There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 388: Are you sure you still have to pursue it? (Sixth more)

"What are you doing? Get out of the way! I warn you, don't mess around!"

"I know the owner of this hot spring villa, if you mess around, I will let Sister Hong drive you out!" Liu Menghan frowned, glaring at the wretched man in front of him!

"Sister Hong? Haha, you should be Jiang Hong? Just that slut, I get to bed sooner or later, and dare to drive me out?"

The middle-aged man sneered.

Seeing that the biggest backer of these two little girls turned out to be Jiang Hong, it was even more unscrupulous!

After seeing Liu Menghan and her classmates, an eagle caught the chick and rushed over!


Upon seeing this, Liu Menghan quickly kicked the middle-aged man's lower body!


The middle-aged man screamed and fell to the ground, bowed into a shrimp-like shape, clutching his lower body tightly, with an extremely painful appearance!

Liu Menghan and his classmates were a little scared, and didn't even dare to go to the toilet, and ran back to the bath in a panic!

At this time, the friends of the middle-aged man found that he had been gone for a long time, and found something was wrong. When they came out to look for him, they found the middle-aged man lying on the ground!

"Old board!"

The faces of a few people have changed drastically!

I saw Gu Ban's face pale, and he was firmly holding his lower body. Liu Menghan's kick was really hard just now, blood has overflowed, maybe the whole person will be destroyed!

"Damn, what is going on?"

"Hurry up and tell me Jiang Hong to come over, I want to see how Lao Tzu's distinguished guest is here with her, how could it become like this!"

Several people scolded and soon called the waiter. Jiang Hong was also alarmed and ran all the way!

"what happened?"

Jiang Hong asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter? Look at what the old boards look like? Damn, who did it? I have to skin him today!"

"Could it be a misunderstanding?" Jiang Hong was surprised.

This group of people are people she can't afford to provoke. They have a lot of energy in Hexi Province. Today we made an appointment with important guests to discuss business at the Hot Spring Villa!

The old board came from Western Sichuan Province. It is said to be very rich and very interested in the coal business. So I came to Hexi Province and planned to unite a few local rich people to do business together!

"what happened?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came, very young!

Everyone looked at the sound and found that it was a young man, and everyone's heart was a little bit awkward!

Wei Shao from Rongsheng Group is here!

Rongsheng Group, with assets of hundreds of billions, is one of the largest family in Hexi Province. Wei Rongsheng, the boss of the group, is often interviewed by provincial TV stations!

And this young youth is the third son of Wei Rongsheng, named Wei Suze. He just returned from abroad not long ago and took over a construction company under the name of Rongsheng Group. He is one of the best Wei Shao and Jiang Hong in Hexi Province. The important guest mentioned is this person!

"Wei Shao, you are finally here, the old board was beaten!"

The middle-aged man who was angry just now leaned over, pointed at the old board lying on the ground, still twitching, lowered his throat to explain!

"Immediately investigate the surveillance video for me and find the culprit!"

Wei Suze said solemnly.

Jiang Hong had to take everyone to the surveillance room and called up the surveillance video!

Everyone stared at the surveillance video, their faces were very solemn!

"How is she!"

After seeing Liu Menghan's figure clearly, Jiang Hong exclaimed!

"What? Do you know them?" Wei Suze glanced at Jiang Hong, his eyes full of coldness!

Jiang Hong nodded, and said, "This is my friend! The little girl has a very good personality, and it is obviously the fault of this old man to watch the surveillance! Wei Shao, can you...?"

"Hehe, the old board is my distinguished guest! Now I am beaten up like this? How can I not give him an explanation? I will wait for you in the box, and within five minutes, bring these two girls over to me. When the old board wakes up, consider how to post it!" Wei Suze chuckled.

He invited the old board in Western Sichuan to come over, just to buy a share in his company, so as to participate in the competition of family heirs!

Nowadays, I was beaten by someone, and I had negotiated a good business for a long time, maybe it was too bad!

There is a anger in Wei Suze's heart, and there is no place to vent!

"Wei Shao, don't forget it, this is the sister of an old classmate of mine, a little girl, why bother with her?" Jiang Hong said.

"What do you think?"

Wei Suze's eyes were full of smiles!

"Oh! Alright!"

Jiang Hong glanced at Wei Suze faintly, sighed, and had no choice but to come to the bathing place of Lin Nan and others!

"Menghan, you are in trouble, come out with me, I will take you to see Wei Shao!" Jiang Hong said to Liu Menghan in the hot spring.

"Which Shao Wei?"

"The third son of the chairman of Rongsheng Group is my distinguished guest today, but you don't have to worry, I will keep you and not let Wei Shao hurt you!" Jiang Hong's pretty face squeezed a smile. , But still wry smiles mostly!

If you really want to do something to keep Liu Menghan and the others, she will have to pay a lot!

"Huh? Sister Hong, it's that man who is playing a hooligan, regardless of our business!"

Liu Menghan suddenly panicked!

"What's the matter?" Lin Nan asked.

Therefore, Liu Menghan told Lin Nan what had happened just now!

"I'll tell you to go!"

Lin Nan thought for a while and smiled faintly!

"Huh? Great, there is no problem with having a brother-in-law!" Liu Menghan was overjoyed.

Seeing Liu Menghan behaving like this, Jiang Hong was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart: "What's wrong with Menghan? Just now he looked scared to death, but now that this man comes forward, he is not afraid? Is there any reason why he hasn't made it? ’

‘Forget it, no matter how big it is, I’m afraid it’s not as good as Wei Shao of the Rongsheng Group. I still think of a way to calm Wei Shao’s anger! I heard that Shao Wei spent a lot of effort on this business. After this happened today, most of that business was going bad! ’

When thinking about this in mind, Jiang Hong had already brought Lin Nan, Liu Menghan and her classmates to the outside of Wei Suze's box!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

When a cold business came, Jiang Hong dared to open the door and walked in with Lin Nan and others!

"It's you who hurt the old board?"

Wei Suze yelled angrily, scared Liu Menghan and her classmates, their bodies trembled slightly, shrank back and hid behind Lin Nan!

"Just forget about it, I don't need to pursue it!" Lin Nan frowned.

"What are you? Don't forget it if you say it? If you don't hold it, I will hold it!"

Wei Suze's face suddenly sank, very unkind!

"Are you sure you have to pursue it?"

‘Oh, Menghan’s cousin is not a good thing either! Why should I promise, he will come together? Knowing this a long time ago, I came over with two girls alone, apologized to Shao Wei, and said something nice, maybe it's fine! ’

In Jiang Hong's heart, secretly yelled bad and regretted it!

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