There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 396: Again...pregnant! (Second more)

Wu Jinxuan's face turned pale in an instant, and he couldn't say anything!

The faces of the young men and women behind him all became very ugly, their heads lowered in horror, not dare to look at Lin Nan's face!

"Leader...I...I didn't know it was you!"

Wu Jinxuan's hands and feet trembled, making a fright, and knelt on the ground!

"what happened?"

Guo Xinwu felt something was wrong and asked!

Someone immediately came up and whispered a few words to Guo Xinwu, telling the whole story one by one!


Guo Xinwu's expression changed, he glared at Wu Jinxuan, and said angrily:

"Wu Jinxuan, do you have a brain problem? Even if your grandfather is here, you dare not do this to League Master Lin! Do you dare to make people turn black and white in an attempt to make League Master Lin ugly?"

"Stone Santong! And you, did you spend a lot of time in Jing'an during this period of time? Even our leader, dare you to despise it?"

"Guo Wuye! I really know his identity!"

Shi Santong paled with fright, like a quail, kneeling to the ground, trembling all over!

The audience was in an uproar, looking at Lin Nan incredible!

"I wish to accept the bet. Since you have lost to the leader, within three days, you can sell all your property, exchange it for cash, and hand it over to the leader. Otherwise, hum!" Guo Xinwu is selfless, his eyes full of coldness. !


Shi Santong's mouth was full of bitterness, and he lowered his head in fear, his face was ashes!

"This matter has nothing to do with you, but you deliberately intervened and wanted to reverse the black and white. What do you think I should do with you?"

Lin Nan looked at Wu Jinxuan calmly, his eyes were indifferent, as if looking at an ant!

"Mr. Lin, please bypass me! I know I was wrong!

Wu Jinxuan was so frightened that she knelt on the ground, knocking her head like garlic!

"Guo Xinwu, get rid of this person, I don't want to see him again!"

Lin Nan said indifferently, he didn't want to kill people when he went out to go shopping with his wife and children today!

But Wu Jinxuan's actions have violated his majesty, and there is no chance of survival!

Wu Jinxuan's eyes were darkened with fright, and he fainted. The group of young men and women who followed him crossed the river like a mud bodhisattva. They were hard to protect themselves. Who would dare to stand up and speak for Wu Jinxuan?

One by one was as scared as a quail, hiding aside, clutching his mouth tightly!

"Leader Lin, he is from the Wu family in Shuzhong, isn't he—?"

Guo Xinwu was shocked!


Lin Nan glanced at Guo Xinwu!

His pupils were full of indifference and a deep chill, which caused Guo Xinwu's next half sentence to swallow into his stomach, and he dared not say another word!

"I understand!"

Guo Xin Wuyi's face is solemn, and the majesty of the master is not to be humiliated, let alone the leader of the martial arts, the thunder controller of the underground world!

Wu Jinxuan died, what's the deal? At that time, tell the ins and outs of the matter to the Wu family in Shuzhong, even if it is the old man of the Wu family, he will not say much!

The gambling on the stone ground did not cause much trouble to Lin Nan and others!

At noon, Jiang Hong finally got his wish and invited Lin Nan and others to have lunch!

After shopping until the afternoon, Lin Nan and others returned to the Liu Family Courtyard!


At night, in the room.

Liu Menghan finally went to sleep in his room and took Lin Momo away!

Lin Nan walked over, hugged her from behind Liu Ruqing, and said in a negotiating tone: "My wife, we can't delay our baby-making plan! Don't waste time, let's get started!"

"Not now, I didn't come!" Liu Ruqing refused.


Lin Nan was slightly taken aback!


Hearing these words, Lin Nan's hands trembled slightly!

Liu Ruqing said helplessly: "When I came to my aunt, I was always very accurate! This time I was delayed for half a month. When I went to the bathroom just now, I tested it with a test strip and found that I was...pregnant again!"

The atmosphere in the room was quiet!


Lin Nan laughed like a wolf howling!

"Ahahaha! Wife, you really are... hard to say! I love you to death!"

Lin Nan kissed Liu Ruqing's face fiercely, then picked her up again, and went around in circles!

Because of Lin Nan's laughter, the entire Liu family compound was shocked!

Everyone gathered here!

"what happened?"

"It's okay! It's okay! Poof, hahaha!"

Lin Nan's voice came from the room, but he couldn't hold it anymore, and he laughed!

Everyone in the Liu family left with doubts!

In the middle of the night, Lin Nan couldn't sleep at all. Looking at Liu Ruqing who was sleeping in his arms, the sound of symmetrical breathing came!

"Hmm! Puff, hahaha!"

Lin Nan twitched the corners of his mouth, holding back uncomfortably!

Last time, there was Lin Momo between the two, and it was a month before Lin Nan felt his own blood!

And this time, it only took more than half a month, so Lin Nan didn't feel it!

Own, actually have a second child?


Early the next morning, Lin Nan still had a thick smile on his face!

Shi Santong came to the Liu Mansion, he had converted all his assets into RMB and handed Lin Nan a bank card!

"Mr. Lin, this is all my assets, and I lost to you!"

Shi Santong knelt on the ground.

"It's okay! It's okay! You go!"

Lin Nan waved his hand generously, grinned and said, the corners of his mouth had to be withdrawn to the base of his ears!

"What? Mr. Lin, don't you blame me?"

Shi Santong raised his head in astonishment, feeling incredible!

"Why should I blame you? Mr. Shi, you are so cute!"

Lin Nan's eyes flickered, looking at the stone tee!


Shi Santong secretly swallowed and spit, feeling the chrysanthemum tight!

"Mr. Lin, don't tease me!"

"Who is teasing you? Let's go, I am in a good mood today and want to amnesty the world!"

Lin Nan felt that when he was dreaming, he would wake up with a smile. How could he still have time to worry about Shi Santong?

For hundreds of thousands of years, he has had countless women, but only Liu Ruqing has given birth to a daughter for him!

Because of this daughter, Lin Nan silenced his restless heart, letting the emperor not do it, and living with a group of ordinary people!

Unexpectedly, now Liu Ruqing is pregnant again!

"This planet is really good! It is simply my blessed land!"

Lin Nan couldn't help sighing. Today he feels everything he sees. It's very pleasing to the eye. It's a mere three links, so why not spare him?

"Lin Nan, I'm hungry, is breakfast ready?" Liu Ruqing's voice came.


Shi Santong only felt that Lin Nan turned into an afterimage and disappeared before his eyes!

"This—so fast???"

Shi Santong was dumbfounded, and his mind was full of question marks. Is this martial arts leader crazy?

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