There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 385: Is he a man or a god? (Third more)

Zhang Yangjun's voice fell to the ground, and there was a roar of laughter throughout the venue!


The rich people in Jiangbei who came here were all smiling, and the corners of their mouths showed a joke!

The three monks in the early Yuanying stage in the hall sat there, their expressions calm and unmoved!

"Shut up! Zhang Yangjun, are you looking for death?" Liu Anguo scolded angrily.

Behind Liu Anguo, several rich people in Jiangnan stood up and shouted!

"Zhang Yangjun, are you crazy? Dare to say that Mr. Lin?"

"If it weren't for Mr. Lin to support you, Zhang Yangjun would have a chance to sit as the leader of Jiangbei? What kind of person is ungrateful like you?"

"Hehe, he who knows the current affairs is a great man, Mr. Lin is good to me! But I am more knowledgeable about the current affairs. Mr. Lin used to deter Jiangnan, and when he was on the side, I waited for the natural horse to look forward to the head, and only obeyed!" Zhang Yangjun laughed.

While talking, he shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity! Now Mr. Lin can't do it anymore. I want to continue to be the leader of Jiangbei, and naturally I have to hug other thicker thighs!"

In his tone, there was a smell of mockery!

The meaning seems to be explaining that Lin Nan is not working!

"You are really shameless!"

On the Jiangnan side, several rich men gritted their teeth with hatred, glaring at Zhang Yangjun!

There are too few shameless people like this to say it in front of everyone!

"Okay, Zhang Yangjun, don't you say a few words! Today everyone is here to negotiate. After all, you have been favored by Mr. Lin!" Jiangbei tycoon Zhou Kexiong frowned.

As he felt, what Zhang Yangjun said was a bit too much!

The one who came out and talked about morality, Zhang Yangjun received Lin Nan's favor, and now he is still so cynic, that no one can pass it!

"Haha, Zhou Kexiong, in fact, I've seen this product uncomfortable a long time ago, do you know? I am very happy to be able to not work under him now!" Zhang Yangjun laughed upright.

Lin Nan looked calm and didn't get angry. How could the dignified emperor be angry for the ants?

He stood there with his hands down, looking at Zhang Yangjun with both eyes, a hint of pity was revealed in his eyes!

That's right, it's mercy!

As if looking at a dead person!

"Are your last words finished?"

Lin Nan asked lightly.

In the entire hall, a terrible chill suddenly broke out, and the temperature dropped sharply!


The fluorescent lights in the hall flashed a few times, and everyone only felt that there was a terrifying aura surging!

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Yangjun snorted twice with his belly straight!

"I sentence your whole family, die!"

Lin Nan spoke calmly.

When the voice fell, he raised a hand and grabbed it towards Zhang Yangjun!

"Master Hong, Master Wang, and Master Sun will kill this person!"

The pupils of Zhang Yangjun's eyes shrank suddenly, and the smile on his face froze. Although he has a backing, he is not afraid of Lin Nan, but he still knows Lin Nan's terrorist methods!

At this moment, the three cultivators at the beginning of Yuanying finally felt how terrifying Lin Nan's strength was!

The moment Lin Nan acted, the three of them, such as falling into the ice cave, the strength of Yuan Yingqi, could not raise the slightest heart of resistance!




Three muffled noises came, and a group of rich men in Jiangbei, their eyes widened in horror, the three fairy masters actually left their seats and knelt on the ground!

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yangjun felt a little strange!

Looking back, he suddenly lost his soul, an old face, pale in fright, without a trace of blood!

"Master Hong, Master Wang, Master Sun? What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Yangjun opened his mouth and asked in horror.

The three of them knelt on the ground, trembling all over, dare not say a word, buried their heads very low!


At this moment, Zhang Yangjun only felt that a sharp pain from the depths of his soul came out. He looked down and found that his own was flying!

Looking back, I saw another ‘Zhang Yangjun’ standing in place!

'How is this going? How can there be two me? ’

This idea flashed through Zhang Yangjun's mind!

The rich and powerful people present opened their mouths wide and wanted to shout, but found that they were speechless!

Where are the two Zhang Yangjun!

It was clearly Lin Nan's hand that pulled Zhang Yangjun's soul abruptly!

"Give you the whole family, die!"

Lin Nan pinched Zhang Yangjun's soul and spoke calmly!

When the voice fell, all relatives in Zhang Yangjun's home in Jiangbei were spontaneously ignited, full of silver flames, and burned into a blue smoke!

In Zhang Yangjun's mind, there was also a picture of his relatives dying!

"This is impossible! This is impossible! Why are you?"

Zhang Yangjun's soul opened his mouth and yelled, his old face was full of fear and remorse. He knew Lin Nan's strength was so terrifying, even if he gave him a hundred courage, he would not dare to do so!

Lin Nan squeezed it lightly, directly shattering Zhang Yangjun's soul!

"Mr. Lin for your life!"

The rest of Jiangbei's big brothers, seeing this scene, were frightened, they knelt to the ground, begging for mercy!




Lin Nan glanced away, tapped his finger lightly, calmly and calmly, just now a few rich men who echoed Zhang Yangjun were all killed by him!

The entire lobby of Zui Jiangnan Hotel fell into a dead silence!

‘Is he a man or a god? ’

Zhou Kexiong knelt on the ground, his liver and guts torn apart!

Lin Nan didn't kill him just now, but it scared him more than killing him!

Even Liu Anguo was stunned by Lin Nan's terrorist methods. He didn't even know that Lin Nan's strength was so terrifying, how would other people know?

Lin Nan found a place and sat down peacefully. The remaining rich people in Jiangbei were quiet and quiet!

‘We’re wrong! Mr. Lin, the same Mr. Lin, even the gods bowed their heads to him! ’

They trembled all over, and the hands hidden under their sleeves trembled!

"Let's talk about it, what should I do with you?"

Master Hong, Master Wang, and Master Sun trembled, raised their heads in horror, looking at Lin Nan's extremely cold face!

"Senior, we have no eyes and don't know that Jiangbei is your turf! That's why we are occupied! We are willing to admit our mistakes, apologize to you, and withdraw from Jiangbei. The sect forces behind will never step into Jiangbei again!"

The three of them knelt there, talking in fear.

Although they are Yuan Ying cultivators, just now, Lin Nan made a casual move, and the three of them were unable to make a move. The other party was at least the cultivation base of the god-changing stage!

The monks in the transformation stage, even in those holy places, are too high-level elders!

The sect where the three of them belonged is only a middle sect. Their suzerain is only the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's later stage. How can he be an enemy of Lin Nan?

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