There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 389: Do you do this, does your dad know? (First more)

"Hahaha! Interesting, I haven't met such a temperamental person in Hexi Province for a long time!" Wei Suze couldn't help laughing, his eyes full of smiles.

He felt that the person in front of him was very interesting and very cute!

Given the status of the Rongsheng Group in Hexi Province, how dare the person in front of him defy him?

Jiang Hong's heart is full of despair. She originally thought, using her relationship with Wei Suze to turn this matter into a major and trivial matter!

Now Lin Nan has added fuel to the fire and offended Wei Suze, and things are developing in a worse direction!

"Wei Shao, don't get me wrong! He didn't mean that!"

Jiang Hong quickly stood up, with an anxious expression on his face, and kept apologizing to Wei Suze!

"Haha, didn't that mean? What do you mean?" Wei Suze's mouth was full of smiles.

"Wei Shao, listen to my explanation. This young man is from Jiangnan, not a local, and of course he doesn't know your great Buddha!"

"Your lord doesn't remember the villain's past, so just forgive him this time?"

Jiang Hong repeatedly apologized. As Wei Suze, she didn't dare to offend. If Wei Suze was angry, her small hot spring villa would not be enough for the other side to eat!

That's Rongsheng Group!

In the entire Hexi Province, 5% of the gDP is contributed by the Rongsheng Group. The annual tax paid is dozens of times the annual turnover of her hot spring villa!

In front of Rongsheng Group, Jiang Hong, a hot spring villa, is not worth mentioning at all!

"Hehe, I must have trouble with him today! These two little girls, you can go, I want to see what he can do to bear my anger! Humph!"

In Wei Suze's nostrils, a cold air was rushing, and he kept humming, his eyes were full of chill, staring coldly at Lin Nan!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hong was worried, and got close to Lin Nan, a faint fragrance rushed over his face, showing the charm of a mature woman!

"Lin Nan, you apologize, as long as you are soft, I will help you say a few good things, this matter may pass!" Jiang Hong lowered his throat.

Lin Nan smiled and was not moved at all!

Seeing Lin Nan's attitude, Jiang Hong couldn't help being anxious!

"Oh! You are so stupid! You don't know how terrifying the Rongsheng Group is. In Hexi Province, the Rongsheng Group is the Emperor of Tu. Even in the hot spring villa, I can't keep you!"

"Acknowledge a mistake first, it's better than no life!"

Liu Menghan walked over, pulled Jiang Hong aside, and said with a smile: "Sister Hong, don't worry! My brother-in-law is amazing. This is what Wei Shao is definitely not his opponent!"

"A few months ago, the chairman of the Rongsheng Group, Wei Rongsheng was very respectful and polite to my cousin-in-law on my grandmother's 100th birthday. You have not seen that Wei Shengrong's waist was about to bend to the ground! "

After speaking, Liu Menghan asked:

"Wei Shao, do you do this, does your dad know?"

As soon as he said this, the whole box fell into a dead silence!

"what did you say?!!!"

Wei Suze's face was so gloomy a few times, his eyes were full of cold light!

In the Liu family compound that day, many guests saw with their own eyes that Wei Shengrong bowed to Lin Nan, but who would dare to talk about it casually?

With Wei Shengrong's power in Hexi Province, isn't it just a death sentence to say this?

Therefore, what happened at Granny Liu's birthday party that day was not revealed!

Even if it comes out, there is only a little wind, catching the wind and catching the shadow, if you can't take it seriously, who will be in your heart?

Jiang Hong had also heard of this, but he didn't take it seriously!

At this moment, when Liu Menghan said it again, Jiang Hong's eyes flashed, and he was a little surprised!

‘Is what Menghan said is true? I have also heard about this. It seems that some Mr. Lin from Jiangnan, or the leader of the martial arts, went to the Liu Family Courtyard. Is this all true? ’

‘The surname is Lin, is it possible to be Lin Nan? ’

Jiang Hong thought in his heart and looked at Lin Nan in surprise!

"Shao Wei, if you don't believe me, call your dad yourself!"

After Liu Menghan remembered these things, he was no longer afraid. Standing behind Lin Nan, his cousin was very powerful. What was he afraid of?

"court death!"

Wei Suze was furious, he slapped the table, kicked over the coffee table in front of him, and said angrily: "Hit me!"

"Yes! Shao Wei!"

A group of thugs behind Wei Suze all rushed out, one by one fierce and evil, one of them turned out to be a warrior in the early stage of inner strength!

"Be careful!"

Jiang Hong exclaimed, her pretty face a little pale!

"Boom boom boom!"

The next moment, there was a muffled noise in her ears. After the bodyguards rushed up, they all flew out without warning and hit the wall of the box. The sound of clicking came continuously. Listen The sound bones are all broken!


Wei Suze's expression finally changed, and the horror flashed in his eyes!

Looking at Lin Nan, his face was solemn, and said: "Are you also an inner strength warrior?"


Lin Nan didn't talk nonsense, and slapped Wei Suze on the ground!

Wei Suze's face instantly turned pale, and a feeling of humiliation surged in his heart, a pale face, flushed with shame and anger!

He raised his head and glared at Lin Nan, his eyes full of madness!

"Do you dare to do this to me?"


Jiang Hong opened his mouth wide, and his beautiful eyes were full of incredible expressions. But this is Shao Wei, who was slapped on his knees?

Lin Nan stood there with his hands on his back, and said lightly:

"I asked you just now, it's you who want to pursue it! Now the result of the investigation is that I will abolish your limbs!"

"What? Do you dare—!"

Wei Suze's eyes widened, his eyeballs all protruding!


Lin Nan replied with practical action, stomping lightly, Wei Suze's whole body was struck by lightning, and the bones in his legs and hands were instantly shattered!


Wei Suze screamed and he passed out!

After doing all this, Lin Nan turned around and left. Liu Menghan and her classmates, with their mouths slightly opened, also quickly walked out of the box!

"Wei Shao?"

Jiang Hongjiao's body was stiff, standing there, her little cherry mouth widened, she couldn't believe it!

Wei Suze's hands and feet were like a puddle of mud, twisted in a strange arc, as if there were no bones in it. Could it be that Lin Nan was really stomped and destroyed?


In Jing'an City, Wei's villa area!


Wei Rongsheng was at home, accompanied by a few distinguished guests, and suddenly his cell phone rang!

"Please wait, I'll answer the call!"

Wei Rongsheng smiled faintly, and then answered the call. He heard a frightened voice on the other end of the phone, saying, "Master, Master Su Ze was in the hot spring villa with his limbs abolished!"

"What are you talking about? Who would dare to abolish my son? You can't die!"

Wei Rongsheng roared, and stood up from the sofa!

"Come here, follow me to the Hot Spring Villa!"

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