyond the earth immortal? It is reasonable to say that even the'sacred list' cannot accommodate him, above the gods' list, surpassing the gods' list! How can he be'degraded' now and be released? In the list of people?"

Many trumpets responded to posts and asked their doubts!

"I probably understand! Because of the emergence of the monks, the strength of everyone in the world has been suppressed! The original martial arts masters can suppress a province and collect taxes on the ground, but the current martial arts masters, even the foundation building period of the monks Not as good!"

"The people who were lifted to heaven in the past have all fallen from the altar!" Many ancient powerhouses couldn't help but sigh after seeing the list.

"Is the current thunder controller still the world's strongest?"

"I'm afraid it's not anymore. Now that the monk is born, our world has become bigger. The United States has used satellites to measure a new map of the world. Our world is only in a corner of the corner!" Someone explained.

Everyone in the underground world, when talking!

The page of the webpage suddenly refreshed automatically, and the sharp-eyed people found that there was an extra post on the page with a reward order!

"Look, someone has issued a reward order again!"

[Thunder controller-Lin Nan! A Chinese, male, about twenty-five years old, runs a coffee shop in Tianhai City. The principal of Lingtiandiyuan in Tianhai City, haunts his own coffee shop, Lingtiandiyuan, and his wife Liu Ruqing's company all year round. Killing this person offers a reward One hundred billion dollars! Validity: Forever! 】


Everyone who saw this post couldn't help but breathe in air, and the entire forum fell into a dead silence!

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