There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 392: The man just now is the master of Thunder! (Fourth)

"you know me?"

Lin Nan glanced at Xue Ji Nakajima lightly!

"Yes, your Excellency is famous in the country. It is hard for Xue Ji to know you or not! It was my daughter who offended you just now. Please allow me to apologize to you!" Said Nakajima Xue Ji, ignoring everyone's shocked eyes.

She walked out, stood in the center of the hall, kneeled on the ground, facing Lin Nan, and performed the highest samurai etiquette in the Japanese kingdom!

This kind of etiquette is only worth enjoying for the strongest!

Otherwise, even the biological father and mother, even the emperor, are not eligible to enjoy this kind of etiquette, only for the top power!

"Mother? How could you... pay such a big gift to him?"

Lola Nakajima was extremely surprised.

Her immature little face was burnt to darkness and looked very embarrassed!

The spell Lin Momo used just now was not very powerful, but it only knocked back Lola Nakajima without really hurting her!

"Shut up! Laura!"

Yuuki Nakajima turned her head and glared at Lola Nakajima!


Lola Nakajima lowered her head in fear, she didn't dare to say another word, Yuuki Nakajima was majestic in her heart!

Everyone in the Liu family hall looked at each other. Only the old lady Liu had her eyes flashing. The old man lived a long time, knowing the world and how she can’t tell. The attitude of Xue Ji Nakajima towards Lin Nan, apart from being respectful, More is fear!

Lin Nan ignored Xue Ji Nakajima again, his gaze turned and fell on Liu Guohong!

"Are you worthy to be a father? If it is my own daughter, if she is wronged a little bit, I will immediately annihilate the whole family of those who made her wronged!"

"You have never taught or raised Liu Menghan. If you leave her alone for more than ten years without parents, why should you let her go to Wa Kingdom with you?"

Lin Nan's face was cold.

He knew something about Liu Menghan, because Liu Menghan told Liu Ruqing, and Liu Ruqing told Lin Nan again!

At least, their family did not treat Liu Menghan as an outsider!

Regardless of Liu Menghan's lively, cheerful and playful appearance, and the loneliness deep in his heart, who can understand?

Because Lin Nan's family is very warm and short-term, Lin Momo has always been cared for by her parents, so she is close to Lin Nan's family!

"Brother-in-law...thank you!"

Liu Menghan was very moved.

In fact, in Liu Menghan's heart, he envied the Lin Nan family!

"Who are you? Why do you care about my family?" Liu Guohong said angrily.

"Guohong, stop talking!"

Xue Ji Nakajima's face changed, and she exclaimed and stopped Liu Guohong, fearing that he would anger Lin Nan and encounter unexpected events!

Seeing this performance by Xue Ji Nakajima, Liu Guohong opened his mouth and swallowed all the questions in his stomach, and stopped talking!

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, we are not feeling well, so we will withdraw first!"

"Grandma, let's go first!"

As Yuuki Nakajima said, she turned around and smiled apologetically at Granny Liu!

Pulling her husband, taking her daughter and the inner strength warrior, hurriedly prepared to leave the hall!

After knowing Lin Nan's identity, Xue Ji Nakajima couldn't stay here calmly!

When Xue Ji Nakajima passed by Lin Nan's side!

"Wait, one more thing!"

Yuuki Nakajima was terrified in her heart, but she still calmed down and forced a smile!

"Mr. Lin, please tell me!"

"From now on, don't call Ni Susu anymore!" Lin Nan said coldly.

Xue Ji Nakajima's delicate body trembled slightly, and she took a deep look at Lin Nan, and she dared not disobey, nodded and said, "Mr. Lin, I understand!"

After the voice fell to the ground, Yuki Nakajima and others hurriedly left the lobby of the Liu family, exited the gate of the Liu Mansion, and walked to the streets of Jing'an City!

So far, Yuuki Nakajima slowed down and stopped!

"Xue Ji, what is going on?" Liu Guohong asked.

He turned his head and looked at his wife. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart. He found Yuki Nakajima's body trembling, and the moonlight on her pretty face was pale and very strange!

In addition, there was a cold sweat on Yuuki Nakajima's forehead!

Just now, Yuki Nakajima felt that she was talking to a god, and once she was slightly disrespectful, she might be obliterated at any time!

That kind of feeling is really terrifying, there is no resistance at all, and I can only surrender!

"What's wrong with you? Uncomfortable?"

Liu Guohong looked at his wife in surprise!


Yuki Nakajima shook her head, and a deep fear flashed through her eyes. She took a deep breath and said:

"Luckily he didn't do it! Otherwise, we would be dead!"


"That man just now is the master of Thunder!" Nakajima Yuki said solemnly.

"What? Is it him? Hiss!"

Liu Guohong took a breath!

His hands shook. He wanted to light a cigarette. After hearing the words "Thunder Master", the cigarette and lighter in his hand fell to the ground with a snap!

The surroundings of a few people are terribly quiet!

After a long while!

A voice broke the silence!

Yuki Nakajima said quietly: "Unexpectedly! Guohong, the master of Thunder, has such a relationship with your family. His wife is from your hometown!"

"Knowing this a long time ago, we should use another method, perhaps using the relationship of family affection, to tie the Nakajima community to the master of Thunder!"

"What a pity! What a pity!"

As Yuki Nakajima said, she sighed, feeling a little lost!

"I didn't expect it! How could he be the master of Thunder?"

In the depths of Liu Guohong's eyes, a deep horror flashed through, the news of the thunder controller, he had also heard of the Japanese, but he just didn't see him!

It was a horrible existence, which scared the Japanese government and all major societies, and unexpectedly let them encounter it!

Yuuki Nakajima's words changed!

"But! Recently, the forum of the underground world has reopened, and the controller of Thunder has fallen to the top of the list! After the monk was born, behind the superpower of the world, there are more cultivating sects to support!"

"Some people even posted a reward of 100 billion U.S. dollars in underground forums! I am afraid this person will not live long!"


At night, in the room.

Liu Menghan was very rude again, and took Lin Nan's position and climbed onto Liu Ruqing's bed!

"Thank you, Sister Ru Qing!"

Liu Menghan lay in Liu Ruqing's arms and muttered.

"Thank me for what I am doing, this is what we should do! Your dad was wrong. He didn't come back for more than ten years and found a stepmother for you. That Lola Nakajima was not a good person at first sight. If you go to the country, sure To be bullied!"

"Our Liu family can't be bullied!" Liu Ruqing snorted twice.

"Mama is right, who dares to bully my aunt, Mo'er will hit him with a fireball!"

Lin Momo also waved her little hand, jumping around on the bed, like a little witch!


Liu Menghan's mood has become much better!

At this moment, Lin Nan sat silently on the sofa outside the house!

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