There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 397: Smelly baba! Big trotters! (Third more)


There was a crisp sound, and Lin Nan pushed the door in, holding the dinner plate in his hand!

All kinds of exquisite food, there are more than a dozen dishes, he puts them on the table carefully by him!

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Lin Momo sat there, respectfully, looking at Lin Nan expectantly!

"Come on, open your mouth!"

Lin Nan sat down and picked up the breakfast, just like Liu Ruqing was pregnant with Lin Momo for the first time, feeding her!

Liu Ruqing smiled, enjoying the feeling of being taken care of, and opened her mouth obediently!

Looking at your parents, you look like you and me!

"Huh! Baba is eccentric. You used to feed me! You don't feed me now!"

Lin Momo snorted and wrinkled Qiong's nose, with two small hands stuck in his waist, standing there, pouting his mouth, looking at Lin Nan in anger!

"Hey, don't be angry, Mo'er! Your mother is pregnant now, so you need someone to wait on her!"

Lin Nan smiled.

"I do not care!"

Lin Momo waved his little head and said jealously: "Baba said, Mo'er is your little quilted jacket, don't you want your little quilted jacket now?"

The little girl said, making a look like she wanted to cry, tears rushing in her big eyes, she was about to cry!


Liu Ruqing saw Lin Momo's jealous appearance, almost laughing crazy!

"This one--!"

Lin Nan scratched the back of his head, feeling very troubled!

"Huh! Men are really big liars! Smelly papa! Big pig's hoof!"

Lin Momo became even more angry. The tears in her big eyes disappeared in an instant. They were all angry. She stared at Lin Nan and felt that she had fallen out of favor!


Lin Nan's old face blushed, very embarrassing!

"Big dog!"

Lin Momo yelled!


In the void, there was a dragon roar, resounding over the entire Hexi Province!

At this moment, I saw a golden glow that cut through the void, fell from the sky, and turned into a big yellow dog in mid-air, and ran in!


The Golden Sacred Dragon came to Lin Momo's feet and rubbed it lightly!

"Big dog, let's go! Ignore this big pig's hoof!"

Lin Momo sat behind Ergouzi and flew high in the sky, running without a trace!


Looking at Lin Momo, Liu Ruqing looked old-fashioned, turning and leaving, tears of laughter came out!

This is so much like a young girl who is pregnant with spring, after being abandoned by a grief, she left in anger!

"Master Xiandi, the daughter has grown up, and now has her own little temper. It depends on what you do, the daughter is not that easy to raise!"

"Hehe, raising my daughter so arrogant, you will suffer from it in the future!"

"What can I do, I am also desperate!"

Lin Nan looked helpless, Lin Momo was his first child, and it was his first time to be a father!

If you meet other people, dare to slap them in front of Lin Nan, slap them, make sure you are obedient and bow your heads!

But facing my daughter, I really don’t know what to do!

However, Lin Nan is not worried about Lin Momo's safety with the golden sacred dragon here!

At this moment, Liu Menghan also walked in, looking at the food on the table, saliva almost came out!

"Sit down and eat together!"

Liu Ruqing forcibly suppressed a smile. After her second pregnancy, her mentality seemed to change overnight!

"It's delicious! Brother-in-law, I heard it early in the morning. You went to the kitchen to cook for yourself. I didn't expect it to be so delicious!"

Liu Menghan was full of praise while eating.

"That's natural!"

Lin Nan smiled proudly. In addition to training, he did not study culinary skills less!

Besides, these ingredients are the top spirit creatures in his portable world. Just cook them, and the taste is comparable to the food made by the world's top chefs!


After taking Lin Momo with Lin Momo, Er Gouzi turned into a body after flying into the sky!

A golden dragon carrying Lin Momo, flying towards the north!

Lin Momo stood on the dragon's head, thrusting her waist, and said, "Big dog, let's go!"


The golden sacred dragon roared, speeding up!

At this moment, Kunlun Mountain, beside the Tianchi!

In the depths of the virgin forest ahead, a group of people flew quickly, and they looked extremely young!

One of the men was very dazzling, dressed in purple, and the group seemed to be headed by him!


"Huh? What is that?"

"A stele?"

"Yin Ruins monk, those who have passed through this world-die?"

After seeing the writing on the stele, all the monks stopped and stood in the air!

"Where is the Yin Ruins?"

One of them asked, surprised!

"Yin Ruins! It is the Abandoned World, the name given to our realm, and the Abandoned World here is called the Earth! Now that the two lands are merged together, there will be no Yin Ruins anymore and become the same world!" The girl frowned slightly and explained.

"We are the monks of Yin Ruins?"

This group of young men and women were shocked!

"Haha, it's interesting! Doesn't that mean that if we pass this realm, we will die?" One of the young men sneered.

"Seeing that this stone stele is weird, we can just go around!"

Someone suggested.

"Are you scared? Isn't it just a stone tablet? Look at me!"

The young man who sneered just now shook his head, a hint of contempt flashed in his eyes!

He stepped out and flew towards the stele ahead!


A shock of thunder fell out of thin air, smashing this young monk to death!


"Where did the sky thunder come from?"

The young people present were shocked, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they all couldn't help backing away from this stone monument!

Just now, the young man, a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building, was only one step away from the realm of the Golden Core. He was smashed to death by a sky thunder that fell out of thin air. Who is not surprised?


At this moment, a dragon roar came, and at the end of the sky, a golden light appeared!

I saw a little loli carved in pink jade, riding on a golden dragon, flying through the sky, rushing directly into the direction they came!

"what is that?"

"It seems like... a dragon? And a little girl?"

These young men and women looked at each other and rubbed their eyes. Could it be that they were mistaken?

"Absolutely not wrong! This is a real dragon! Why is there such a creature? A real dragon alive?"

"A true dragon is born! If the news is spread, it will be against the sky!"

This group of young men and women opened their mouths wide and can squeeze a fist!


At this time, the Golden Sacred Dragon is transmitting!

"Master, I am taking my little master into Dongsheng Shenzhou, everything is fine!"

"Mo'er is in a bad mood now, please tease her more!" Lin Nan replied through voice transmission thousands of kilometers away.

"Yes, master!"

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