There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 384: Is it yours? what about me? (Second more)

Suddenly, with a boom, a wave of air pierced the air!


There was a cannonball that shot towards Lin Nan!

"Haha, the controller of Thunder, do you think I don't have any means to save my life, will I appear here rashly?"

The blood skull laughed twice, and the whole person had retreated to the surface of Yanhu Lake, stepping on the surface of the water, walking on the water!

An infrared system was installed on his pupil and iris. The moment the blood skull stared at Lin Nan, it had already locked him!

As long as the blood skull presses the remote control in his hand and parks it in an off-road vehicle in the distance, it will fire a cannonball. This is a small nuclear bomb, even if it is an immortal, it will hate it, and the body cannot hold nuclear weapons. The power of!

Last time, Blood Skull used this method to kill an earth fairy!

However, he obviously underestimated Lin Nan's strength!


The shell hit Lin Nan, and when it was a few meters away from Lin Nan, it exploded directly. A terrifying energy swept away, and everything would be blasted by the energy of the small nuclear bomb!

At that time, the entire Yanhu Lake might be destroyed!

The Blood Skull didn't dare to stay here for a long time, and could only retreat quickly!

But the scary scene of the blood skull appeared. At the same time as the cannonball exploded, Lin Nan stretched out a hand and even caught the energy wave of the explosion!


Like a hot red soldering iron, the sound of immersion in the water came!

A small nuclear bomb that can razed something within one kilometer to the ground, in Lin Nan's hands, is not even as good as a firecracker. After it exploded, it was actually caught by Lin Nan's hand!

"how is this possible!"

The blood skull was frightened and his eyes widened, his eyes staring out, looking at Lin Nan in front of him, his body trembled with fright, and his souls were all gone!

It is horrible to be able to ignore the explosive power of a nuclear bomb!

‘Is he really a **** like the rumors outside? ’

The Blood Skull thought with horror!

The next moment, he trembled all over, and in the midst of running away, his body suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist, disappearing without a trace!


Around Yanhu, in seven or eight dark corners, there was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning!

They are all killers. First step on the shore of Yanhu Lake. I didn't expect to see this scene. The super killer like Blood Skeleton, who successfully killed the Earth Immortal, died!

The hearts of many killers are already retreating!

"Ah! Why are you here!"

One of the killers exclaimed, breaking the silence by the lake!

He discovered with horror that Lin Nan did not know when, he had already appeared in front of him!


There was a muffled noise, and the killer was slapped to death by Lin Nan and disappeared without a trace!

The other assassins were all startled, and fled in all directions, fleeing in different directions!

Only in this way can they have a chance to escape, hoping that Lin Nan will chase and kill others, not himself!

But Lin Nan didn't catch up at all. He stood on the spot, tapped his finger lightly, and shot out one after another, looking for the assassins who fled, everyone was killed on the spot, turned into a cloud of blood, and drifted away with the wind!

The entire shore of Yanhu Lake was filled with a faint smell of blood!

After solving these killers, Lin Nan turned and left and returned to the villa in Yanhu!


At this moment, under a certain willow tree, there was a breath of relief!

He was hiding here just now, and didn't dare to move. If he dared to move, he would definitely be killed by Lin Nan on the spot!

‘Fortunately, I learned the Fuso Ninjutsu and hid here, I was not discovered! ’

This super killer, thinking by luck!

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest. He looked down and found that a strange silver flame appeared on his chest!

"this is--!"

This super killer, after his pupils shrank slightly, he completely lost consciousness!

So far, all pathfinder killers have been beheaded by Lin Nan!


After returning to the villa, Lin Nan found that Liu Ruqing had actually gotten into the kitchen and was preparing dinner with Feng Ma!

Lin Momo chased Ergouzi in the kitchen and living room, rushed up and down, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth!

It seems that the group of killers just now does not exist at all!

The next day, Liu Anguo came again, saying that he had made an appointment with some big brothers in Jiangbei!

Lin Nan and him immediately got up and left the lakeside villa!

Drunk Jiangnan Hotel.

More than a dozen gangsters from Jiangbei, as well as a few old men in Xuanyi, are all sitting here, the old gods are there, close your eyes and rest!

"This time, we in Jiangbei must be separated from the control of the Liu Group!"

A middle-aged man opened his mouth, with a big belly, sitting beside him, an elderly man, half-squinted, looking at the floor in front of him, as if he hadn't seen everything around him!

"Mr. Lin probably won't agree! In the past six months, the Liu Group has invested in many projects in Jiangbei. If their forces are allowed to withdraw from Jiangbei..."

Another big boss frowned. His name is Zhou Kexiong, a new big boss in Jiangbei in the past six months!

This kind of city-level and county-level powers are rising fast and falling fast. Maybe this year they will not be able to dominate one side, and they will be annexed by other powers next year!

Such bigwigs are generally upstarts, so their background is insufficient and it is difficult to gain a foothold!

Now that this group of people has received the support of the monks, they naturally have to hug their thighs and get out of the control of the Liu Family!

"He dare not agree!"

The rich man with a big belly, named Zhang Yangjun, sneered and continued:

"We have Hong Xianshi, Wang Xianshi, and Sun Xianshi here. Just because Lin Nan is so good, he can still fight against the monks? I have asked several fairy masters. Lin Nan's method of beheading 400 heads is Xian. Home spell! What can be accomplished with one spell!"

The rich people present all nodded!

There are monks as their backers, and in their hearts, they have completely forgotten the majesty of Lin Nan!

"Mr. Lin is here!"

At this time, the doorman at the entrance shouted loudly!

I saw Lin Nan and Liu Anguo walking slowly, with a group of local rich and powerful men in Jiangnan behind, entering the venue!

"Mr. Lin, good evening!"

Zhang Yangjun stood up, with a big belly, and greeted quite lightly!

"Zhang Yangjun, what is your attitude?"

Liu Anguo's face sank, and he whispered.

Zhang Yangjun smiled and said, "I'm a rough person, what attitude do you think I have?"

"who are you?"

Lin Nan gave this person a light glance!

"My name is Zhang Yangjun, and the Jiangbei piece is under my control!"

"Oh? It's up to you? What about me?" Lin Nan asked with his hand.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, do what you should do, don't interfere with Jiangbei's affairs, otherwise the immortals will be angry!" Zhang Yangjun smiled and shook his head, his eyes full of contempt!

"So you are not afraid of me being angry?"

"Mr. Lin is a hyena, and the fairy master is a tiger. If you are replaced by you, is it afraid of hyenas or tigers?"

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