There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 391: Lin Momo also protects shortcomings! (Third more)

When Lin Nan and others returned to the Liu Family Courtyard, it was already eight o'clock in the evening!

The hall of the Liu family was very lively. Seven or eight banquets had been set up, which had already been opened!

At this moment, a silver bell-like laughter came!

"Too grandma, I'm back!"

Liu Menghan hugged Lin Momo and jumped in happily!


Suddenly, a voice came!

Liu Menghan trembled all over, raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. Deep in his eyes, a mist of water immediately gushed out!


Immediately, Liu Menghan let out a cold snort and put his head away!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing saw this scene when they walked in!

"Menghan, I am also your father anyway, do you have this attitude?"

The middle-aged man's complexion is a bit uncontrollable!

I saw a group of strange faces sitting at the table of Mrs. Liu!

In addition to Liu Menghan's father Liu Guohong, there is also a coquettish young woman who looks more than 30 years old. Next to the young woman, sits another twelve or thirteen year old girl!

The appearance of this girl was very similar to Liu Menghan, but between her eyebrows, there was a little more arrogant color. After she knew Liu Ruqing's identity, she gave Liu Menghan a provocative look!

Lin Nan discovered that behind this girl, there were two Japanese warriors standing. Seeing their cultivation level, they were only one step away from the master, and they were masters at the peak of the late stage of inner strength!

That young woman in her thirties, and that young girl, has not weak energy fluctuations in her body, I am afraid it is not an ordinary person!


After seeing Lin Nan, the young woman of the Japanese country shrank her pupils slightly, and her face was a little shocked!

However, she quickly shook her head and recovered her calm!

"I don't have a father like you. How many times have you come back in the past ten years?"

Liu Menghan said stubbornly, with tears in his big eyes, turning, trying to prevent it from flowing out!

"Sister, don't cry!"

Lin Momo said milkily, comforting Liu Menghan.

"Oh! I am ashamed of you. I come back this time to take you to the country of Japan and live with me!"

Liu Guohong sighed lightly, a trace of shame appeared on his old face!

When Liu Menghan's mother was born, after giving birth to Liu Menghan, she died soon!

When Liu Menghan was more than two years old, Liu Guohong went to the country to do business. It didn't take long to meet the young woman from the country next to him. After marrying him, he gave birth to another daughter!

For more than ten years, Liu Guohong seldom returned to China. Basically, he returned for more than ten days during the Chinese New Year, and then went on to the country of Wa!

Over the years, Liu Menghan has grown up under the care of a group of cousins, cousins, and grandma. She is very strange to her father!

"I dont go!"

Liu Menghan answered simply and neatly!

She raised her small head and tried to prevent the tears from gushing out, and a stubborn meaning appeared on Qiao's face!


In Liu Guohong's eyes, there was a hint of anger, and in front of so many people in the Liu family, his own biological daughter was so disobedient to him, making him feel very shameless!

At this time, the young Japanese woman on the side spoke up!

"Menghan, hello! My name is Xue Ji Nakajima, this is my daughter, Lola Nakajima, and I also have a Chinese name, Ni Susu! I know you are very difficult to accept, but I am now your father's Wife, that is your mother!"

The young woman of the Japanese country smiled.

"You bad woman, you took my father away and want to take away my mother's name! You are not worthy of being my mother, you are not worthy of being called Ni Susu, get out of here! Get out!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Menghan roared as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Her biological mother was named Ni Susu. After her death, she was not only robbed of her husband, but also her name!

"Bageya Road! Who allowed you to insult my mother?"

Lola Nakajima's face sank suddenly!

She stomped on the bench, jumped out, stretched out a delicate little hand, and patted Liu Menghan, trying to give a lesson to the woman who insulted her mother Yuki Nakajima!

Even if the other party is her half-sister, so what?

My own mother does not allow others to insult!

Lin Nan just wanted to make a move, suddenly his brows moved, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

Just hear...

"The fire is coming--!"

Lin Momo shouted angrily, stretched out a small hand, and cast it out according to the spell Lin Nan taught her!

At Lin Momo's fingertips, a small fireball condensed, only the size of an egg, but it was surging, bursting out a terrifying fire attribute power!


Everyone in the Liu family in the hall was shocked!

Lin Momo at this moment looks like a little witch!


Lin Momo snapped his fingers and spotted Lola Nakajima!

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment!


The egg-sized fireball drew a graceful arc in the air, flew out directly, smashed towards Laura Nakajima, and then exploded, sparking everywhere!

"Huh! Do you dare to bully my aunt?"

Lin Momo wrinkled her nose, her immature face was full of anger!

The whole Liu family hall is quiet!

No one thought that a little loli could burst out such terrifying energy!

"Look at your daughter, just like you, protect your shortcomings, and see how you end up!"

Liu Ruqing widened her eyes, and pinched Lin Nan's arm fiercely!

"Hey, this is my daughter!" Lin Nan smiled.

"court death!"

Seeing Lola Nakajima flying upside down, standing behind, the two inner strength warriors of the country shouted in Japanese!

One shot and caught Nakajima Lola, the other jumped out, drew out the samurai sword on his waist, and slashed it at Lin Momo!


Lin Nan snorted coldly, his face was full of killing intent!

He took a step forward and threw a punch!


This hands-on Japanese warrior turned into a cannonball and flew straight out, smashing a humanoid hole in the wall of the Liu family hall, disappearing without a trace!

Yuuki Nakajima stood up, her eyes filled with horror!

She comes from a family of martial arts in the country of Japan, and her father is a master of martial arts in the country of Japan.

After Liu Guohongru fell to the Japanese kingdom, she gave birth to a daughter for Liu Guohong, so the daughter was named Nakajima after her!

While in the Japanese Kingdom, Xue Ji Nakajima had witnessed Lin Nan's terrifying power with her own eyes!

On the night nearly a year ago, the Thunder Masters rushed into Kyoto of the Kingdom of Japan, slapped a military base with one slap, and slashed the Kyoto Tower with one sword, and Yuki Nakajima saw it with his own eyes!

Later, at the forum of the Underground World, Xue Ji Nakajima saw Lin Nan's photos and remembered Lin Nan's appearance deeply!

Therefore, at the moment when I saw Lin Nan, Yuuki Nakajima thought of the master of Thunder!

But there are some doubts, I don't know if it is this person!

Until just now, seeing Lin Nan taking action, Nakajima Xueji was finally determined!

She looked at Lin Nan and said with extreme fear:

"You really are him!"

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