There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 387: Hot Spring Villa! (Fifth more)

Diary of Ergouzi:

I don’t remember, whether I was beaten that night, I only remember, the moon that night was so round!


As the New Year's Eve is approaching, Jiangnan City is particularly lively, and many people who work in other places have returned to their hometowns!

Even some overseas returnees took advantage of the new year and all returned!

"My dad said, according to the custom of the Liu family, before the New Year, I am going to visit Grandma!"

Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan took Lin Momo and walked by the lake for a walk. The picture is very warm!

"Then go, anyway, Hexi is not far away, so it's a relief!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly.

Early the next morning, Lin Nan's family embarked on a journey to Hexi!

Just when he arrived at the Liu Family Courtyard in Jing'an City, Liu Menghan ran out!

The girl was wearing a down jacket and looked chubby, very cute and cute. She hugged Lin Momo and kissed her!

"Sister Ruqing, brother-in-law! My grandma is waiting for you inside!"

Liu Menghan took everyone and met the grandmother of the Liu family!

The old man is in good health. Even after he has just passed a hundred years old, he is still full of energy. I am very happy to see Liu Ruqing's family coming!

"I'll stay a few more days this time. It's best to call your dad over, or just stay here this year?"

As the old lady Liu said, she ordered someone to take out a pair of silver bracelets, a golden lock with a long life!

"Last time you came, time was rushed, and there was no time for people to prepare. Now that it has been built, Momo can be regarded as half of the Liu family's child, these things must be missing!"

Granny Liu personally brought things to Lin Momo!

"Thank you, madam, grandma!"

Lin Momo's milky thank you!

"Hahaha! Good boy!"

The old man let out a hearty laugh!

Before long, Liu Menghan ran in again, pulling Liu Ruqing's family, and going to the hot spring villa on the outskirts of Jing'an City!

"Girls are frizzy! How decent are you? Go to the hot spring villa, then Jiang Hong is not a good woman! Your brother is married, why are you always running to him?"

The old lady's face was stern, her voice a little cold.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Liu Ruqing hurriedly came out to make a round and smiled: "Too grandma, Menghan has just had winter vacation, so it's time to go out and play!"

Seeing Liu Ruqing begging for mercy, Mrs. Liu's facial expression eased, and she nodded gently!

"Okay, you can go and play, no nonsense!"

"Hehe, thank you grandma!"

Liu Menghan was very happy, pulling Liu Ruqing, holding Lin Momo and leaving the hall, Lin Nan shrugged and followed behind!

After waiting outside the gate of Liu's house, he discovered that there were six or seven other girls who were also waiting here!

"These are my classmates. We had agreed to go to the Hot Spring Villa today. As a result, if you are here, Sister Qing, everyone will go together!"

"Little clever ghost! If it weren't for us, let's see how you get out of grandma!"

Liu Ruqing smiled lightly, stretched out a finger, and nodded on Liu Menghan's forehead!

"Hehe, hurry up! I'll be back tonight, I called a car, let's go!"

Soon, Lin Nan and others came all the way to the Hot Spring Villa!

This hot spring villa was built on the outskirts of Jing'an City, not far from the Qinling Mountains!

The hot spring water flows out from the depths of the Qinling Mountains, and the temperature is very suitable. A few years ago, Jiang Hong took the place and opened a hot spring villa!

It is said that it is a villa, but it is actually very luxurious. From the outside, it looks like a garden. It is very luxurious. The hot steam inside makes the entire villa seem to be built in clouds!

Because the specifications are relatively high-end, they are used to welcome some wealthy rich people, ordinary people can't afford it!

"Sister Hong, I brought someone to play, where are you?"

As soon as he entered the hot spring villa, Liu Menghan made a call and went out!

After hanging up the phone, Liu Menghan explained: "Sister Hong will be back in a while! Her name is Jiang Hong, a classmate of my brother, and she almost became my sister-in-law!"

"For some reason, although the two broke up later, they had a good relationship. They often asked me to come and play with her, but I didn’t have much time to study. I only brought my classmates to visit a few times. Now it’s the Chinese New Year, I have time. !"

Liu Ruqing was surprised. That was the case. No wonder the old lady was a little angry when she mentioned the name'Jiang Hong' just now!

"Sister Hong is very nice, you can see her in a while!"

Soon, a woman with a beautiful face and an appearance of more than eight points came out!

In the winter, she actually wore a cheongsam and exposed a pair of proud long legs!

"Sister Hong, you wear so little, isn't it cold?"

Liu Menghan asked.

"Hehe, it's just cold outside. Inside the villa, there is geothermal heat everywhere, and hot springs flow all the year round, and the temperature is above 20 degrees, so it's not cold!"

"But you wear so much, all of them are wrapped up like rice dumplings. Don't be too hot for a while!"

Jiang Hong pursed his lips and glanced at Lin Nan and others!

"they are?"

"Oh, this is my cousin Ruqing, who came from Jiangnan City! This is the husband of cousin Ruqing, this cute little loli, is their daughter! As for these few, Sister Hong, see you before Those who have passed are all my classmates!"

Liu Menghan introduced.

"Well, okay, since you have a lot of people, I will prepare a big bath for you, and I will make a treat!" Jiang Hong said generously, she was originally the owner of this hot spring villa, these things are for her, It's all a piece of cake.

"Thank Sister Hong!"

"I will come and play more in the future. I will ask you to take you to the baths. I have a few important guests to receive. You should go play first. In the evening, I will invite you to dinner!"

After Jiang Hong finished his explanation, he immediately called a manager and took Lin Nan and others to a huge bath!

There are dozens of large and small baths in the entire hot spring villa. This one by Lin Nan and others is very luxurious. In the winter, there are verdant bamboos all around!

There are special bathing suits in the bath. After the little girls have changed their clothes, they are all Princess Taiping. They are nothing to look at, but Liu Ruqing's proud figure makes these girls amazed!

"Does a woman get better after giving birth?"

"It seems to be yes, I have heard about it from the Internet. It seems that a woman who has been moisturized by a man will become very good!"

Several little girls, no longer whispering around, whispering.

"These little girls are big and small!"

Liu Ruqing could not hear, but how could Lin Nan not hear? He chuckled and shook his head, not paying attention!

"Menghan, shall we go to the toilet?"

Suddenly, a girl shouted.


Liu Menghan freely crawled out of the hot spring and took the girl to the toilet!

Halfway through, passing by another bathing place, I happened to see a middle-aged man walking out of it!

"Huh? Little sister, where are you going? Do you want to go in and play?"

The middle-aged man smiled wryly, with a big belly, his face greasy, blocking the path of the two!

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