There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 398: In the underground world, ghosts and gods gather! (Fourth)

That day.

Lin Nan took Liu Ruqing and left Li's house in Hexi and returned to the villa on the bank of Yanhu Lake in Jiangnan!

As soon as he got home, Lin Nan made a detailed plan for raising a baby!

"Mother Feng! Come here!"

Lin Nan shouted as soon as he returned to the villa.

"Uncle? Why did you come back so soon?"

Feng Ma hurried over and asked strangely!

"Hey, because Ruqing is pregnant, of course she has to come back early. From now on, Ruqing will start to have a good baby! If there is something, don't make her tired!"

Lin Nan said with a smile, where is the image of Emperor Ling Tian, ​​just like an ordinary man!

"What? Miss is pregnant?"

Feng Ma was overjoyed immediately, her face was full of excitement!

"Uncle, you are right! This is a big deal, miss, you must give birth to a fat boy!"

"Huh, Feng Ma! I want to have another daughter, what do I think of him!"

Liu Ruqing snorted softly.

"Haha! Even if you have ten daughters, I can still afford it!" Lin Nan laughed.

The blood in Liu Ruqing's body has not yet formed, so Lin Nan does not know for the time being, whether the fetus in Liu Ruqing's belly is a male or a female!

In another half month, through the blood of the emperor, you should be able to know!

Seeing Lin Nan's appearance, Liu Ruqing asked, "Are you not worried about Mo'er at all?"

"Er Gouzi is looking at her, she is absolutely safe. There is no one on this planet who is Er Gouzi's opponent! If anyone dares to bully her, I promise that others are unlucky!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"It's you! It's so strange to be pregnant with my blood again, don't you know, it's so difficult to want a child in my realm!"

As Lin Nan spoke, the look in Liu Ruqing's eyes became more and more rare!

After human beings cultivate, a lot of energy will be accumulated in the body!

With a cultivation base above the Nascent Soul, it is very difficult to want a heir, not to mention that Lin Nan, a character of the immortal emperor level, wants a child, it is even more difficult to go to the sky!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have only had Lin Momo's daughter for hundreds of thousands of years!

Now, Liu Ruqing is pregnant again. Lin Nan feels that this is a gift from God!

"Just think about it, what did we do that night? Maybe we can have many children in the future, hahahaha!"

Thinking of this, Lin Nan got excited and laughed up to the sky!

"I'm going to die! I'm not a pig, why do I have so many births?" Liu Ruqing glared at Lin Nan.

"My wife, you can't be angry when you're pregnant, I was wrong! I apologize! Besides, if you are a pig? Wouldn't you be a piglet if you were born!"

Lin Nan stood there, with a serious look that made Liu Ruqing couldn't help but laughed!


"What are you doing so worried about? Having children is something every woman knows. I have given birth to Mo'er, so don't worry about these!" Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan quietly.

"That won't work! My woman must get the best treatment. From now on, she must accept my full care as before!" Lin Nan shook his head decisively.

Feng Ma stood by, smiling, watching the two quarrels!


At this moment, in the center of the Pacific Ocean, there is an island that is not on the map!

This island has a radius of less than 50 kilometers, but it has everything!

The luxurious villas, the racing track around the island, the airport where the planes take off and land, and even the anti-radar device, the satellites of any country in the world, the radar can not detect here!

This island is called Shenling Island!

Dare to name it after the word "God", which shows the identity and status of this island!

On the Shenling Island, in a luxurious villa, there are more than a dozen people wearing ancient costumes, both men and women. They sit here, closed their eyes and rested without talking to each other!

In addition to these people, the dark giants of the underground world are all present!

People such as the Spirit Snake King, Blood Meng, Windrunner No. 2 and others, like servants, stood behind these elders with their hands bound, their heads slightly lowered, and they did not dare to take a breath!

There was silence in the lobby of the entire villa!


"Da da da!"

There was a sound of footsteps, accompanied by a man's deep laughter:

"Haha, you ancient ghosts and gods, all have awakened. It seems that the Yin Ruins world is fused with the earth, and you all can't sit still!"

All the people in the hall opened their eyes, and looked at the man at the entrance of the villa!

This person is wearing a bare upper body, short fiery red hair, bronzed skin, and his muscles are like stones, high and bulging!

As soon as he entered the venue, everyone's eyes gathered together!

"Hercules-St. Ossigu! The rumors from the outside world are good, you really wake up!"

An old man said solemnly, looking at the muscular man!

"Haha, now the Yin Ruins and the earth are reborn and merged together again, the aura has recovered, of course I will wake up, you old guys, aren't you also born?"

St. Osigo laughed and walked into the hall with his hand held down.

"Humph! Just when the old man was born, he learned that the last wolf king of my clan had been killed!"

A tall man with a strong breath snorted coldly!

"Wolf God! Not only you, but even my descendants left in the world have been cut off! The person called the Thunder Master is probably as strong as mine, and his strength is at least the pinnacle of heaven! "

A man with withered flesh and blood, like a corpse, spoke. He felt like a kerosene lamp in the wind, which would go out at any time!

"Mountain ghost! We came this time, isn't it just to join forces to kill this person?" The wolf **** sneered.

This withered old man comes from Southeast Asia and is the teacher of the Black Witch King. I don't know how many years he has lived!

More than ten days ago, he crawled out of a grave like a corpse from the depths of the main altar of the Black Witch Sect, shocking countless disciples of the Black Witch Sect!

"So, the Underground World Forum, did you guys reopen it?"

Another voice came in from outside the villa!

Hercules-San Osigu, Wolf God, Mountain Ghost and others, all look towards the entrance of the villa!

I saw two men strode forward, one of them wearing a golden battle suit with six pairs of white wings behind them, just like seraphs in Western fairy tales!

The other person, covered in black mist surging with the breath of death, also had six pairs of wings behind him, but these six pairs of wings were black!

The expressions of the ghosts and gods present changed, and they all stood up and said in a deep voice:

"Archangel Gabriel!"

"Fallen angel Lucifer? Unexpectedly you are here too!"

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